How did everyone break their baby from bottles and get them on sippy cups?
Threw the bottles away on first birthday and didnt look back
Just took them away when my son turned 1 and gave him a sippy cup
Sippy cup. Bottles got put in storage and there was no other option.
Just said Happy Birthday…no more bottles. Once each of my kids turned 1, I took the bottle away. No issues
I just took my sons one night and put his milk in a 360 instead. Once he realized it was the same milk just new cup, he was fine. Never looked back.
My daughter was 11 months when we switched from a bottle to a cup with a straw. We never looked back. She liked drinking my drinks from a straw so she got her own so we didn’t have to share anymore.
Slowly throw them away and start handing sippys to them
My son had bottles for bed time and one day he gave in and started sleeping with sippys
It takes time but you can do it
I just threw them all away and gave them sippy cups. It was hard for a day or 2 but after that it was smooth sailing.
Just took the bottles away. If they are thirsty they will drink from a soppy eventually x
Once the baby starts walking you throw them away its easy.
Threw them away on both of my babies 1st birthdays and then gave them sippies it took them a little bit to figure it out but they took the sippies and figured them out rather quickly…
I introduced the sippy cup at 9months old during the day. By 1yr old there was no more bottle at all. Only sippy cups
My kid is tough and went nuts when I tried taking them away cold turkey. A few months later I tried the Nuk Learner cup and he took it with no problem. Never looked back
Just stopped giving them bottles, might be a rough day it two but eventually they get over it
My daughter has been using a sippy at meal times since 4 months. At 9 months she really doesn’t cry for the actual bottle anymore.
Tossed them in the trash one morning. They will get thirsty enough to drink from a cup
Told my daughter Santa needed them for the baby reindeer. Left them in a gift bag by the milk and cookies. LOL
It was hard for my son but just dont give it to them, start with a cup and a straw for kids or sippy cups they will eventually get it
I got my child to put all there bottles in a box and told him that the fairies would come take them and return the box with things for him when he opened the box next day there was al different sippy cups for him was the easiest
I started at 11 months switching a feeding at a time to milk in a starting with the bottles she ate the least of. By 1 she was off formula and bottles
I started with the NUK learner cups first, the top is square but it’s a nipple texture. Then move to the harder top sippy as they get used to holding on with the handles.
I used Nubbys with both my girls…and at that time Nubby had interchangeable sippy nipples…it was the best transition
I just totally threw her bottles away and only gave her sippy cups after she turned one.
Put them away and only offer sippy cups.
I started by giving them juice in the cup once a day for a month.Then giving the cup at mealtimes with whole milk and the juice and water at snack time for a month. Then limiting bottles to bedtime only until around 18 months then just threw all the bottles away and gave just the cup.
Started introducing sippy cups with water at 6 m with food .
I used trainer sippy cups and my son was a champ he was off the bottle the first time he used the trainer sippy
I did the nuk sippy cups that had a texture exactly like bottle nipples
Just throw them away so you won’t be tempted to get them back out! They’ll get used to it in a day or two.
For the most part, I just threw them away one day and that was that. But for my one kid that that didn’t work on, I put like room temp water in the bottle, and chocolate milk or juice in the cup and after a few days they realized the cup had a better tasting drink in it and stopped going after the bottle
Just got a dr brown bottle/sippy cup off Amazon for $7 just change the nipples out
With my son I just handed him a cup and threw the bottles away and with my daughter her dad you know said no more bottles and gave her a cup and she was really mad for a few hours but she got over it
When my babies(18 & 9) turned 1… I told them to say “bye bye” and tossed them in the garbage! They never asked for them.
Offered the 360 munkchin cups with water and snacks and eventually got the hang of it probably because his sister has one too and he probably thinks she’s cool lol so he wants to be cool too . He started using them at 10months. We still give bottle at nighttime and for day nap.
Toss the bottles and endure the few days it takes to get them to use a sippy. I usually started with the soft tip nuby sippy cups then moved to the 360.
I threw all the baby bottles away and got him sippy cups. It takes a minute but they get used to it. I also recommend ones that are good for the teeth. My sons front teeth are messed up from the hard plastic. I’m now trying a 360 cup.
At a year, garbage day, had mine throw them away and watch the garbage truck take they away. We would go to the store a pick a brand new cup. Worked all 6 times
I just threw them away one night and introduced the sippy cup the next morning and an open cup in the after noon didn’t like either but when there thirsty they will use it
If you would like to answer this question anonymously, head to our forum! How did you break your child from bottles?
What i used they used
Introduced soft tipped sippy and at 1 I threw all the bottles away
Throw the bottle away
I made her throw it away. She didn’t ask for it again.
I threw out all of her bottles and only gave her sippy cups
I started mine in soft tip sippy cups around 8 months during the day and by10 months they didn’t want the bottles any more.
I see a lot of comments saying people introduced a sippy/ straw cup/ etc between 8-12 months and then never looked back…
My child was introduced to all the cups between 6-12 months. She’s never drank anything but her milk/formula from a bottle. She refuses to drink her milk from a cup. Any cup. Other than a bottle… anyone have an similar experiences and tips?
I kept sippy cups laying around at first and tried giving it them at meals. My oldest had a hard time with the nipple to solid change, so I found nuby had a brand with a top softer like the bottle. And slowly worked away from those. My second was stealing my oldest sippy when he started to crawl lol
Cut the tip of the bottle!
I used normal cups from 6m and held the cup. By 9-12 m drinking by themselves. Otherwise you have to then wean them off sippy cups. I’ve also not had to buy mine braces as their teeth are naturally straight from not pushing against a sippy cup.
Name a big deal out of the sippy cup.
These worked great. Started them to get daughter off milk and bottle at night.
The easiest ways to deal with transitions is to implement things long before it’s time to try and achieve that goal .
I started introducing my son to sippycups during the day and only letting him have his bottle at night then at 18months old I told him to throw his bottle away and he did, no more bottles after that.
I told my son the dog ate his bottle. He said bad dog and never asked for it again.
When we started table foods that got sippy cups with water. A lot of bottle makers make sippy style nipples and we switched them out and eventually went cold turkey at 1 and did sippy cups.
Started introducing sippy cups around 6/7 months. At 1 we just tossed the bottles & that was that.
I just threw them away at 1. And handed them sippys.
Just gave him tippie cups and normal cups it was actually quite easy tbh he sometimes wpupd ask for a bottle we would say they for baby’s then he just gave up on asking which wasn’t much at all and now he has no bottles for about 7months now
I just lowered the amount, then put in a soft spout bottle, like a sippy cup, and gave it to him with dinner, rather then just before bed, then went to a cup with dinner, now he just has water. And has a cup of milk with like lunch twice a week.
I put the milk into baby bottle then glad wrap and put the teat on! They went getting anything from the bottle and it was so easy
My youngest was bc Irma but try sipping cups
I just give a cup starting at 6 months and then at 1 I simply take the bottle… my mom thinks its mean but I am on baby # 4 and it’s worked for me … baby #4 is 11 months old now and he doesn’t even k ow that his bottle is about to disappear… but my kids have only ever had formula in a bottle and never had a bottle to go to bed so that may make it easier as they’re not really attached to the bottle but the food in it … idk …I’m just winging it
Start introducing the sappy cup in between, this might help.