How do you embrace positivity within yourself and to others?

I’ve had a lot happen to me this year and I wanna be a positive person but it’s hard from built up anger and trauma from my childhood!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you embrace positivity within yourself and to others? - Mamas Uncut

Counseling work on your self

Seek counciling. Write it all out in a journal. Even though you’re not talking to anyone, it still feels good to get it all out on paper. Then burn what you wrote if that helps. Helps me.


Count 5 blessings before you get out of bed. It can be as simple as thanking God for a new day, the flowers that are blooming, the birds in the sky, the moon, sun and stars. Concentrate on the good things that you have. God bless you.


Find a hobby. I got into plants and it has been healing in a lot of ways for me :seedling:

Prayers for you. Holding a grudge or holding on to anger is allowing others to live rent free in you mind and steal your joy. Forgive the past and those who harmed you, not for them but for you!! Life you best life in spite of your past!!

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Forgiveness is for YOU not others. You deserve to move forward without the trauma from Your childhood holding you back. Do it for you!

Takes time sometimes just loving the small joys in your life can help also cut out the people who are not positive hard to determine who sometimes but mostly just look after yourself first speak to someone who won’t judge or take sides

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you embrace positivity within yourself and to others? - Mamas Uncut

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you embrace positivity within yourself and to others? - Mamas Uncut

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you embrace positivity within yourself and to others? - Mamas Uncut

Counseling, and being honest with yourself. Let yourself be angry and grieve and go through the motions. Remove toxic people from your life and only surround yourself with people lifting you up. If you don’t know the slots personally, find a church you feel welcome in and go!

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Tbh, IMO, u need a great counselor who has a close relationship with the Lord! I’m not “religious” but know the Lord very well. Please take me seriously. God is THE ONLY WAY to rectify this kinda hurt and damage. He knows u better than u know yourself HE MADE YOU. HES been there with u every step of the way and only He can help. I know He’s willing and waiting. U just need someone to help u Not saying He couldn’t anyway but sounds like U need a little help i.e. counsel-wise. I’ll be praying for you.

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Meditating, yoga, affirmations, self reflection

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Honey ur not alone. Im facing brain tumor/crainiotomy. I totally understand. Take time for urself and dont force urself to be around folks that trigger you right now. Sometimes i have to ponder on things alone 1st so im not a mean lady. I totally get NOT being ready to let go /forgive too. Alot of folks dont understand psych probs. Im workin on my attutide/psych/brain too. 1 day at a time. Sometimes even 1 hr at a time. Ur trying to get past something tramatic that only YOU fully understand. Take care of urself because YOU deserve it


For each thing that is from your childhood that angers you when it comes to mind forgive and release and close that door and continue to do that until you have no anger but a heart full of joy that is beating for itself and is happy - it won’t happen over night it’s a work in progress but in time that anger is gone and you realize you are truly happy and positive towards life and in life. And if you believe in God or a Higher Power seek the guidance of it - you will start to see and feel the change.

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Try seeing a counselor and ask about edmr it helps with overcoming trauma

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Me too girl, Zoloft has helped me alot, and finding things to keep yourself occupied and busy through everyday

Every day look in the mirror and tell yourself the following things: “I love you,” “You are a wonderful person who is worthy of love and happiness,” “You are special and deserve good things.” Eventually you will not only mean it you will believe it. It also helps to force positive thoughts so when you have a negative thought come up with three positive ones even something as small as liking the taste of pizza anything positive you can think of. Fire example you have a thought about being stupid (my personal number one negative thought) think about the smell of your favorite flower, the taste of that first cup of coffee in the morning, a happy memory, any thought that makes you smile.

I started meditating. Brings peace

I found doing positive things for myself and my every day life/surroundings/home made a massive difference for me… I took up the gym, got into fitness and had a massive life overhaul with healthy food and not feeding into any negativity. I distanced myself from anyone who wasn’t good for me and kept my thoughts and actions positive. I started to count my blessings and focus on the small and good things in my life too! It took a lot of hard work and didn’t happen overnight but I slowly went from being socially anxious and down daily to being a much brighter and generally happier person. Take pleasure in things like a long bath, read a book, discover a new TV show, do weekly face sheet masks and take care of yourself… When you’ve had so much trauma in your life it takes a lot to move past it all and realise your worth. Also how to create a sense of peace for yourself… It’s different for everyone but these are things that really helped me :heart: the gym got rid of all of my negstive energy and all the endorphins gave me a rush, plus feeling healthier and having more energy helped too. Music was a big factor as well… For every negative thought (because they will happen) try to find 2 or 3 positive things to think about instead… Every small thing or change that brings you happiness is a win, no matter what it is…

Counseling or a hobby - maybe one that involves punching bags or some other way to physically get the angst out of your system

Talk to Jesus. Just talk to Him. Keep your eye on your blessings.

You don’t have to be positive if you’re not feeling it. Feel all your emotions but seek help if you’re stuck in one for a while.

If you’re holding onto shiz from your childhood that is making you angry andof the like then you need therapy. You need to figure out how to let go of that anger and move on.
Cant bee happy if your core is angry

Don’t put positivity over how you’re really feeling, but don’t let negative feelings define who you are. It’s okay to feel EVERYTHING. Make sure that you’re addressing your feelings, recognizing them and giving yourself credit for how far you’ve come. Best of luck to you and hopefully things will continue to improve :slightly_smiling_face:.

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All of the above. I found prayer and counseling and being outside gives me peace. I don’t know how I got through some things without God.