How do you feel good about yourself after you have gained weight?

So I’m used to be 98-100 lbs, always been really small. I’m 5’0. Well, in the past year, I’ve been 130-140 and can’t seem to get out of that range. I try to work out, but it’s hard with everything that I do. Stay at home mom of 3, a husband who I take care of everything he wants and needs. (Which I genuinely love, that’s how I was raised) but no matter what I do, I can’t get past 130-140. I guess what I’m asking is, I know I’m not a size zero anymore (size 4-5) actually, and I know it doesn’t sound like much to some, but with how short I am, it shows. How do you ladies still feel so confident and sexy without being so damn small like I used to be? Don’t get me wrong, I see heavier girls all over that I feel carry it way better than I can. I just wanna know how do I do it? How do I still feel sexy? How do I become comfortable with myself?


Book a boudoir photo shoot. When you get your photos back, you’ll see yourself different and it will greatly improve your self image.


I have same problem I’ve gained 5lbs every yr since 50 I’ve been110 since 7th grade it’s not leaving if you figure it out let me know

I have always been about 110ish 5’2. After kids I am 125-130. I would say accept it. A womans body is sexy with curves and all. Much sexier than a skinny stick figure.

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Get your thyroid checked


:sob::sob: I’m 5’4 and usually 130 lbs but after these two kids I’m now weighing 184

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Go out for a walk everyday to burn some calories if u want to get rid of a few pounds. Dont eat 4hrs before bed and only drink water. If u like yourself that way get some sexy pictures taken. I’m trying to gain back the 20lbs I lost taking care of my mom. I’m 5"7 and I’m at 110 and I look sickly so extra weight is actually good as long as you feel good

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Self care, self acceptance, and take care of yourself. I’ve found that I’m the most confident when I am taking care of myself and getting my needs met (nails done, drinking lots of water, social time) and feeling fulfilled with my hobbies, school or work. I’m bigger but I feel beautiful. I’ve found that some women do better on a health journey rather then a “weight loss” journey. Don’t focus on how much you weigh but how you feel.


I am 5”4 and 185-190 lbs,
You have to keep in mine that your body goes through a natural change and some of the weight won’t be lost.

Baby, I feel the same way. I am also 5’0 and I am currently weighing in at 136. In June of 2020, I was size 2 -roughly 105 pounds- and in November, I was 132 and a size 8 in pants. It was VERY hard to accept my body but I’ve come to terms with it. It’s hard to see your body change after it being the same for so long but honestly, just be happy with yourself. That’s my only advice. Set fitness goals that are actually reachable and celebrate EVERY little victory. You got this mama! :heart:

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Hey, guess what activities burn off calories?? S_X…:+1::+1:

Just had a baby 5’1 180 and seems like I keep gaing cant get it off. Advice

Try intermittent fasting

I worked outside for years, got pregnant and still worked outside, jumping cars, moving cars, running all over until a week before I had my daughter. I was fit. After, i couldn’t loose all the weight, moved to a office, gained more. I got a meal plan for keto for my husband and I, we both lost a lot! We drifted from it for a few months, but didn’t go back to all of our overeating or anything so we still stayed way lower then what we were. We go on it off and on, i def recommend just lowering your carbs, and smaller portions…and a lot of water!!!

I’m literally exactly what you described, but 2 babies back to back and was only 80lbs when I met my husband but I remember that I’m a mom and a wife I shouldn’t be what I was in high school that was my princess weight and I’m a damn queen now, and it might show I feel better when I’m eating healthier and staying active throughout the day. Love yourself for what your body was able to do.

I used to be a pretty small 160 at 5"5 and after having my daughter 6 years ago I’ve gotten to 200 and I myself can not find the time or want to work out lol. So I kinda just take it as it is. I do think it might be my birth control which ill be removing out of my arm soon. But not sure if ill lose any weight.

To lose weight (and I am 70) do not eat at night. It is hard when Y R the one cooking food. The 1st wk is tough. I would eat a hand full of soup crackers. Give it a week and see if you have not lost some wgt. Then it gets easier

This is me all over!! :woozy_face:

Plant based diet. I’m 5’0 and weigh 140lbs at my heaviest. I’m now down to 115 and I don’t even work out. I just keep track of my steps and try to hit 10k a day and keep my calorie in take around 1200.

As I guy, I can’t really comment, but I would say don’t be ashamed to buy the clothes that fit, even if it is a size that seems big to you. You will have much more confidence and look better in a size 4-5 or bigger than trying to squeeze into a size 3.


Ugh I felt this. I’m 5’1" and in my younger years was around 115 lbs granted I’m very curvy but in the past couple years I put on weight. Not because of having kids as until I had my twins in September I hadn’t had a kid in 13 yrs. I went up to 135 and felt great still as we get older we need to carry just a bit more weight because of losing collagen but then I went up to 140 then 150 and I was miserable. A couple injuries, medication, surgeries and rotating shifts later and now I’m 180 and what I wouldn’t give to be 140 again. It feels like I’m trapped in someone else’s body. I look back at my pictures and wonder how I thought I was fat. Don’t get me wrong I totally understand. 5 lbs for us shorties might as well be 20lbs. I suppose I would recommend for now just trying to maintain your weight and focus on losing it slowly over time. Being a stay at home mom is stressful even if you love it . I miss work :sleepy:

honestly my best suggestion is this. buy something out of your comfort zone. for me I am a size 10 but used to be a size 6 5 kids later was an 18. now down to a 10. I dont see the sexy and I get that 100%. but when going on dates I would put something on sexy and way out of my comfort zone. and one day my bf pointed out in a bar now look at how many are looking. we have this view of ourselves mine has been beaten into me my entire life. we need to embrace who we are. love who we are.

I am 5’6" I always weighed 125 to 130ish got up to 170. I started walking between 3 to 5 miles a day quickly and doing intermittent fasting eating between 10am to 6pm. And lifting some weights. Took a year and a half but I’m back to my usual size. I still do the fasting. But not as much exercise but I still try.

Ditch the scale! Being “pretty” healthy is the goal. I am right there with you all. Trying to focus on daily goals, like drinking water and getting veggies in. Yoga classes are good, and walking. Be proud of what your body can do and what it has done for you! :kissing_heart:

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After having my baby it just didn’t bother me any more. I want to be healthy,yes, but my weight dosent matter so much.

I walked everyday for a year and list have my body weight

First of all it’s just a number…I never had a weight issue then I had a hysterectomy and boom I was so self concense about my weight I spent all my time being miserable…but I began to love myself for who I was…and I have a husband that makes me feel sexy no matter my size…I try to eat healthy and keep active but I don’t deprive myself of the joy of living my life happy if I want that cookie I eat it🥰

Before my son I was 90 pounds and I’m 5 ft. I gained 110 lbs before I had hi, reaching 200. Before I got pregnsnt again with my daughter, I could only get down to 155. I actually focused more on my stomach, butt and toning my arms and legs. The weight is fine as long as you tone it, you’ll feel better about yourself. Trust me.

I feel this too 4’11” here and I’m about 140 and having a hard time I’ve tried dieting working out and even had them test my thyroid.

Ask your man! F××× the haters! But ask if he likes how you look physically. He might surprise you and tell you how sexy you really are. You could also find someone to help you make some bordiour (spelling) photos. You know those sexy but tasteful pics for your man’s eyes only. Maybe find someone to help you shop for clothes that fit your bodies shape. Wear sexy undies under your clothes and have a spa day. Get a make over.
I bet you money your man thinks you are perfect the way you are. LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF

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I’m 5’2 before my daughter I was 135 I carried it well.
Got pregnant due to medical condition I jumped to 210
5 years later some has come off very slowly
But my daughter doesn’t care about that she loves mommy!
Her father loves me no matter what.
How to feel sexy…
Look at your body that body carried your babies gave you a family.
Your children don’t care they only care about great memories
Find the right clothes google (polyvore outfits)
Lean meats and salads
Play with your kids make it a fun workout they can do with you.
Enjoy life when your happy the weight will come off.
But if you stress your body releases what’s called cortisol which will keep that weight or gain more.

Hope this helps

Positive self affirmations. Wake up every morning, look in a full body mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are!


Its so hard to feel good…i developed hypothyroidism from my first pregnancy…i started at 125/130 before pregnancy…went up to almost 200lbs…then couldn’t drop passed 175 for the life of me :frowning: it took 3 1/2 years to get to 155, then i got pregnant again :roll_eyes: reached up to 190, and now almost 2 years later im down to 162…still nowhere close to where i started :frowning: best way to feel good is get clothes that make you feel like you look pretty…get your hair done…do your makeup. Make sure you get clothes that fit the body you have, not the body you want…if your clothes dont fit properly, you’ll feel gross…


Eat more colorful vegetables, no processed foods, only organic meat & poultry (the growth hormones fed to them work on us too). Avoid as much sugar & carbs as you can & stick to whole grains. Smaller portions. Dance through your day. Take up a sport you enjoy. Kickboxing? Zumba? Swimming—take the kids, Karate? Walking? Tai chi, yoga & modern dance are my faves, ballet is good too. Mommy & Me classes can work.

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It is all within yourself. We are our worst critic but we need to learn to love ourselves because no one else is like you.

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I’m 5’3” & 180! Only wish to be 140 again! Had 6-pk abs now I have keg belly!

Feeling sexy and confident has nothing to do with a number on a scales