Hello, can you please post for me? I will have my tubes tied in the next few weeks. I am in my early thirties, and after four kids, I know this is best to avoid another pregnancy, and our family now feels complete. I’m kind of nervous but wondering other moms that have gone through tubal ligation, what do you recommend aftercare-wise? I want to be ready once I come home to avoid needing something and not have it on hand. How have others felt after? Changes in your periods? Thank you.
Following. My surgery is May 5th.
I had my tubes removed and felt great after. They said no driving for 24 hours, but I broke it. I had zero pain. I had 2 kids at home and my husband was in Korea. My cycles went from 5 days heavy to 3 light, but my tubes were removed. Your cycle will be heavier since they’re tied.
I got mined tied with my last csection so I’m not sure how the recovery compares but it was my 3rd section so I was prepared for the recovery. Take it easy and rest. Someday I’m sad I can’t have anymore babies although my family feels complete I love babies and being pregnant. My periods had zero change still a normal cycle sometimes it feels heavier and crampier tho
My incisions were a little tender. The pain I had post surgery was in my shoulder from the anesthesia. I would definitely recommend a large heating pad and a few extra pillows. I watched movies the day I came home from having it done and was pretty much feeling better after a few days. The pain I would compare to a pulled muscle. As far as my periods after they became heavier. I do get worse cramps but still beats getting pregnant again.
Walk when you can, rest when you feel tired. And don’t lift anything heavy.
I took care of myself and my 8 month old and almost 2 year old. They said no lifting but I did what I had to. Glad I did it bc I wanted no more. You’ll be okay just listen to your body. I also didn’t take the pain meds they gave just ibuprofen if I needed. My periods became heavier and more painful but it’s been a year and have seem to go back to how they always were. Heavy and slightly painful but manageable
I had mine tied …no aftercare really. Felt great after. Have had extremely heavy and painful periods since then though.
Had my tubes tied at 34 after my 2 kids. The only discomfort I had was in my upper back from the air they put in your belly, it settles somewhere after. All it took was some good massaging from the hubby and I was good to go. Cycles never changed. That was 7 years ago.
Make him get snipped too!
Following getting mine done after I have this baby in the next week. Wonder if its the same as having a cyst removed from the ovary???
I had my tubes removed a few years ago by laparoscopic procedure. I planned ahead by making meals and freezing them, cleaned the house from top to bottom, laundry, and made sure necessities that I would need wouldn’t be on high and/or low shelves. I definitely overplanned for this procedure. The next day I was still a little tired due to the anesthesia but I felt fantastic otherwise. I just made sure to move slowly and not lift anything heavy. My surgery was on a Tuesday, I planned for two weeks off but the gyno told me to just rest for the rest of the week and start fresh on Monday back to work. I hope this info helps… good luck!
I was 22 when I got my tubal ligation because I went through my whole pregnancy alone as well as giving birth alone and parenting alone for a year until I met my husband now I regret getting it because I can’t have a child with my husband and I get sad when I see newborn babies knowing I will never have another one this young in my life I just thought at the time because I was doing everything alone that I never wanted to go through doing it alone again but now I regret that I did it
Best decision I ever made. Was bloated for a few days afterwards but recovered very fast and easy.
I had mine removed during a c section and no issues after. I left the hospital the day after my c section due to my son being transported to another hospital and had issues at all. I think the sooner you get up moving after wards makes it easier.
Everyone is different after. I had mine done a few hours after the birth of my second. No aftercare really. Mine was done through my belly button and the doctor used glue to close it. The gas is pretty bad after but that’s it! No changes in my cycle at all. It was the best thing I have ever done! I hated taking birth control!
I had a dnc, ablation an tubes cut an burned this last friday. While everyone is different i find myself sleeping alot cramping in the belly isnt to bad its the referred pain i got in my shoulder that hurts the most but only last 24hours…and no bleeding.
I was sore in my incision area for about 2 weeks so take your Tylenol & ibuprofen around the clock! Wear comfortable pants. Besides that I felt really good as long as I took my pain medication. My periods have become heavier now but only lasts about 3 days, then very very light bleeding. Period cramps are more intense. I usually take pamprin which you can get over the counter & it takes care of the cramps! Good luck!
Im currently 12 days post surgery from having my tubes removed. Im still sore sometimes. I slept do much the first 3-4 days after surgery. My mom took my daughter so i could rest. I drove on day 8. Take it easy
No pain hardly at all. Press pillow up against your stomach when you cough or sneeze tho.
I just had a tubal last Tuesday. TAKE STOOL SOFTENERS AFTER SURGERY, MAYBE EVEN A LAXATIVE!!! I had mine done laparoscopically, and I drank 1 whole magnesium citrate, 1 laxative, 3 stool softeners and even an enema, because my stool was SSSOOO hard after surgery. Granted, I pooped for a solid 3 hours, but it’s better than trying to push out a hard poop while my stomach is trying to heal!!!
I had my tubal the day after my 4th child was born so my aftercare was a little bit different considering I was just starting to recover from childbirth. I would say definitely loose-fitting pants. My belly button was sore for a week week and a half where the incision was. The only other thing is don’t lift a lot of stuff that’s heavy. Other than that after two and a half weeks I was fine with my incision I’m doing everything that I could normally do after having a child.
I was recovered in a day. Just drank extra water and took it easy for the day and was fine the next morning. Pretty minor.
Had mine with my 2nd c-section and it didn’t bother me more than a c-section. But I would say it’s still a type of surgery and to take it easy.
You will be sore up to your shoulders and neck from the gas maybe through the day after or just a few hours. Just rest and let your SO or someone else care for the children and household while you’re down. I literally was up and at it the next day because no one would help me it was very uncomfortable but manageable for me. I was told no heavy lifting for 2 weeks but that was really it. My periods were always heavy and painful before and more so afterwards. But my doctor put the iud in 2 years after my tubes were tied because of that and it had helped with pain/cramps in general and no more periods after a year and a half with it. Just listen to your body and don’t push yourself. Everyone is different. Also find a good show to binge watch or read a book you’ve been wanting to read. Whatever it is you didn’t have time for before. Get that “me time” while you can. Lol
Everyone’s different. With that said, I wouldn’t recommend it ever. My cycle was much heavier, bad cramps and mood swings. Went to talk to my OB and he sent me home with birth control (I was 34 at the time and at 35, he would have had to switch me to something with less hormones, because science ) anyway, that didn’t help much at all and I still was out of control and didn’t know who I was looking at in the mirror anymore.
I’m 75 precent better now after starting supplements over a year ago. I’d talk to your husband about having a vasectomy.
Also, not trying to scare you. I wish I would she researched about it but it being the number one thing women have done when you’re finished having babies, I didn’t think anything of it. Good luck!
I regret mine, done after my fifth child,
It only took me a couple days to recover. I only took Tylenol also. I was up and moving the next day. My period isn’t bad. Sometimes I have cramps and sometimes I completely forget I even have my period.
The periods after are god awful. Had mine done in 2017. Good luck. All I had was a little cramping after.
The gas is the worst part. I hurt the most in my shoulders. It’s important to get plenty of rest, but getting up and walking is also important. The sooner you can get up walking around the better.
I was in quite a bit of pain for first few days after. Just one small incision in my belly button. I had to take it easy for a few weeks.
Depends on each person but I was up and back to normal the next day
I am also in my early thirties. I had my tubes tied 6 years ago and I fully regret it. I wish someone had told me not to do it before I did it because you truly do not know what you will want in the future. Besides that there really is nothing special I had to do but then again I got mine tied during my c-section. For the first year my periods were very heavy but I had no cramps at all really with my periods. After the first year my cramps came in strong every month with my period.
My incision site was sore for a couple weeks, but wasn’t bad pain wise. Wear comfy pants. No jeans. Just be careful and you’ll do great.
I got transported to the hospital after being unable to pee or walk and passing out at home. Absolutely worst decision of my life. Had them tied in jan/14. Found I was pregnant 5/1/14. Miscarried 2 days later.
I had them removed 12/19. Best decision ever.
I do not recommend it. My periods are awful. I had mine done in 2016 after my 2nd c-section. So not really sure of the pain afterwards.
Okay make sure you have a pillow for if you sneeze or cough. Also if you are a belly sleeper it provides cushion I made sure to have pads and tampons stocked and granny panties not the to your belly button ones but not the low rise. Sweats will be your friend I was up cleaning within hours of my surgery I dont suggest deap cleaning but I w
Did fold laundry and do dishes w
Swept the floor the little light things no bubble baths the stirching and derma glue will disolve to fast if you do I ended up with a bubble on one of my incision lines because my stitch didnt disolve and my body forced it out I jave minimal scarring from my surgery but still laugh when I actually see it because looking down at it for myself it looks almost like a smily face
I had my tubes tied at 23 but it was a after I have already had 2 girls and twin boys. I was done. That was 25yrs ago but I remember i slept all day when I came home from the hospital, my period went from 5 days to 3, it didn’t change much just shortened my cycle
Look up PTLS I’m dealing with now.
I regret doing it. It was and still is hell on my body. It actually threw me into depression and there was absolutely no sex life. Any time I would try to talk to a dr all I would get is “that has absolutely nothing to do with it”. Some people are lucky and it doesn’t bother them at all.
I got mine done on feb 23. I got my tubes taken out and my uterus burned . I have no periods. Best decision my hubby and I made. I had light cramping the 1st day but that was it . I bled for about an hour very lightly. My incision was very sore though it took bout 3 weeks to stop hurting.
I did mine at time of delivery so I dont have any scars but my periods are god awful, the whole week before Im super nauseous, cranky, horrible cramps,just out of it. My periods are super heavy now and horrible I seriously regret it and its been almost 15 years
Everyone is different, its a surgery still so consider all risks. Had it after my third pregnancy and do not regret it. The gas was excruciating caused back spasms, couldn’t use the bathroom, ended up in emergency room all for them to give me a catheter and lots of pain meds and say that it was gas and side effects of the surgery. After couple days I was back to normal and fine…
I had mine cut tied and burnt and I never had any problems with my you can’t go by what everybody says because everybody has different pain levels
I had mine done with my c-section, last August.
I have horrible bleeding. I literally bleed for 14-66 days at a time every 2 weeks (I have 2 weeks where I can feel like a normal person). They offered me BC to correct the bleeding. Expect I can’t take BC due to my Meds for my Bipolar & my Breast condition. So I live like this.
I recommend you buying adult diapers & double the pads you think you’ll need. The gas is crazy. So buy Gas-X & stool softeners.
Buy yourself something you LOVE that you can use to help feel better. It really helps.
I also gained 10lbs that I can’t seem to loose too.
I had a little pain after mine in 2005 but nothing that was any big deal. The periods tho…i’d rather die than start my cycle some months. The cramps are awful, the bleeding…well, let’s just say, I may as well move into the bathroom for the first 2 or 3 days.
I am now about a week and a month after having mine removed completely. I put dinner in the crockpot so I didn’t have to worry about cooking for my bf and daughter. Slept most of the afternoon. And just laid around for a few days after. I felt fine but was sore around my incisions. They were tender to touch for about two weeks. But now it’s like nothing ever happened. Just had my first period since my surgery and it only lasted about three days no cramps or anything.
I had a tubal ligation done at 23 after 2 kids. I was done and knew it. I personally think it was so easy! Super quick surgery i think i was home within a few hours. The pain wasn’t so severe or anything they prescribed some strong ass meds that I only took for 2 days cause they made me nauseous… I was only in pain for a few days and after that I was good to move around and within 2 weeks I was back to normal. My periods are always ON TIME like always and I don’t feel any different and i don’t regret it. Its been 4 years now. I also love that im not pumping myself with birth control that is terrible for you! You can barely see a scar now.
Heres a pic when i got stitches out. I bruise super easy so it looks rough!
I had my tubes removed when I was 28. Not much of a change for me. Besides I do notice more cramps then before never really had them before but I also am on bc pills so I only have one every 3 months. After the surgery I had pain for about a week then fine after that.
I had mine done right after my 3rd csection in August 2019… So I’m not sure about the recovery but my period went from 4 days to a full week… They are on time EVERY month… PMS lasts longer now too
Hope all goes well for you!
Don’t do it. Please. I had my tubes tied after my 4th child, during the c-section. I didn’t notice any differences right away. Over time though, I gained weight and then my periods got worse and worse. They used to be 3-4 days with the first day just spotting, 2 days of a normal flow, and the last day being spotting. The got longer and heavier and the cramping, and body aches was horrible. I ended up having an abnormal pap last year (not in any way connected to my tubal, I had cervical cancer) and the doctor did a LEEP to remove the cancerous cells. While going through all of that, I asked about a hysterectomy. My doctor suggested that with everything going on, that I have an IUD inserted. I did. After my surgery, I bled for 73 days straight. After that, I haven’t had any bleeding at all. I still get some mild cramping and my boobs are tender each month when I should be on my period, but no actual period and the hell I was going through every month after my tubal is gone!! If possible, I suggest a long term form of birth control or a vasectomy for hubby.
Pain was pretty much nothing. I was bent over the tub giving my 4 month old a bath the same night. However my periods were HORRIBLE! super heavy and was bleeding every other week. I ended up getting the Mirena put back in for the hormones to regulate my period as i was only 28 and too young for a hysterectomy
My reversal itself was a breeze, now I did have pain for about 12 hours but with tylonal and sleep aid I slept it off. Was told not to be lifting for 2 days but I assumed regular house cleaning duties the next day without issues. I was also told not to be driving. Now the one thing I hated…I did bleed out for 3 months straight but after that periods were back to normal. Now I did have more severe cramping for about 6 months
I got mine done 2 and a half years ago after being terrified because of the horror stories but I was going through a time in my life where I didn’t want to risk pregnancy and if I did get pregnant on my meds I’m on for the rest of my life it would have bad effects to the fetus. I just did the clamps though not the cut and burn. I healed up right away and was up and about within just a few days. Fully healed by 2 weeks. They went in through my belly button and right above my pubic bone so you can’t see the scars. I stocked up on cereal and did some meal prep for the kids to throw in the instant pot. My oldest can cook some so that was helpful for us. IB profin was my friend and so was Law and Order while being off my feet the first few days. Make sure you have pads also and don’t eat a bunch after the surgery. I made that mistake and it gave me horrible pains.
I got my tubes removed 2 years ago. Now I have to get a hysterectomy. I’m 33.
My TL was painful for 5 days but after that good to go
Every woman is different. I would just recommend that you follow the post-op instructions to the letter. I know some women who have had no issues at all, and then there are those of us who have had nothing but problems ever since. For me, it was the worst decision of my life. Please be sure that you have done your research about the pros and cons of the procedure. I urge you to take a look at this website about PTLS. Any doctor that tells you that PTLS is not a real thing or that it’s rare is a LIAR. It is VERY real and quite common. It often goes unreported/underreported. Some symptoms don’t appear until months or 1-2 years later, so many women don’t even make the connection. Just want you to be aware so you can weigh the benefits and the risks and make the best decision for you. Best of luck to you. Symptoms of Post Sterilization Syndrome and Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS)
I got my tubes tied and last week on Monday after my C-section I had a little bit of cramping but that’s about it. My doctor just put Clips on my tubes
Tubal in 2017 with a c section …horrible periods since… finally went to a gyne and will now need an ablation to help… they said it isn’t related but it’s crazy how many women Have told me the same experiences post tubal …
I just have a tubal ligation March of this year. N the best thing that helped me was sleep sleep sleep n keep ur legs elevated to prevent any air bubbles going to ur shoulders. I havent experience any change in my period or haven’t experienced any pain since the surgery.
Got mine tied 8 years ago and my periods are awful!
Please be aware that it is not 100% effective. About 1 in 200 become pregnant after a tubal ligation. Wishing you a swift recovery!
I was sore but I had it done 12 hours after giving birth and my periods have been light since so that is a plus
I had one right after my csection for me after the anesthesia wore off my sides felt like they were on fire it was very painful to walk for a couple days after about a week week and a half i felt back to normal …my periods are same as they were b4 tubal
I got mine done in February of this year. I found I only really hurt for about 3 days after but couldn’t lift really for about a week. Make sure to have tyenol and Advil on hand as they don’t give you pain medication. Don’t do stairs for 36 hours after they told me! My periods are heavier when they start but other than that they aren’t horrible! I ended up with a blood clot in my lung (still have it) that they think I got from giving birth than having my tubes tied so quickly after so just be careful! I find I have more cramping at period time and ovulation pain was horrible the first month after and made me super sick but now it’s not to bad! Good luck and speedy recovery
Make sure you have food and quick snacks. Something easy to get out of. Nothing tight clothing . Your stomach will hurt for about a week almost as if you worked out too much but it doesn’t go away
I had my tubes removed with my 3rd csection. The pain was tolerable but it made my periods total hell. So I have to get the depo shot to stop my periods because they are so painful and heavy
I had a tubal ligation in 2016, one of the biggest regrets of my life. Research tubal ligation syndrome first and deside if it’s worth the risk.
I am having one after my fourth baby (due this week) but they won’t let me get it until 2 months after he is born I had the same questions so I appreciate all the insight.
Rest and plenty of fluids. Tylenol and a heating pad. I had terrible cramps from constipation. My sister in law recommended magnesium citrate. It is a very fast acting laxative. I felt much better after that.
I just read some of the other comments. I had mine cut and burned not tied. I was 100 % okay without any problems after 1 week. Lighter and shorrter periods after so that was nice.
I had my tubes tied 10 years ago after having our 3rd son. I was in a lot of pain for about a week. My husband had to help me during that week with most things. I had about 2 inches cut off of each tube, cauterized on each end and twisted back so they couldn’t come back together. Get plenty of rest. Make sure someone is there to help you. Drink plenty of fluids and eat well. I started having heavy periods 2 years after my tubal and horrible pain with my periods. Had a D a C in 2012. I was fine until last year, and the same thing happened. Had another D and C. I’m 41 about to be 42. I’m scheduled for a hysterectomy leaving my ovaries on June 3rd now. I’m having two periods a month and incredible pain every time I have a period.
Best to get your tubes removed
I got mine removed last July right after giving birth. I didn’t get my period for 5 months though
Just bad cramps and now my periods are only heavy 3 days instead of 6
I had mine removed in January I didn’t think I would need the pain meds they gave me but I definitely did at least for like a week and I rested a lot even tho they said I would be good to go the next day. I didn’t do a whole lot around the house only what was needed I have 4 kids also my oldest 2 are 14 and 8 they helped me a lot. I didn’t really have any issues with not wanting to get up and move around but everybody is different just listen to your body. I haven’t noticed a huge difference in my periods my cramps and bleeding are the same as before.
I had my tubal ligation when i was opened up already for my c-section… I was honestly up moving around the same night i had them done… I pushed myself but i also took the pain meds they offered every 6 hours… They had me on tylenol-codene bot sure if thats how you spell it its been 6 years now… Take your time doing things… If you do laundry small loads and dont tug on stuff forcefully… Listen to your body momma! When you start hurting or think youve done enough rest!
He mine done during a csection, periods got heavier. My mom was back to work the next day and she worked as a department manager for Kmart at the time. She said the worst part was the pain in the shoulders from the gas they use…
Didn’t hurt really a little sore next day but still could get up and do normal things…
My periods where fine for first 5 yrs then in last year or so they rough but I think that is my age( 46 )and might be starting menopause…
I had an ablation and tubal back in July of last year. After they woke me up from surgery, I was in the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. Even worse than my c-section. I was maxed out on pain meds and was still in excruciating pain. After getting home and sleeping for a good while, I felt a bit better, especially when I could get my pain under control. I was up walking around later that night. You’re pretty uncomfortable for a couple days due to the gas they pump you with. As far as periods, and I’m not sure if it applies to the ablation procedure, but a light pad worked for me. I have had maybe 2 periods since then, but they’re very minimal, as in they only last maybe a hour and I bleed so little I can get away with using a panty liner.
I had a tubal ligation 6 weeks after my c section. I had back to back c sections so i thought it was best for me anyway to get my tubes tied. I have yet to have a period be ause im exclusively breastfeeding. The pain afterward wasnt too bad. They gave me pain pills that i didnt even touch. I rested for a week to make sure i didnt damage anything. But the heal ti.e was pretty quick.
Make sure you don’t have to move much for the first few days. Keep food and drink within reach, and a clear path to the restroom. I cut my shirt because even the fabric rubbing on the incision was very painful. Have someone there to take care of your kids, you will need to rest to recover. My cycle didn’t change. Same cycle, same flow, same number of days.
I had my tubes tied for 3 year and after that I had to get a hysterectomy because my clip came undone do research before you get it done
Mine went really well not much pain after just a bit tired so needed a day to rest then I was fine. I did have some regret when my youngest turned 5 but that’s to be expected. I did what I thought was right at the time and just accepting I could not go back and change it. Now our kids are 6,8,13,15 and we are so glad to be out of the baby stage, Same Cycle nothing different. Tiny scar
The worst part about it is from the gas they use during the procedure. Also have some throat lozenges on hand. After about 24 hours you will feel good as new. Has made my periods a little wonky though
Had mine cut, tied and burned almost 11 and a half years ago. Very little pain, was a little tired, did basically everything as normal just had to watch that I didn’t pull off a steri strip. Periods are shorter and generally only last about 4 days, the 1st couple of days have gotten really heavy but it through me into perimenopause
I had mine done 44years ago. Periods were no different, didn’t pick up anything heavy (like most surgical procedures).
Sweetheart I was37yrs old she I got my tubes tied I was having Heather when I got it done but I didn’t go back I got a c section and it was done while I was on the table you’ll be fine sweetheart I’ve never had a problem and it’s been 27 years
Take it easy for about 24 hours after surgery so the anesthesia can wear off some but then make sure you get up am take small walks around the house. Staying stationary is the worst thing for abdominal surgery. It makes already bruised muscles stiffer and will cause more pain. Until your incisions are completely healed shower- no baths. Drink plenty of water and if needed have a stool softener handy.
I had mine when i had my c section…tubal was not painful @ all
Mine were done in my c section and have no changes to my periods at all but I get bad ovulation pains now.
I suggest having a pillow with you for a couple days even in the car coming home so you can hold it tight to your stomach for bumps, sneezing, laughing, coughing. I had mine done during my c section so I’m not sure how they do it as a procedure in its own, but the pillow was a life saver. I do have heavier periods now.
Have aleve on hand or naproxen it helped me more then the actual pain medicine
Was 23 when had !INE dome after delivery of third child pain is as usual after having baby or surgery second best thing I ever did best thing was hysterectomy at 28 never regretted it never knew how sick I was until I had it
I briefly glanced through the comments, so I don’t know if this was said or not. They will glue you back together with superglue. No stitches. It freaked me right out because I wasn’t expecting glue, I was expecting stitches. No one warned me.
I had mine done in February. Super easy! They did it laparoscopy. Only took pain meds I time
Minimal pain. No change in periods. Tender spot at belly button. Just avoid lifting for a few days
Be ready to feel as if your going through menopause.
My mother had hers tours when I was a teenager, she got very sick the next day with the flu. 10 years later she got pregnant. Tubes can grow back.