How do you breastfeed in public?

Boy, you’d be uncomfortable around me! I nursed anywhere, anytime, no cover. I tandom nursed for almost 2 years, so occasionally we had 2 kids fighting over a boob :joy:


They actually sell nursing shirts… I honestly nver knew this till just a few days ago :joy: but honestly I’d say just do what you’re comfortable with… Baby has to eat…

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I would breast feed at home or where I felt I had privacy. When I was out and about I would do formula in a bottle. My son got use to both and never lost interest n breastfeeding.

Yes to all of the above. I brought bottles, nursed in the car, nursed in public. I’m a not too tight t-shirt person with a large chest, so it’s easy to just lift and you don’t see any more of me that you’d see if I wore a short shirt.


I carried a light receiving blanket to cover up with, they now make nursing coverups. Just find a quiet corner to feed baby, where there’s little to no foot traffic. Or bring bottles, but you’ll still need to pump.

Ok, I was 14 when my baby brother was born… It didn’t stop any activities for my mom to breast feed…
She covered herself and my baby brother with a shawl or a light blanket…
She walked and fed or sat and fed perfectly comfortably…
Of course he was #6 and she had lots of practice.


I always shopped at stores that had dressing rooms…now that we have covid, that’s harder to find. Otherwise, I’d nurse in the car. I know people who use the double shirt technique. You have on a tank top under a regular top and pull up one top and pull down the other and nurse that way. You’re all covered except baby’s head.


I’m an older mom and did not breastfeed, mainly because I had to go back to work. This was back in the seventies. I don’t mind mother’s breast feeding but I do have issues with moms who make a spectacule of themselves while do it. Use a light covering over the breast. Having to take bottles with me is hard to keep them cool and then warm up later. Our society has it does and don’t, be also considerate to other people around you. I personally have a problem with women who think I need to see their whole breast while eating!

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I bought a muslin nursing cover with a strap that hooks around my neck. Light enough I can get a breeze through it and not get too hot. Only issue is she thinks it’s for playing peekaboo so I gotta tuck the ends under her.

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I could not carry my baby and nurse I found a discreet place to sit ( either my car, a fitting room, restrant booth or even a bathroom ) only because she would get distracted.

Early on, I did it in the car, once they were older, I started using bottles with pumped milk. I was the same way. I did have a great wrap that covered a lot that I used in the car. I was super nice when we went places with nursing or mother’s rooms. They had one at the Sheds Aquarium when we took my older son on a scout trip, and it was super nice. I found a lot of family oriented places had these rooms available.

Two shirt method works great, cover isn’t even necessary. Nursed in public for 18 months and never got a second glance.

I’ve breasted 3 kids in 20 states as we travelled a lot
I just threw a blanket over me

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I worked full time & pumped frequently. If we were out of the house I would plan ahead, bring a bottle & grab milk from the freezer in our way out. I had an insulated bag & cold pack to keep the milk in until needed.


I pumped for when we were out and about and for nighttime feedings as well, since the dad was willing to wake up in the middle of the night to feed too. If I was out too long and had to breastfeed I just used a light coverup, mostly because it helped the baby focus on feeding and made me more comfortable. You don’t HAVE to be comfortable breastfeeding in public just because others say you should be. You do you mama! Your way is the right way for you and your baby.

-Nurse at home ,That way bottles are available to-go.
-in public, if absolute necessary, with a little blanket :sparkling_heart:. It’s not rocket science.

Invest in a hand pump and bottle feed breast milk if your not comfortable…I didn’t care what anyone thought and just did it…its your right as a mother but whatever makes you comfortable


When I was breastfeeding at home and had company over… going to another room put the baby on come back out with a blanket over… which technically is not approved of nowadays… but the baby could eat I could have a conversation nobody knew what I was doing I.e my brother… but I also found out that I really could not nurse I starved my son so I never breastfed my daughter… but if you’re walking through a store and they’re nursing and you throw something over your shoulder it’s not well known they just think it’s sleeping and you’re holding a baby… or you can try to nurse before you go out in public so they’re well fed and sleeping… being someone that couldn’t nurse that’s the best advice I can give

none of my kids would tolerate a blanket, even a thin one, over their heads. So i did the one up one down with tanktops. only a thin line of boob and nipple would show even when they would pop off to look around. and most of the time the tank that was pulled up would fall down immediately when their face was out of the way.

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I bought several nursing shirts that helped decrease exposure. When my oldest was really young I had a sling to carry him in and he could snuggle in there and nurse while I was shopping, etc.

Use a blanket!! Always cover!! People are weird about that! I think it is precious!!

As a guy, I am able to give you step by step instructions how to breastfeed in public.

Step 1: have a breast
Step 2: have a baby
Step 3: because it is your breast, and your baby, use the breast how you wish, to feed the baby how where and when you wish.
Step 4: use pointiest shoe possible to kick any judgemental dipshit feeling the need to criticize.

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I was never really comfortable either. Two of my kiddos would take bottles. Another one wouldn’t. So I had to get comfortable. I used a nursing cover as long as I could. When she started pulling them off I just had to get used to the fact that she didn’t care for the cover, and I don’t blame her, it gets stuffy and hot under those things. But you can’t stay home all the time, so I just did the best I could. I would get away from people as much as I could if I could and nurse in a corner, but when I couldn’t I had to learn to deal with it. And for me it wasn’t about other people, because I could care less what they said, I just didn’t feel comfortable doing it. But I guess you do what you gotta do when they refuse the bottle…

I was completely uncomfortable but was hell bent on no formula so I would do the 2 shirt method. Nursing tank and loose fitting top shirt. I was always wondered what people thought til I had people approach me and think he was just relaxed or asleep even tho he was actually nursing. After that I just nursed when he needed to eat. But always remember fed is best

Relax…I usually nursed in private…both baby and mom are more relaxed. Or find a quiet corner…have gone into a restroom mostly because mine didn’t like a cover, but also because I had one that would latch on. Let me down and then if someone spoke, he got nosy, pulled off and we both got soaked…sprayed milk all over the place.

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Please don’t feel the need to breastfeed in a public restroom. How gross. Do you want to eat in a restroom? Feed baby right before running errands. When I was in a restaurant I would always sit in a booth and pull my shirt up from the bottom. Baby’s head covered my breast. Sometimes I would nurse in the car. My son would not nurse with anything over his head or face, so a cover up wouldn’t work. He also never would take a rubber nipple, so no pumping and using a bottle. But I never fed him in a restroom. That’s just gross.

I respectfully nursed any where I needed to. Never hide. It’s a natural thing. C

when I had to nurse in public ,I used a diaper or thin small blanket to cover myself and the nursing baby ,nobody said anything

i carried a light weight recieving blanket and wore clothes where i didnt have to strip to feed and then just held baby and draped the blanket over my shoulder and baby. nobody could see anything, it looked like he was sleeping and i was comfortable

I used a baby blanket to cover myself

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I was so shy when I had my first that I fed in the car. Until we were in Georgia in June without air conditioning. I said forget this. I marched in the Pizza Hut with his blanket and fed him. I was covered the whole time. I had decided that it was natural to feed my child and damn anyone who felt differently.

Use a crib sheet! They are huge and airy! The elastic corners allow you to keep it over your shoulders as around your elbows

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Most women like breastfeeding and like having to use a cover to do so without exposing their breast to public. Sitting in car is fine at table is fine as long as covered. Not in a bathroom that’s nasty never saw a grown up eat in bathroom in public places! Just show respect for self cover yourself and baby! No one wants to see your boob!

You can nurse anywhere you want. They sell these blanket things that you put through your head and it gives you and the baby the privacy that you need.

Be as discreet as possible, for your comfort and to keep baby focused on the task! Car is a great refuge if you can park safely.

I also covered up. Grocery shopping I would use a jellybean baby carrier wrap thing and a blanket over them.

But the muslin wrap blankets nice and big for covering up!
Great for later still have thrones used for 9&7 now grandkids great for light coverups for movie theaters beach or me for a nap! It takes time for you to be comfy it will come naturally peace grandma

My niece had a special thing to cover her while breastfeeding. It worked well she used it in changing areas etc.

If possible nurse before you leave home, get errands done hopefully before they get hungry again. But if needed take a small blanket to cover with, or feed in the car

Now a days they make these nursing cover ups that double as a car seat cover and they are the best material so soft and stretchy. I loveeeeee mine! I can nurse in public very easily and it’s not hot or uncomfortable for baby. And they are so discreet no one can see anything.

My second daughter was a preemie. My husband’s family were absolutely embarrassed by the fact that I breast fed her. I was shut in a room, by myself, so that I was not an embarrassment to the “family “. One of the reasons that he is my ex. My girls will never know this.:pensive:

Decently…take a small baby blanket with u n cover the area while u r feeding…I don’t know the hangup these days…they did it n my day n it was not a big thing…

In my day all women who breast fed in public covered their breast and babies head with a soft drape or receiving blanket. I also expressed milk into bottles so it was available when I went out or had a babysitter.

Throw a receiving blanket and nurse wherever you are. It’s natural and easy. AND RELAX

Cover with a lightweight but not see through blanket & gently rub baby’s back as if your consoling. I sat in the car with air/heat on.

I nursed in the car if needed. I couldn’t nurse out in public because he was a majorly distracted eater so would pull off to look around and I couldn’t use a cover because he over heated easily.

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Used a blanket or the sling I carried my baby around in to stay modest.

I always kept a small receiving blanket and threw it over my shoulder. Most folks didnt even notice or thought kids were sleeping.

I have both a bottle and breastfeed in the car if we are driving and we can’t stop bottle it is if there is a place to pull over I will breastfeed its all up to you

I pump breasts and put in bottles to feed in public. Its handy and more comfortable for me as well

I just nursed in the car until baby and I were comfortable in public.


In the beginning I was terrified. Then I started going to an in person support group through the local hospital. I got comfortable there. Then I used a cover and went to areas that were less crowded when out. Finally I got to the point where I felt comfortable enough to just whip it out. If my baby was hungry I was going to feed her. Whatever makes you comfortable is what you should do and screw other people.

this is 2021, breastfed babies are healthier!!! keep a receiving blanket and cover yourself if U are uncomfortable. The baby isnt going to care what ppl think. Take advantage of ur rights. In my day we were banned to a bathroom or a car. That is not the case now!!!

You ladies never heard of cover up??
You always carry a diaper, when nursing simply lay the diaper over the baby and your brest. Seen done many many times with no complaints, nothing shows.

Get a blanket and then feed your baby when needed.

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Lol I can’t even tell when my boyfriends sister is breastfeeding I guess you get smooth with it after awhile and some practice

I have 7 kids. I breastfed everywhere and anywhere…even church. I just was respectful to those around me and was discreet. I sometimes used a blanket, other times a breastfeeding cover. There were times I just turned myself and lifted my shirt enough.

I breast fed wherever. I would always wear v neck shirts or button up or something that was easy for me to nurse in. I would drape a blanket around them, and would cover the back of her head, but never covered her face or my chest. It only looked like I was cradling them.

Well my son didn’t latch so I pump, when I go out I mainly pump in my car.

Throw a light cloth over your shoulder. They sell swaddling blankets that we used to call "receiving blankets " . This will shield your modesty while happily nursing your baby in public.

I struggled with this with my first three. There was a significant lack of support back then. With my most recent two, I just feed them, whenever & wherever I am. I don’t make a show of it, I have the breastfeeding tops that allow direct access, I use the baby’s head to make sure I don’t completely expose myself, and I don’t use a cover. As long as you’re being polite & not just flopping your exposed breast around, no one will bother you & you’ll become less uncomfortable quite quickly

I always feed in the car when going out of town and when absolutely had to I would use the 2 shirt method and cover with a light blanket.

Be discrete to your comfort. I always thought it was better to nurse in a quiet relaxing place. I used a breast pump often enough so I would have to go bottles when I needed them. I would not just whip it out anywhere. It wasn’t for me but kudos to those who do. I’d freeze bottles of milk and be set for a day out. Or for hubby to feed baby so I could sleep. I’d nurse at my in laws or grandparents house but just started packing bottles for ease.

I always carried a very lightweight receiving blanket and covered the area. Babies didn’t mind while nursing.

80s and 90s girls wear tank tops under our shirts always, which makes nursing easy. Shirt up, tank down, leaves a small space for nipple. Never shows any skin! I’ve actually walked and shopped while nursing, and people had no clue,lol!

It’s been long time since nursing mine, but it was no big deal in public. I am not an exhibitionist, I always laid baby in front of me just unsnapped bra from top, and lifted the bottom of my top up over nipple just enough to give access. Baby latched quickly and ate while I held her. Baby’s head and face pretty much covered what was exposed of my breast. I also had this really cool kangaroo carrier pouch that held baby so I could have hands free. Gift from a friend who lives in Australia. I could just keep her inside it and feed her while walking around stores. Nobody could see anything that was going on under the kangaroo carrier. It was a really breathable fabric so baby was not too hot or uncomfortable. It was extremely helpful in early infancy. I will never understand why anyone feels the need to have whole breast out in the open. I fed in public often and no one ever was the wiser, because I didn’t take off whole top and pop out entire boob. Baby never liked being covered so my method allowed baby to eat without being covered and without me flashing the world my giant engorged boob.

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I breast fed my youngest until he was 19 months. I took a receiving blanket and tossed it over us until he was latched in then I pulled it back enough that we could see each other but not enough that everyone around was able to see.
We did Disney for 4 days when he was about 7 months. No issues. Wear clothes that is easy to breastfeed in. Shirts that button or zip in the front are what I liked.

You can be a breastfeeding mother and go in public .cover self or go to the car or restroom (if it is clean),

Never did. If I had to feed my kids when in public, I went to the car or a quiet private bathroom. One can br feed in a dignified manner by covering up with a blanket.

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Feed your baby by any method you want. Bottles can be used by anyone and can give you a break. If you want to breast feed just use something light to cover up with when you are around others. Don’t feel as if you have to hide in restrooms. Some places have a rocking chair or seats for nursing mothers.

I just put baby under my shirt or use a muslin blanket to cover with

I feed whenever wherever my baby is hungry. If its extremely crouded ill go out to the car or ask if the place has a feeding area

I bought formula for when we were out.

My Granddaughters used bottles in public , because many women get jealous of the fact that their husbands or boyfriends might look at them.

I felt the same way so I brought a very light weight cover and used it. Just what I did baby never got to hot.:woman_shrugging:t3:

Cover yourself with a blanket. Light weight just to give you privacy.

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I just covered up but you could pump and use a bottle. Or nurse at home snd formula bottle in public.

Cover with a blanket , shawl . Do not show your breasts , go to a bathroom, car or off in a back seat !

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Breastfeeding usually is every 2 to 3 hrs depending…try to feed before you leave and try to run as many errands as you can in that time frame before the next feed…If you arent comfortable in public and that time exceeds,you can feed in your car or even in a bathroom made for breastfeeding moms…never be embarrassed for feeding your child in public

Very easy. Wear a button down the front blouse. When you want to nurse, reach up under the blouse and unhook your nursing bra. Then unbutton one button between your breasts. When the baby latches on, his/her head covers everything. No one will even be able to tell that you are nursing. And, you do not need to telegraph it with a big blanket or whatever.

Most that do in public use a cover up ( blanket or such ) …I don’t judge any that do .

I would breastfeed, just cover up…

I didn’t. I would pump and take a bottle or feed and run errands between feedings.

I guess you pump have it ready when your doing errands

I have been many places and never knew women was breastfeeding next to me

41 years ago…I wore nursing bras and threw a receiving blanket over my daughter’s head and my breast. I never retreated to a bathroom or dressing room. Screw anyone that wanted to make a big deal over something they couldn’t see, but knew what was going on.

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Do whatever you need to do ,. But if public, respect others & cover up respectfully.

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In department stores I use the dressing room

Just a recieving blanket works Throw it over your shoulder and the baby and your good to go

I nursed mine in public but covered up, it’s natural and no one should ever be shamed for doing so, no matter how they choose to do so.

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I used a super thin swaddle wrap to cover myself with. I’m totally for mamas who are comfortable breastfeeding openly in public but personally I can’t do it lol. My daughter never would take a bottle so being a stay at home mom, my boobs were out almost 24/7, if she was hungry she ate lol.

You Can feed your baby Wherever You Are! You do not have to cover up and you do not have to go in a bathroom! Would adults like to eat their lunch in the bathroom? It is a normal thing to feed your baby and Society has made them sexual when in reality they were made to feed your children! It is so sad that mothers have to worry about feeding their children when they are in public! I breastfed all four of mine till they were a year or a year and a half and they didn’t want anything over their face and once they are latched on you cannot see anything anyways. Feed your baby and be proud!

Made a practice to nurse before going in places.My first two had problems and used the bottle. My last was OK.

Practice the covered feeding at home to get better at it, then feeding in public won’t be such a scary or uncomfortable thing!

Light recieving blanket draped over my shoulder for cover. Fed my kids wherever we happened to be.

There is a way to be discreet when nursing . I think most nursing mothers try to do it in ways listed above .

Some stores have breastfeeding areas for mothers.

Yes, use a light weight blanket to cover the baby while feeding!!!

I always threw a blanket over my shoulder covering my breast it worked

Some people just pop out the boob and stick the baby one it. Leaves nothing left for the imagination