how do you parents feel about your child/children earning things, especially privileged things?? how do you feel about your child/children learning about earning money a day manage it??
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My parents taught me nothing about money, had to learn it all the hard way. I definitely support teaching kids all about money, earning it, saving it, investing it… I pay my oldest when he comes into the office with me, and then we use it as a teaching moment. I also pay them for chores around the house.
Kids need to be shown how to use money and how to save money so they gave an idea of what they are doing as an adult. I personally think earning things is a great idea. If they are constantly handed things they have put no effort into getting they become very spoiled very fast
I do it with my 3 year old she get so much a week and when we go to the store he can use her money to buy things.
She gets $$ for chores and good behavior at school