How is anyone affording christmas gifts this year? I could barely afford Thanksgiving…What are some things I can do to make some money before Christmas?
I love Christmas, I’ve always gone all out. This year it hasn’t been possible. The cost of everything. We’ve cut out purchasing for Grandparents, Parents, Aunts Etc., they are getting a card and a update photo of the kids. We actually did a 2nd hand Christmas this year. Everything, I’ve purchased has been 2nd. My kids gave me a list of what they wanted. I searched buy & sell groups, 2nd hand-stores, posted in mom groups what I was looking for. Each kid had a budget. You wouldn’t believe what I’ve gotten. I have successfully for 4 kids done Christmas for under $500.
I don’t know about before Christmas but vote red in 2024
I’ve heard of people doing 3 gifts. 1 thing you want, 1 thing you need, 1 thing to read. Because Christmas isn’t really about the gifts. Cooperate American made it about gifts to make $$$. I’ve been wanting to do that myself. I don’t like the get the kids big stuff unless it’s bday or Xmas tho so I believe in teaching them to work and save for what they want. I was thinking of doing the “big gift” for like a new year new toy kinda thing. Santa never brought big gifts to my kids when they were little, only stocking stuffers. So maybe do that with the kids or if they’re older explain inflation and tell them you’ll buy what you can when possible.
You could donate plasma for extra money. It pays pretty good. I know people who make $100 each time and donate twice a week. Plus you are also helping to save lives
I stopped stressing about Christmas years ago. I would get myself so depressed I couldn’t get out of bed. I took it back to the true meaning of Christmas! Being with loved ones and family! My kids get 1 gift they really want which I purchase through out the year and then little small cheap things when I can. Children are bought random things throughout the year, toys, books, whatever. Why stress yourself over filling a tree for 1 day usually with things they didn’t even want? It’s not worth the stress
Definitely start shopping through out the year. It doesn’t help this year but it DEFINITELY helps in the long run. Especially if you have a lot of people to buy for like we do. Also shop during sales and deals.
For now, sell things you can get rid of that you have on hand.
All kinds of things to try…if you have kids look for an Angel Tree program in your area. I’ve done Doordash for extra money before. I also like to clean out a lot of old toys/junk before “Santa” comes so I’ll sell all kinds of odds and ends online…be surprised what people buy. And also…make it special. Does not have to be about expensive gifts. If there’s a crafty thing you like to do…make something for everyone…my Grandma used to bake a bunch of cakes and then cut a large piece and everyone got a “cake plate” with 8 different slices of cake on it. A cheap thing I like to do for my kids/family is little goody bags with their fave snacks/fruits/candies. Also, delivering for Instacart. Don’t get too down. Hugs
Sell some things you don’t really need or use anymore. See if there is an elderly needing some help cleaning around her home or something…im not working and on EI at the moment…I started buying Xmas gifts throughput the year…each one of my checks, I bought something for the kids. Also, if you have a spouse, maybe talk to them about only doing Xmas for the kids. My hubby and I haven’t done anything for eachother at Xmas in 8 years. It’s for the kids anyways.
I start putting money away for Christmas earlier in the year… otherwise maybe sell anything you don’t need and buy only for kids. Or you could do part of the kids gift a weekend away at a hotel with pool (if its not something you usually do) and can pay for that later.
I shop throughout the year…Each paycheck just buy one or two things. Then when Christmas gets here, I have enough.
I know families that do Christmas in January-May when taxes go through.
Buy gifts throughout the year.
If your kids are young enough wrap up a toy they haven’t played with in awhile and ‘regift’ it.
It’s tough and sometimes we only give one gift per child or one big gift for all kids.
I have a few toy drive events saved in my phone that will be happening, my kids love those lol.
I usually go to dollar general (they have pretty decent toys) and dollar tree they have small toys for stocking stuffers
Suggestion: during tax time put a few hundred on a prepaid visa to save for xmas im doing this next year. Or honestly maybe have an after xmas celebration theres always sales on toys and such after
this year i signed up for angel tree and plan on going to some church giveaways and food pantries.
I also signed up to do delivery driving for walmart, to make extra money.
I also remind myself that as long as my family and i are together that’s all that matters. The gifts and hugh amounts of food are not important. So if it doesn’t go how i want atleast i was with my kids and husband.
I shop through out the year. I have 4 kids, but I always make sure not to get it ALL , that way near Christmas, they give me ideas and then I can usually get something on their list.
Put add on facebook were u live,will clean house,with reference,dont depend on church are some one else.if u health is well,and have a car.
I usually only do 1 big gift and then 2 or 3 smaller ones
Do an emerald h and r block holiday loan against your taxes? We did it once when my mom was dying and I had to go home. You pay it back at tax time.
Wait til you can afford gifts I don’t pressure myself
Definitely shop throughout the year
i start shopping in summer . one thing a week, slowly i have big pile. i pay attention to what my kids wants and mention and then it usually matches their list to.
Salvation Army will help with 3 gifts for each kid at Christmas if you’re low income.
Donate plasma. Sell things online, buy (if you can) from marketplace, thrift shops
Definitely Save/shop throughout the year.
There is an app called “Affirm” where you just input basic information and income, they will give you a certain amount to start with and gradually increase your limit as you make successful, monthly on-time payments.
Shop year round and clearance
Shop on Temu. Lots of great stuff for amazing prices!!
My kids dad isn’t helping with my 2 oldests Christmas for the 3rd year in a row. I have this app that u can buy really cheap stuff from. My daughter asked for a butterfly necklace and I found one for 25 cents. It’s free shipping too. I know it’s not advice on how to make money but If u do come across the extra money this app would really be good for stocking stuffers. They have bigger stuff on there for cheap too but I mainly bought stocking stuffers. I hope it helps
Knock knock~A FREE Gift for you in Fishland on TEMU app by raising fish!!! Time-limited campaign for TEMU grand opening!
also salvation army and goodwill for younger kids!!! they have countless toddler toys for like 1$ or 3$ that at store are 30$ !!!
Why do gifts have to be gift wrapped. How about home made cookies, candy, cake, or running errands, a few flowers. It is really the thought that counts not the money spent.