any tips for hand foot and mouth?my baby has it on her face
My baby had it on her face and booty pretty bad. I tried a lot of stuff and nothing helped. Just time. I hated to see my baby in pain.
Rotate motrin and tylenol and keep your baby comfortable. It has to run its course, it’s a virus. My son had it twice, I took him to the ER the first time, they gave him pain meds and said they couldn’t do anything. It makes you feel so helpless but it wont last forever Momma. I feel your pain!
If she is having pain ask for magic wash/rinse. It helped my daughter tons. She’s gotten it 2x
Oh no i feel you mama. I just went through this last week with my little man. His mouth was covered. Alternate tylenol and motrin and lots and lots of extra cuddles.
Try resinol? For sure hand foot mouth?? Thought my daughter had it at one point and it was actually 5th disease (slap cheek syndrome)
Soak a rag in VERY little Epsom salt and it should dry it up! My son pedi had me do it when my son had it, just very very little tho BC it is on the face
As a childcare provider for 10+ years, I was always told keep them comfortable and wait it out. Then my son got it and was prescribed oral and topical nyastatin. It went away completely in 3 days. I was amazed! Just an option.
Cool baths and minimal clothing to keep body temp down and slow itching. Tylenol if they seem in pain. Thats all you really can do.
Rotate Tylenol & Motrin for pain, and we used calorie lotion on the really itchy spots. My kids have both had it twice and it sucks, but it just has to run its course.
Motrin and tylonel, and I bathed my kids in aveeno oatmeal bath and put cream on them.
Got to ride it out. Someone told me when my son had it that I should not be surprised when his finger nails and toe nails fall off after all the other symptoms are gone. I thought " yeah ok, crazy lady", but they did! So if it happens don’t freak out, I would have if I wasn’t warned.
We used Tylenol and Motrin as our dr suggested. It was so painful for my girl she was 2. Luckily it was done after about a week but it was soo hard to see her in pain. Mine had it head to toe
Soaking in a luke warm pink salt bath can help. (Pink salt because it helps keep PH balanced). It’s also super contagious and can be passed back and forth between small children
The biggest problem you’re likely to run into after the sore mouth and fevers is actually getting them to consume food/drinks. Get the little one easy to eat foods like bananas, applesauce, juice boxes, maybe their favorite soup, or Mac& cheese. No judgement on whatever you like to feed your kid, but getting something into them especially liquids is so very important. Anything super soft and maybe fun to eat or drink. Good luck momma.
Aveeno hydrocortisone 1%
I did lotion mixed with lemon essential oil and bathes with lavender it helped the itching and burning feeling for my son.
Magic mouth wash. Dr writes script for it. Pharmacy mixes it up. Use qtip and dab on spots outside of mouth on face…and take qtip and rub around on gums in mouth or if need to take a dum dum sucker and dip in a tad of it (I poured a little in a med cup for this) and let them have sucker. Redip the sucker every so often…
Dr told me give as many popsicles as wants, drinks,pudding, jello…right now anything to keep them hydrated. Popsicles will keep them hydrated and the cold feels good to mouth. I just mashed up in bowl and fed with spoon so it was more like a slushy kinda made it a little easier plus he was to small to just eat one whole at the time. Hope your little one feels better soon!!