How do you feel about having kids far apart?

I am 19 years older then my sister and l had two of my girls in 1983 and 1985 then one in 1994 l was 23 25 34 l was much older with my last one it was easier but l would not change a thing l love them very much.

My youngest is 10 yrs younger than my middle child.

If I were you, I’d go for it, but I’m older, and done with that. (Good luck on whatever you decide).

My girls are 16 years apart. All good

My girls are 13 months apart. My oldest is about to be 10 and I’d do anything to be able to have another.

my best and sincere advice is U will never regret having another child!!! but most likely would regret it if u didn’t :slightly_smiling_face:

My kids are 7 1/2 years apart my aunt an my mother were 10 years apart an there was 17 years between my aunt an my uncle my kids were close an so was my mom an her sister an brother

My kids are 12 years apart. And to be honest… It’s like starting over. Both kids were raised almost like only children. They don’t interact with each other very much since the older one moved out. She is 20 and my son is 8. It was great when he was a toddler. But as the older one got older they grew apart. She has friends she goes out with and he was more of a "hey look how cute my brother is. " But now not so much. Lol. I won’t say I don’t recommend it, but think hard about it before you do. I wouldn’t have tried for another one, but now that he’s here, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Mine are 5 yrs apart not a huge age gap, but I got to enjoy my first just us. He was in school when our second came and I get to enjoy her all day.

Our oldest is 9yrs older than our 2nd and 10 yrs older than our 3rd

My girls are 20, 16 and 10. I’m glad they were far apart. It made it easier financially since we weren’t paying double for diapers and daycare.

Mine are 8 years apart! Go for it!

My husband and I had our last 2 kids 10 years apart. My youngest boy is 16 and my baby is 6 years old.

My boys are 24,11,6,and 1…it wasn’t planned this way we just couldn’t get pregnant then all of a sudden I got 3 more very happy but sometimes wish they were closer in age…I’m 42

Our son will be turning five in August. It took us almost three years to conceive him. I would like to have one more, and call it good. In the end people will hate, and talk shit. You have to do whats best for your family :family_man_woman_boy:

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Mine are 10 almost 11 years apart and my oldest loves his baby brother and vice versa

Me and my second older brother are 11 years apart and it worked out wonderful for my mom

I’m the oldest of 5 children
The youngest was born when I was 12
I’m now 34 and she is 22
We loved how we grew up together wouldn’t change it for the world

Ok. Im going on marriage #2, so bear with me.
With the 1st husband, we brought in 2 children. When we adopted our youngest, they were 8 and 13. I will tell you it was definitely easier having a younger one because the girls were older.
Now, I am still involved in my first stepdaughters life.
The girls are now 5, 13 and almost 18, and I am now a bonus mama to 2 more, 4 and 6.
I find the age gap with the oldest 2 allow me to focus on their milestones (i.e, school events, graduation, special birthdays) without taking away ones milestone for another’s. And my youngest 3 are spaced out enough that we can focus on theirs as well.
I was 29 when we started all over. And I wouldn’t change it for the world

I have three children…28, 22,8…I definitely had more energy with me eldest kids…almost 40 when I had my last. I don’t have as much stamina as I used to. I felt more confident, though, because of having experience. My older ones are adults so they are doing their own thing but still interact with the youngest and have babysat for me. My eldest child has made me a grandmother and I still have a school aged child at home. So I have an 8 year old who is an aunt to my 4 month old granddaughter.


I have a 30 yr old and a 16 yr old and I loved it. Both my boys are a blessing

My oldest is 8 years older than my youngest. They are so close. It’s wonderful. :heart:

22, 20, 18, 14 & 6. My life wouldn’t be right without the littles. The youngest helps keep me young. :slight_smile:

my kids are 5 plus years

Ok thank you to all that have posted on this post!!! I was feeling so OLD being 40 with a 10 month old!! Even have ppl asking me how old my GRANDBABY is :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: I felt soooooo alone!! Y’all make me feel great!! :heart::heart:

Lmao. My oldest is a 17 year old girl, my middle is a 7 year old girl (that’s 10 years), my youngest is a 10 month old boy(that’s 17 years between my oldest and youngest) if that’s God’s plan, then that’s the way it’ll be :woman_shrugging:

  1. Do what ya want
  2. Do what ya want
  3. It doesnt matter do what ya want

My oldest will be 25 next month. My youngest is 16, and I’m pregnant with number 3 now, go figure.

My kids are five years apart

Well we have
24 yr som married w/ 2 girls and baby on the way
23 yr son w/ 1son
17 yr old son
15 yr old son
13 yr old son
3 yr old daughter

And life is good. The boys help out as much as possible and babysit so I can get to dr appointments and make dinner. It’s nice having the age gap. Our 3 yr old was a change of life baby for us. My husband would like one more, I just don’t think I can.

My oldest was born when I was 22 and my daughter was born when I was 42.

Trust me I though woo who I’m half way done dealing with schools then… We were blessed with the baby.

I have a 12, 8, and 1 year old. That’s not how we wanted them but that’s how God gave them to us. Is it hard starting all over? Yeah. Let me tell ya having a kid at 21 was a lot easier than 31 so expect that!! Was it worth it? Yeah. Having them spaced out means you get to enjoy EACH and every stage with each one. You’re not being rushed through it because their sibling is young and needy too. There will be challenges with an age gap but they’re not worth worrying over, you will figure it out.

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I have a brother who is 4 years younger than me and one who is 15 years younger. It’s fun having a younger brother- help guide him through all the things I went through as a kid without sounding like his mom


My children are 7 years apart. I personally would have had them closer together but life circumstances after the first born kept my husband from wanting another one. It took some convincing Dad she needed a sibling to share life with. We were blessed with a son.
You are young, I say go for it and have a couple more. The more the merrier, right! :slightly_smiling_face::heart:

Most of the time my 12 and a half year old is like a second little mama to my 1 and a half year old. I’m a single mom and I can honestly say, she’s been more help with this baby then her dad was when she was a baby. She loves finally having a sibling and when he was born she said their spirits connected. Starting over was difficult but so worth it.

My oldest in 9 and we just had our youngest’ I was SO worried about the age gap! But honestly I LOVE it. I don’t regret it and also my oldest lovessssss their sibling and is so helpful and protective and a big teacher. It sounds like you are feeling legit exactly what I was. I was torn and still worried until the little one arrived. Couldn’t imagine having it any other way now. I literally love the gap.


This is my 10 year old voluntarily loving on her 19 month old sister and 5 month old brother. She is amazing and loves finally having siblings


I have a 16yr old and 11yr old daughter and 9yr old and 2 yr old son the boys both have bdays coming up in april I love having tje age gaps. I dread the day my kids move out n leave me…now by the time the baby leaves I will more then likely have a grand baby…plus I was a young mom a average age mom now older mom…i appreciate the baby and his caos more then i ever did the older 3. We go on his schedule and i milk all his caos for how ever long I can…because 1 day you definitely miss it

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My oldest is 7 1/2. Will be 8 by the time this one is born. I’m kind of stoked. My two older children are so much more independent than if I had another baby a few years ago. They do their thing, dad helps them more because they are people and not infants. I feel like I will be less overwhelmed And have more time to focus on the baby. Also, not that I expect it, they are children… but if I NEED help, my older two will be 5 1/2, and 8. So they would be capable. Can’t scream out help to a three year old and expect much Hahahaha. :joy: also less likely to be as much fighting as if al three were closer in age.

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My kids are and 6 months… They are so close and bonded. They all are great with the youngest babies.


My sister and I are 10 years apart! My mom said it was easier on her because my sister could help out with little things. Like watching me when she needed to run outside and by the time she was 15 or so she was babysitting me when mom needed to run to the store or an errand or something. It was cool to me too, getting to hang out with her and her friends lol it was a good experience and made me a more mature person I believe because I was around older kids all the time instead of kids my age.

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I have an 8 yr old boy a 4yr old girl and a 4 month old boy. My 8 yr old does so much better with my youngest. He’s a big help and loves to hold and play with him. Now my 4 middle child doesn’t really acknowledge the baby too much. She’s pretty focused on playing. She holds him occasionally. I’d say go for it.

I’m literally having this same struggle. My little one is 9. I’m getting remarried later this year and I’d like to have another one…but we probably wouldn’t have one til she was about 11. Not sure if I want to start all over but I also don’t want to regret not trying. I feel like I’d regret not trying for another one but I’d never regret having another one. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I have a 23 year old and a 12 year old. They’re 10.5 years apart. Make a long story short, each daughter had me to themselves, pretty much. I spent quality time with each one because of the age gap. Also, no sibling rivalry. I say go for it.

I’m 10 and a half years older than my kid brother, he is now 17 and I’m 28, it always felt like I was his aunt tbh🤷‍♀️ but at the same time I had a great time watching him grow and help raise him.

I have a 23 yo, 20 yo and my now husband and I have a 9 month old. Age doesn’t make a difference in my eyes. If you want another one and can have them then fulfill your dreams. As long as the older ones are apart of it and feel the love they will be great older siblings! Good luck to you guys. :slight_smile:

My oldest daughter was 16, my youngest son at the time was 8 when my baby was born. She is now almost 23, my son is 15 and my baby will be 7 yrs in a few months.
I was also 33 when my baby was born. It sure was a huge difference, I couldn’t do then what I was able to do as a 25 yr old mother.

I have a nine year old and I just had my baby in October, he loves her and she looks at her brother with so much love, it’s not always the same situation but if you really want to age doesn’t make a difference, you have to start over even if they are back to back, and plus you have a babysitter in the making haha

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No big deal. My nephews are 10yr apart and it’s nice for my sister to have extra helpers!!! Plus plenty of protection with older siblings!!!

I’m 40, my boys are 22, 18, 5 and 3 and my bonus son is 20. I’ve been a young mom, an older mom and a stepmom, with some kids close in age and kids with large age gaps. Last year I had one son graduate High school in June and another start Kindergarten that September! I was worried about the age gaps as well as my age, but it’s 100% fine and manageable and I wouldn’t change a single thing :wink:

I have 2 daughter from a previous relations who are 12 and almost 11 and a 3 year old with my husband. It has been wonderful. They have a wonderful bond and they love to help with him.

I’m the baby, and the next sibling above me is 14 years older. I love it! I feel like I grew up an only child but had siblings when I wanted them. :joy: Now I’m really close to 2 out of 6 and it’s nice. I couldn’t imagine growing up with siblings closer to my age.

I have a 12 year old, 9 year old and an 18 month old. My eldest and youngest are 11 years apart and I find the gap amazing! They have the most amazing bond and my little one dotes on her big sissy’s. They are the best help also. I was worried about starting all over again also but I really wanted one more and I haven’t regretted the decision at all.

My kids are 18, 11, 6, and 2. I liked having them far apart in age. My oldest helps out a lot. And my 11 yr old helps out too, but not too much, though, because I feel he is still too young. But the age gaps worked good for me. I say go for it.

I’m a few days shy of 13 years older than my brother and 16 years older than my sister. It was fine. It’s totally your choice and you’re definitely still young enough to handle “starting over” with another babe

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My son and my daughter are 9 years apart. Very close siblings and they are closer than my other kids that are way closer in age.

My kids are a few years apart. One 3, 5, and 2 months. Just a few years apart. I didnt try to get them this way but it happened. All boys just a few years apart.


I say if you want to then do it. Mine are 6 years apart and love each other dearly and my oldest brother is 11 years older than me and its never been an issue.

I had three on four years, then had another 8yrs later. I like having them close but they enjoy the youngest more cause they are older

I was 10 when my brother was born loved helping look after him interms of bonding were really close

I have a boy almost 28 a girl 22 and a boy 19 . I would do it all the same way again . I love having them spaced out

It’s what YOU feel! ME? No way in hell I’d do that again!! I’m ready to enjoy less responsibility!!

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I had an 8 yr old and and 12 year old, when I had my last baby, later on she was like an only child

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My sister is 15 years older than me and my brother is 10 years old than me. I think you should do it!

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Peacefuller home… twin 14 years old… 9 year old and an 22 month old… but time has been invested in them… all same father… we are very close due to i stayed with twin. We are so loving to the lil
Ones, no jealousy whatsoever!

I have a 23,21, twin 18 year olds and a 6 year old. Honestly was worried when my youngest came along because of the age difference but they are like second parents/siblings to him and its great

I have 2 sons. 10 years old and 6 months old. They adore eachother.

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My little brother and I are 12 years apart. I love it. Now my kids are 3 and 7 months and it is definitely rough having them close in age. If I ever decide to have another I definitely want my boys to be way older.

Mine 3rd and 4th were 7 yrs apart. My oldest was 11. I wasn’t sorry at all. Weigh the pros and cons.

My parents had 2 a yr and a half apart and then my brother 10 yrs after my sister. They planned my brother. If it is that you want go for it!!

There’s 26 years between me and my brother mum and dad had 4 of us 27,21,9,2

I’m 28 and have a 13 yr old brother. Our bond is very strong and not weird at all!! That’s up to you if you want to have another. I’ve thought of the same thing before! I have 2 and my oldest is almost 11 but idk if I could personally ever start over again lol

I have a 22 year old and 9 year old twins .it’s very hard as I’m 47 but my twins make me feel like I’m 25 .I love them with all my heart then some time I say what was I thinking

My oldest is almost 20, my youngest is 2… think of it as having a lot of help… much easier than having them close together from my experience xo

My brother is 9 years older than me… as little kids we were close…as older kids/teenagers we were at all…since turning like 20ish… were super close again

My kids are
20 months
So 17 years between oldest and youngest

I have a 16, almost 13, 8, 5 and 27 weeks with twins.

There’s 20 years between my mom’s oldest and youngest brothers. Theres of them all by the same parents. It works out ok

You have to go with what your heart says to do… Me however my kids are grown and I don’t think I would want to bring anymore kids into this sick evil world.

There’s 20 years between me and my little sister. Also, my moms little brother is only 4 years older than me.

Mine are 15 years apart. It works.

I had my youngest at age 28. You’re still young enough to start over as you called it :grin: after 30 is when it starts getting riskier, and after 35 forget it. The eggs are no longer fit for fertilization. I can’t say about the age gap, as my kids are all close in age, and my siblings were the same.

Do it. If you don’t you will regret it. I have a 14, 12 & 4.

I have a 23 and 21 year olds AND a 11 and 7 year olds. I’ll tell you this much - It’s been an interesting ride! Lol

I had 4 8 and older then had 2 little girls. They all care about each other. It is all in the way you raise them and now you have 10.yrs experience

Got two 32 and 22 no different if they were 3&2

You will never regret having another child, but you might regret not having one.

I have 3 sons 14 years old 12 years old and 11 months old yes its starting all over again but I promise you it’s a joy. Having my 1st 2 together was a hard job cos it was 2 babies to look after now the older ones are there to help

My kids are 16, 14, 12, 6, and 2. If you had another baby your son would be big help for you most definently. I started over after my 12 year old and my 6 year old. I figures I was done. Lol. I wasn’t. With your son being more independent you’ll miss having someone to take care of. Id have 1 more, if I was in your position. BUT if you like quiet, alone time, and want to do what you want and when then maybe your 10 year old is all you need.

I have a 10 yr gap between my 3rd and 4th boy. It was a struggle 10 years ago…but having a baby 10 years later was THE BEST EXPERIENCE IVE EVER HAD!! I knew he was going to be the last, money isnt so tight, less stressed…my last pregnancy was the best out of the 4. Ive enjoyed my last baby more than i did w the older boys bc of many things. I do alot more when it comes to holidays and school funtions…i love my 3 older boys of course but theyre 21, 20, and 17…could care less about mom at this point but my 7 year old makes me feel like im the best mom in the world. Being older and having a baby is scary but amazing and if i could do it again…i would!

My kids are 13yrs apart and it’s great. I have the best of both worlds… the worst part honestly was people and their nasty comments about their age difference.

I’m the same age as you and started over. My oldest was my only child for almost 8 years. Then my nearly 3 year old came plus now I have a 7 month old. I never had intended on more than just her. But seeing her with her baby sisters absolutely makes me know that it is so worth it.

Mine are 10, 6 and 2 months. I’m 30. Definitely prefer them apart.

My oldest and youngest :blue_heart::heart:

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Mine are 15 years apart. And they get along so well.

You won’t regret having a baby … you may regret NOT having a baby.

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My aunt has a 15 year old and a 2 year old she loves it!!!

Mine are 10 yrs apart

I have a 7/9/12/14 year old

If you really want a child have one

Boy 22,Girl 20,Boy 15 and Girl 12