How do you bathe a child that has broken bone?

If your kid has broken a bone, how did you bathe them? I remember when we were kids my mom would tie a trash bag around the cast. Is this still “the way” to do it? Is there a better way? My sweet boy broke his forearm and had to be casted up past his elbow. I’m scared to give him a shower or bath lol.


My daughter broke her wrist 3 years ago and I always tied a grocery bag around her arm and then a trash bag over that for bath time.

My daughter broke her wrist and had a cast halfway up her arm. The ortho dr had a silicone glove type thing that went over it and sealed.

Tie a bag around it and keep it pushing. Common sense isn’t so common anymore I guess

4 Likes covers made just for protecting casts

Same old way- garbage bag and some duct tape over the arm , leg, etc. there’s really no other logical way- that’s cost effective


I had a cast on my leg and got this from Amazon. Works great

Walmart has something you can buy to put over cast when bathing, it’s in the pharmacy. I would ask the where they are located

Go to Amazon and search for cast cover for showering for kids. They make them specifically for that. I got my husband one for his foot and it works great.

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The doctor didn’t tell you?

Also you can buy washcloth that have soap on it and you don’t have to rinse it off. Just make sure you dry the area completely

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The doctor didn’t tell you, is common sense really not that common? 

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My som had the same type of break. The cast he had one actually required it to get wet. It was a aqua-cast. The water allowed it to expand and keep a better shape around his arm. So he would take showers and baths the same way he did before breaking his arm. Made life so much easier.

Casts now are waterproof. Shower like normal and it will dry on its own.

If he’s going to take a bath just have sit in the tub a different direction with his arm on the side of tub and he should be good to go and u will be all good

Amazon!! Water proof sleeve they are great!! And really work

When my son broke his wrist we got a waterproof arm cover from amazon!

What instructions did the doctor tell you? That’s what you should follow

You can buy something like this to cover it, they sell all different kinds on Amazon. Hope he feels better soon :heart:

I used Saran Wrap. Just ‘shingle’ it, up, then back down.

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Cvs sells Cast n Wound protector

Get a waterproof cover for it x

When my son broke his foot he had a cast up his leg (he was only 18 months) and we just laid his on his back in an empty bath with the water running and had his foot propped up on the outside of the tub also wrapped in a bag and tape with a couple sock over the cast to for extra protection. In between baths we just sponge bathed him and if he had been older we’d washed his hair in the sink

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My 6 year old has casts on both arms currently. (Broke both his wrists in a fall) and ive been having him sit in the tub and putting a towel on the edge and having him rest his arms there while I wash him down.

This is what we used when my son broke his arm. And bought a 2nd one for the second broken arm.

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I went to the hay and feed store and got equine wrap and a plastic bag.

Amazon has covers to cover it

Only one of my kids has broken a bone. He broke his wrist but was put in a splint that could get wet.

That said …I had surgery on my arm with bandaging from my fingers to above my elbow. I wasn’t allowed to get any of the bandaging wet or dirty.
We wrapped my arm in syran wrap up to my shoulder and then taped a trash bag over all of that.

Amazon had some good cast covers that work. My daughter literally swam all summer with her broken arm.

Garbage bag works just fine