I have a question about what other breastfeeding mamas do out and about with their baby regarding feeding. I’m not comfortable nursing in public. Do you pack bottles? Breastfeed in the car? I want to be able to run errands and do more but sometimes feel trapped by breastfeeding. Do any other mamas relate?
I used to carry a nursing cover with me that made it very doable, because even though you can pull out your boobs when baby is hungry, I still did not want the unwanted gaze. Depends where you are too, some malls have space for this - “family washrooms” - with couches and stuff. Outdoors at a park, just a quite corner is fine.
I baby wore and fed on demand.
I used a nursing cover or a thin blanket and fed my children anywhere. Walking thru the store to do shopping, sitting at a table when we went out to eat. The blanket covered me up so noone would say anything. With my third I didn’t care as much and sometimes didn’t use the nursing cover or blanket
I would suggest baby wearing and feeding on demand. There is a company called latched mamas that have all sorts of tops to make bf more easily accessible and slings will help keep baby covered to a degree so you can be comfortable in public
I just fed my babies. At first I was shy. I hid in the bathroom to get her latched, covered with a shall etc. But I just grew to feed them as I needed. I got a couple comments in about 3-4 years. Most ppl don’t pay attention.
I personally fed wherever and usually used the double top method. My friend however hated nursing in public - she’s extremely modest and doesn’t even really like showing her arms. She used to go into town and knew which shops had changing rooms etc and most allowed her to use them. A lot of shopping centres have nursing rooms as well.
I have been nursing publicly for 2yrs now and have nothing but lovely comments so it’s becoming more normal for people to see. It is completely personal preference though but please don’t let what others may think decide how you feel.
You can throw a receiving blanket over your shoulders and baby.
I wear a nursing top and keep a thin muslin blanket in the diaper bag when I go out. Or I time it so I leave house right after feeding and I can usually go in and out a couple stores before feeding again. That way if a ton of people are out I can just feed in between stores in the car. Just depends what your comfortable with.
It’s not easy or convenient but my boys wouldn’t take bottles at all so we were always stuck breastfeeding everywhere we went . I had a nursing cover bc I felt more comfortable feeding in public that way.
I had a cover from uddercovers. Its light fits in the diaper bag and never bothered either of my babies.
I wore a nursing bra and nursing top and then would use a nursing cover like others have posted.
They make nursing shirts that cover pretty well. I also wore light kimono tops/ loose cardigans, this way I could wear them backwards while I fed. The light kimono tips were my favorite as they didn’t make my baby hot, light to wear/ carry around, and by wearing it backwards my baby couldn’t rip it off.
Titties out and milk flowing. Thats how.
And always a thin tank underneath so I had my stomach covered.
And a good carrier to feed on the go.
I’ve nursed horseback riding, climbing a waterfall, everywhere
I pull it out and feed hardly cover but when I do light blanket
I’ve never covered or gone somewhere else ever because that’s just how I feel about it and with a toddler in tow I wasn’t accommodating anyone else’s opinion over our sanity. With that said I wasn’t out to make anyone uncomfortable. Baby wearing and two shirt method worked for me. No one ever knew. It was very discreet.
Is this really a question…
2 shirts. Pull the top one up, the undershirt down.
A tank top that pulls down with a shirt over it that way you’re covered. Pull the tank top down and the shirt on top up. If they don’t mind the cloth over them that’s always an option as well.
Nursing coverup from Amazon!!! This was the best ever, I always do my research whenever I get anything Kid related and this was truly a lifesaver you can use it to cover the stroller or carseat as well.
Car Seat Cover for Babies, Nursing Cover, Carseat Canopy - Arrow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CTOACOI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NE47RJDPXG1ET8M8MXK6
I use a nursing cover at places where I know people, and everywhere else I just whip out the boobies with no cover. I also do the two shirt method (Tank under shirt.) There’s also a website that sells half shirts to layer under your clothes so you can wear a tank thats stretchy or low cut blouse and just pull it down and lift up the half shirt. https://halftee.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwtJ2FBhAuEiwAIKu19ui-lY8b9C0GzttRYTHSlVgWklpVsQg0tYGfbCyhAs9oXuIphGucPBoCARsQAvD_BwE
I am all pro breastfeeding in public. That being said. I was not able to do it. I was too uncomfortable. I had a jet stream come out and when my baby would cough I had to take my nipple out and spray them in the face. Haha. Good times. But do whatever your comfortable with. I also felt uncomfortable having my baby under a blanket. There are lots of places with nursing rooms now. And at family events I just asked the hosts if I could go to a bedroom and everyone was always nice and accommodating. Best if luck!!!
I was never comfortable in public. I went to the car or family restrooms.
If you don’t mind people staring breastfeed in public. Else, plan around your childs feeding schedule.
I always had a nursing cover. It was easy to use, baby was not fully covered, as you can loosen the strap to keep your self covered without keeping baby fully covered.
Button down top, nursing bra and light blanket. There wasn’t anywhere I went that I couldn’t nurse. No one ever said a word. At least not to me.
With my first baby, I would cover with a receiving blanket. With my second, I didn’t take her out due to ppd, so never had to think about it. With my last baby I just breastfed while walking around. Wore a nursing bra and easy access shirts.
I use a nursing bra so it’s easier for me, and I use a cover.
I wear a nursing cover, supportive nursing tank and no bra then I can wear any shirt over top. People will know you’re nursing with a cover, but you don’t have to worry about flashing anyone.
I usually just feed the baby lol I get a lot more praising than I do negative comments (which was only once at a laundry mat). They make shirts and light weight covers. I wouldnt cover babies head, but make a wall with it or something. They get hot and stuff to❤
I wore 2 shirts, sometimes a cover or lighr blanket but my girls like to be free and see, so I just slowly got comfortable. It’s awkward at first but you are literally feeding your baby so anyone who has a problem can f it sorry not sorry!
I’m very modest and will not show my breast in public. Bottle of breast milk
I whip my boob out and nurse lol
I whipped my boob out anywhere they were hungry, however I did feel more comfortable wearing a tank top under my T-shirt so my belly and most of my boob were covered.
They have covers that go over your head like a shore you can cover and still walk around using them at the shops I used these
I just do it. Of course, I do try to get my daughter latched as discreetly as I can without just whipping it out and making it super obvious. It’s no problem for me only because the problem only comes from those who sexualize breastfeeding and feel the need to make me feel like what I’m doing, is inappropriate. I breastfed all 3 of my kids and I still have a hard time understanding why someone feels the need to walk up to a nursing mother, to make her feel like crap for using her breast for nutrition for her child. YOU do what you feel comfortable with and what is best for you and your child and screw everyone else.
I completely understand this. It stressed me out so much with my first baby. But now with my second I just feed her before we go somewhere or in my car when I need to. She’s a fast eater so it makes it easier. If I am away from her, that is when I have a bottle prepared.
I normally just nursed her in the back seat of my Jeep
Just cover up if you want to, nothing to be embarrassed about, there also should be rooms to go to if you are more comfortable with that. But concentrate on your baby, not others …
You don’t flash anyone if your careful on how you do it.
When i was breastfeeding i always made sure i was covered but to be honest the easiest way i found was have a baby carrier that i strapped on my chest and just put the baby in there when i needed to feed her i could just slide my bra to the side so they can eat and noone ever knew
I breastfeed wherever, whenever needed. I always wear a nursing tank top under a t shirt to make life easier and add some extra coverage, but I’m not shy about feeding in public. I’d rather feed her than have a screaming baby i always look for somewhere to sit, whether that’s a bench or the car. Pre covid I’ve even sat on an empty shelf in walmart because they had no place for me to feed comfortably and had a cart full of groceries. I’ve also fed standing up and walking around
gotta do what I gotta do! Its not for every mama, but I’m not shy about it
I literally just breastfeed my baby. My baby never liked being covered up or anything. So I literally would lift my shirt and feed. Don’t worry so much about what others think. Worry about feeding your baby
two shirt method. nobody sees anything. baby has to eat.
If you pull your shirt close to the baby’s head you won’t have to use a nursing cover.
Its super hot under those.
I breast feed as I have with with all 3 my kids.
My children would NOT tolerate a cover up of any kind (can’t say I blame them). I wear a nursing tank under my clothes and nurse in my car (keep a nursing boppy in there) or a nesting room if available.
These are great they go over your head still breathable as both sides are open it’s a cover that you can use for four different things
I had a Lillebaby carrier. It came with a removable hood that you could snap up to cover baby for nursing or sun/rain. They’re expensive but if you catch a sale or buy used, they’re 100% worth it. I can still fit my 40# 5yo in it for hiking. If you get a different carrier you can do the 2 shirt method. A tank top under another, lift up one, pull down other. I was uncomfortable nursing in public at first but I found most people do not care, or notice with the carrier. And the only one who did was an older white man and I glared until he walked away
I nurse in my car. Been to knotts and I absolutely hate using a cover but not quite ready to just pull a titty out haha so I struggle with the cover if I have to. In my car I don’t use a cover and my baby is almost 4 mo old and has become more of an efficient eater so only takes about 10 minutes. I want to try to baby wear and nurse
I breastfeed in public and I don’t use a cover. Once you just do it you realize you’re just building it up in your head
I did a lot of breastfeeding in the car, for my comfort and honestly just being easier to lean on the armrests and such. I even kept a boppy pillow in the car for breastfeeding while I was out. I’d wear clothes that were easy and discreet to nurse in if I was not in the car. I had a nursing cover, but the babies only tolerated those for so long before trying to pull them off.
Get a front harness/carrier and a cover. I nursed while I pushed the shopping cart.
With my first, I nursed in the car or somewhere a bit more secluded and comfortable with a cover on. With my second, I didn’t care where or when I was. He was hungry, he ate. But it’s all about preference.
I used to breast feed in my car or in a feeding room at the mall. I wasn’t comfortable feeding wherever. If you are then feed anywhere as it’s got nothing to do with anyone else, as it’s just feeding your baby
I put my baby in my arms …take out titty …feed child …burp child… Repeat on other side
I used a light cover but after baby was latched good I’d lift the cover off baby’s head so they can breathe. So the cover is still covering up the exposed part of my breast
I used a cover or just found a spot out of sight and did it without one. If it was hot I had a small fan that I put under the cover and that worked wonders for the both of us.
My mom has all of these and cant seem to be able to sell them.
Most places have a room for breastfeeding I always felt more comfortable that way. Even at my parents I would go into a spare bedroom to feed
I understand the hesitancy with nursing in public. It can seem daunting, especially with your first BF baby. The two shirt method is a great option. I’ve nursed for the last five years and haven’t covered up since my first baby. When I did cover, I just used a muslin blanket because they are light and breathable. V-neck shirts and a baby carrier make nursing in public easy. I also do the boob cupping method where my hand is over the top of my breast to conceal my nipple for the times when baby will unlatch quickly . I have three kids so I nurse on the go wherever we are. I don’t have the time to worry about what anyone else will think while I’m nursing.
I feed wherever I am I don’t care what other people think or feel that is how I feed my child it is natural
2 shirt method and babywear.
I used one similar to this. Has a rod across the top that keeps it open off the babies head. Also used a baby carrier on my chest so my arms weren’t tired if I was walking around feeding. I breastfed in the car alot as well. Its alot of work no matter what you do. I di my best but didn’t last long any of the times.
Light Muslim wrap drapped over
I’ve always fed when and where I needed to feed. I always wear a cami and a wrap dress / top for a little extra coverage. If you feel comfortable feeding with a cover, do it. If you feel comfortable feeding in the car, do that. If you want to schedule trips to the grocery store etc between feedings, try to do that. Breastfeeding is what ever it means for you and baby to be happy.
I nurse wherever I need to. I try to be somewhere more private (my car, etc…) but sometimes that isn’t an option. Was in the middle of grocery shopping last week when little one woke up hungry so I nursed her under a cover up while I shopped.
Need to do what you have to for little one and whatever you feel comfortable with.
You flop your boob out when you have too and feed your baby.
I tried covering when I breastfeed in public. I found a quite spot in the store. After 5 mins of using I gave up. Just whip ur tit out and start feeding baby. If any looks or says anything tell them to avert their eyes and call them a perv.
I nursed my first for 15 months. I used a blanket as a cover just to latch her then took it off. The 2 shirt method is the way to go. A tank top under your tshirt. That way u just raise your tshirt and it pretty much covers everything after the babies latched. In 15 months of nursing in public I never had a single person say anything to me. Even on our vacations to busy places. I got a lot of double takes lol but no one ever said anything
Almost 1 year breastfeeding now & i definitely understand where your coming from.
I never felt comfortable in public, i have used covers but i felt like people were staring. If were at an outside thing, ill just go to the car to feed quickly. Or ill feed my daughter in the restroom
I would just pump for those situations where I wasn’t comfortable. Babies fed and you don’t feel uncomfortable win win!
I was like you. I never wanted to do it in public but as time went on and she was hungry…I did the 2 shirt method no one ever knew but my husband was ready to pop off if someone ever said anything…He had my back but most of the time I would feed in the car where I didn’t have to cover her and if I had to be out and she got hungry, then I’d either do the 2 shirt method or a nursing cover which was not comfortable for me or her at times. That’s when I started pumping and carried a pump everywhere I went and it was the best decision ever! She would have a bottle made before we went into a store and I had a little cooler to put the rest of the milk in. Breastfeeding can be so hard especially if you aren’t comfortable in public and you accidentally show your boob to the world
Breast fed in : car. Changing room secluded area facing a wall
I was never super open about it, but if you find a bench or quiet area to do it people will respect your privacy. I have never had one person ever say anything to me and I refuse to use a cover bcuz it was uncomfortable for me and both my babies. I put my back to the crowd and do what i gotta do and people respected that and didnt stare or make a big deal. I promise you people dont care as much as you think, just find a private corner. But if that even makes you feel uncomfortable just pump some bottle to take with you. Or i always feed right before we go into the store/ after. And yes wear a tank top under your shirt so you can pull the boob out and not have your stomach out
You could pack a bottle and put a breast milk storage bag of milk in your bra (while out n about) to keep warm until baby needs to eat, then take it out pour in bottle and feed baby. It’s body temp and no need to warm up.
I nurse in public but I’m private about it. I find a secluded spot, my husband and kids block for me and my son eats lol. At home with my family its a normal occurrence to see me nursing baby with no care lol
It takes planning but find shops that have nursing spaces or ask if you can use a changing room. Some baby-changing rooms have lovely nursing facilities in too. I was in Boots and got taken to this luxurious room with a nursing chair and drinks!
It was hard with my first because I was self conscious. But I just used a cover that my mother in law made for me. By the second I was walking around disney world while breastfeeding with no problem (covered) lol. And the 3rd I had at the start of covid so I never nursed in public.
If you are nervous just use a cover! No one has ever said anything to me and most of the time ppl barely evem notice.
I breast feed in public. I drape a blanket over my shoulder as I am feeding my son. No one breastfeeds in a toilet. Parent rooms changed my baby and I would breastfeed wherever I was. I carried a muslim shawl.
I used a blanket to cover up. I believe its a swaddle kind. Its big and stretchy. I tuck part of it in my pants or belt loop in the back. Because my baby didn’t like being covered up. Then I tuck it in the front too. And hold it so that I can see my baby and so he doesn’t pull it off. My boobs are for my baby and husband not for the public. Also in the car if I’m the passenger.
In the car or when I went to sears outside the bathroom there was a privacy room/lounge set up with chairs, couch, changing table & as big as a living room. This was in the 80s when many BF but didn’t want to b e we exhibitionists & was very quiet no distractions for the baby. Always had a receiving blanket & wore BF blouses
I feed before I leave home and in the car, mostly because I’m germaphobic and don’t like sitting in public chairs. But I have done it in public if need be and never used a cover.
I always had a thinner cover to go over for privacy.
I noticed moms in restaurants ect with a very discreet blanket that completely covers them and baby and it seems that they Velcro around moms neck shoulder and come in various weights. Quite effective efficient.
I loved the freedom of just grabbing a couple diapers and putting baby in the car without having to bring a bunch of extra stuff wherever I went. I had everything I needed for the baby right in my own body. That’s an amazing thing. It’s been awhile but I don’t remember it being a big deal to nurse baby when I was out. Just find a quite spot and lift your shirt and let them eat. You can do that easily without drawing all kinds of attention to yourself. It’s what women’s breasts were made for.
What a great question. I tried to feed in the car . But as we know sometimes our babies do not want to wait . There is a breastfeeding cape you can get , it attaches around your neck . It is wonderful. A friend of mine just got one , baby has privacy and mom too . My babies would never take bottles . Snd it takes time to pump. I took babies with me , covered if necessary snd nursed . Baby is first priority. If people don’t like it , they can look away ,
I used a sling when walking around. It was great. Also blankets.
When I breast fed, all I did was put baby to my breast and pull my shirt down to block the breast! No one knew I was breast feeding.
I always tried to wear a button down shirt when I went out, unbutton from the bottom when it’s time to feed the baby. It’s so much easier to stay covered up. Baby hides everything below and your shirt is still on.
With my first three I covered with a light receiving blanket. .With my last two I had what they called a sling. Sp I could carry my baby adjust the sing and no one ever knew I was breast feeding. I never used formula. I always felt that defeated the purpose. but then I am an old fogey who learned from my mommy how to breast feed. And she breast fed all four of us back in the 60s and 70s
Cars and bathroom stalls. Also I had a nursing cover that was a lifesaver.
Cover with a blanket. Light one in summer. I did. I’ve flown from Idaho to NC and just asked my seat mate if they minded. They did not mind at all. And my boy and my boob were covered.
Do what makes you comfortable… I was very modest and brought breastmilk in bottles…all is ok
The two shirt method definitely helps, a light receiving blanket is also good. Be discreet if you can with practice you’ll get good at it
Practice at home.
With that said baby comes first do what is best for you.
I discourage nursing in your car all kinds of weirdos to mess with you.
I nursed all 3 of mine where ever we went. I wore easy access tops with enough fabric to help keep me covered while feeding. It just takes practice to get comfortable and to maintain modesty while feeding.
I was never shy and nursed my 3 babies at many a food court. I was properly covered but I fed all my children when they were hungry provided we weren’t in a moving vehicle. Actually, none of them ever had bottles. Boys weaned themselves at 10 months and had been using sippy cups with water since about 6 months.
What is the big deal on mother’s breast feeding. That is how it all began hundreds of year . If you have a problem with it then don’t look. You can’t do anything now days that some jerk doesn’t complain about it.
I nursed all four of my babies for a total of over 5 years! Always covered up with a blanket-usually a receiving blanket or other lightweight blanket. I have nursed in restaurants, at sporting events, at gatherings, etc.
I nursed wherever I was when my babies got hungry. I never used a cover I just did the 2 shirt method. It was easier and more comfortable for me and baby plus way less hot.
I’ve done it in the car, timed it so we were ok to not need a feeding, I always had a large blanket, I’d cover up baby and nurse in the store. I was also aware of my pudge sticking out, so I’d tuck the blanket into my waist band. Keep in mind this was 14 years ago, before some of these nifty things were available or affordable. Have confidence, do a couple trials walking around the yard or house. You will get the hang of it, it sounds harder than it is.
It’s natural feed your child and to hell with everyone else! I get it if you’re uncomfortable but your child needs to eat
I used to put my babies into a front carrier and loop the edges of a light receiving blanket over the top 2 straps of the carrier so it covered their head and arms but there was air flow, then I would adjust the straps so the side I was nursing on was slightly lower than the other, pull my shirt up on that side so it was bunched above my boob latch the baby on and continue on with my business. People had absolutely NO IDEA I was nursing when I did that. Walking through the mall, grocery shopping, out in the middle of a crowded fair, no idea. There were multiple times complete strangers approached me and asked to see the baby as they were already trying to move the recieving blanket and got a big shock when they looked. Sometimes they were slow enough that I could say unless you want to see him eating I wouldn’t do that… then they’d look at me crooked until it clicked as to what I was talking about. Then their eyes got big, embarrassment set in and they would almost run away. However it works for you mama, do it up!