Dealing with a lot of mom guilt over having another baby and taking attention away from my middle child who is 4 years old. How do you moms deal with the guilt of it?
Your heart doesn’t divide into equal parts for each child - it expands and grows so each child has your whole heart!
Mom of 3 here!!
My now 11,7,&5 year old are all doing great.
I felt a bit terrible having my 3rd 23 months after my second.
But, goodness, it’s amazing.
Zero need to feel guilty. Zero.
All 3 are bffs. I couldn’t ask for more
Every four years I had a child . So , the oldest went to school when the youngest was born . The middle child went to moms day out . I was able to spend time alone with my third child when the others were in school and mdo and didn’t feel bad at all
Guilty??I don’t understand,you should be happy.I know I was my third and last child is only a year and a half apart and they play good together.
You can do dates just you and your 4 yr old. Plus your 4 yr old will love the new child. You don’t need to feel guilty.
Thank you Mama for being such a wonderful mother. I never felt guilt so cannot relate, but I think it’s beautiful. I would come up with a schedule, mama and child time, so all the children are equally attended to. At 4 kids can kind of understand that newborns and babies need 24/7 attention, but they don’t completely which causes a lot of jealousy.
I never understood this frame of thinking. Guilty of what? I have 2 kids and never felt this way. You’re not taking attention away from anybody everybody still going to get the same attention yes the baby may need a little bit more tending to but you still make time for the rest.
Include your four year old! Have them help you get the baby ready to nurse or change them or clothe them or bathe them. My youngest is 2, and her two older sisters (9 and 6) still argue over who gets to do things for her all the time!
And then while you’re nursing/feeding baby, read a story to the older kids or have them sit by you and just talk.