How do you deal with your partner being so insecure?

I don’t deal with it period. Byee.

You think it’s bad now??? And he doesn’t even own you
Imagine how it will be when he puts a ring on your finger

He’s holding you accountable for his ex’s crimes…LEAVE…Not your crimes…

Your better off without him ,you and your children will be miserable


Then leave it won’t get any better.

I think you just answered your own question


I don’t deal with it.
Especially as a single mom. I don’t have the time to coddle someone who won’t work on their own issues.


6 months-- girl please. Leave his ass!!!

Allowed!!! Nope…GTFO NOW!!! Let’s just say I’ve been traumatized from previous relationships and I’ve never “not allowed” my husband to do or not do something. You’ve only been with him for 6 months…those are sick big red flags…it will only get worse from here…you don’t want your kids to think this is how you or anyone else should be treated and I’m sure you wouldn’t want them to be treated like this.

The N word don’t walk run.!

You ask question and then answering it yourself. You were happy before so that’s your answer

Run, don’t walk away from him. He won’t change, except for getting worse.


Leave him, now. Run for the hills.

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His insecurities are about him. Is this what you want for the rest of your life?


nope… 6 mths & he’s doing this?? nope :exclamation::exclamation: get out

Yup I agree with everyone else. My kids dad acted like this and slowly isolated me from everyone and then his true colors came out. He turned out to be an abusive narcissist. Dump him now. Tell him he clearly isn’t ready for a relationship and needs to focus on himself. If their is no trust there is no point.

Id drop him so fast what a nightmare

:running_man: :running_man: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Go be happy single or find someone that’s not so insecure. No one has time for that.


You don’t. That’s his excuse to treat you poorly and you should NOT tolerate it. It WILL escalate. Get out now.

He’s not insecure he’s controlling!! And if he’s like this at 6 months in, leave now!!! It won’t get better

If you allow it it will only get worse. He needs a dog

Nope. After just 6 months, this isn’t your problem. This is control and it’s a sign of worse to come if it is this bad this early on.
This guy needs a couple of years of therapy before he will ever be ready.

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Get. Out. Red flags are absolutely everywhere!!! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Narcissist behavior. This will get much worse. Your not a child and should not have to answer to anyone. Probably get physical before long. Sometimes the guys will act this way if they are unfaithful themselves. Definitely don’t let your kids see that Move on and find a decent mature man. You will be happier and your kids will enjoy you more. Kids pick up on your moods It makes them sad and anxious.

After only 6 months? RUN!! You’ll be so miserable and it’ll only get worse. Please please put your happiness first NOW!

RUN as fast as you can. He can make up all the excuses he wants, trauma from past relationships blah blah blah. The truth is he’s controlling you. He gains enjoyment from seeing your light dimmed. You don’t need a man in your life. You need yourself mentally sane. Your children need the best you. You can’t be that with him. Run now before you have a child with him.

He’s like that after 6 months? Fucking run.

You’ve been with him six months and this is all the regulation? Girl, leave his dumb ass. 

Sorry, but you aren’t happy. He needs to go. Trust me, it will only get worse. Get him out while you can.

Break up now before you get further involved. He’s a walking red flag. Time to go.

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: you Saïd it yourself badsically: your not happy!!! A man had to add joy in your life not take it away!!

You even said it yourself- ‘ I was perfectly happy being single’
It’s unhealthy. He’s putting his insecurities onto you.

That sounds more controlling. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Run. It will only get worse.


Leave! Only 6 months into your relationship! Will just get worse.

Girl RUNNNNNNNN!!! and don’t look back!!! You need to listen to the advice you asked for. It will get worse!

Break up with him. Run don’t walk.

I don’t. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Nobody tells me ahoy friends can be or follows me around like a puppy. Not even my husband. We’re grown over here.
Someone else’s insecurity’s aren’t my fault or problem.
He isn’t insecure. He’s a prick who is controlling you at the moment bc YOU have low self esteem & he can get away with it.
Girl, run.

Take it from me girl… RUN :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: NOW

Only six months?? It’s only going to get worse- RUN!

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You don’t punish people for what others have done in your past. In saying that, was he really traumatised in his past relationship or did she also wake up to this ridiculous behaviour and leave.

He’s controlling get ur babies and leave. If he’s living with you. Make him leave or get some help making him go. After a short 6 months n it’s already toxic. I personally wouldn’t put up with it. Imagine what he will be controlling in a year!

Walk away mama. I did the same thing and stayed because he was so good with my kids… it doesn’t get better. It gets worse.

You’ve only been with him for 6 months and he’s been waving those red flags without abandon the whole time. Why are you with him exactly?

Sunk cost fallacy. Get out now. You only wasted 6 months. Let him control someone else with his insecurities or tell him to get therapy.

U literally answered ur own question…“ever since I’ve been with him it’s like my light has dimmed”…girl ur 6 months in, run :running_woman: u don’t need ANY of that nonsense

Leave that’s the best thing you can do it doesn’t get any better only worse I tried for almost 3 years and the behavior only got worse

Honestly this isn’t even insecurity, it’s borderline abuse. Sorry love, but ending it may be the only option. It will only get worse

he’s not for you sis. you already know that tho. you’re blocking your blessings keeping this dude.

I would say that it’s time to go then.

Not a healthy relationship

I just got through reading in the news today where a girl broke off with a guy and he broke into her house during the night. A neighbor heard her screaming at him to “get off, I don’t want you anymore” and then the neighbor heard gun shots. The jerk killed her for dumping him! Be Careful!!

RUN! Get out of the relationship before you end up on dateline or snapped. ( I watch a lot of I. D. )

Nope! Put him in the bin.

Run and don’t look back……control is not a good thing! You know you can be a single Mom, have your life and your freedom! Please keep us updated….run!

Leave. Today. Right now. I really hope you’re not already living with him or trusting him alone with your children. The ‘trauma’ is not from a previous relationship. That’s the oldest excuse in the book. He’s a narcissist & it only gets worse. LEAVE.

That’s not insecure. That’s controlling. The way to deal with that is to leave if he isn’t willing to work on his issues.

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I’m sorry but you need to leave. Do not take any crap from him, it will not get better. He will say I’m sorry ill change. Then go right back at it again. You and your babies don’t need to be around that. Run like forest. Lol. Don’t look back.

Leave. His past tramas shouldn’t be pushed into you. You said your light was being dimmed and nobody should ever feel that way about themselves you should always feel comfortable and if he’s not going to stop with how he’s acting you need to get out and start fresh again.

So his insecurity is in him to fix. He actually sounds very controlling. Talk to him, and if things don’t change you will need to cut him loose.

Your kids are watching what you settle for and that means they are stuck with this ewwww person as well , Get out now

Sounds like you know the answer youre realling looking for…that you should just end it. Happier without him.

Leave. Don’t be dumb gurl. You want it for your kids and you shouldn’t. Your not his x. If he can’t get that then he needs to leave you alone

Sounds like he’s abusive, mentally if not physically. He could become physically abusive soon. Background check him and see if he has a history of abuse.

Run like the wind cause this is never going to get better.

Dump him and run… this isn’t the man God created for you. Love isn’t insecure or controlling

No reason for you to be with someone who tries to control you in any way…why do you allow this in your life…you get to make your own choices…Never again will I allow this from anyone

Get rid of his negative energy. Him too!

i wouldn’t say that’s insecure would say it’s controlling

Ditch the dude .he’s controlling no happy outlook in that relationship.

RUN!! Get out while you can.

run thats power and control

Give urself.ore. Time. Keep a Journal.

Red flags!!! For you and your kids Ide run

6 months? Run. Run away. Far far away.

Run for the hills.
Dressing a hard bed for your self if you stay in that kind of relationship. Get out fast.

Yup got a hunch u should be the one worried about what he does behind ur back

Pass on him. If he’s dimming your light it’s time to go. It will only get worse

Run Run Run. If it’s like this in just 6 months dude is crazy AF.