How do you find the right formula for your baby?

I don’t even know what to ask or where to begin but how in the world do y’all find the right formula for your baby?! I’m losing my mind. This is my 3rd (my 1st was breastfed with supplementing and my 2nd was good on Nutramigen) Now with my 3rd on Nutramigen I feel like it’s not doing good for him. He is straining so much and he’s only pooping a little bit 1 MAYBE 2 times a day. He’s 2 weeks old. I’m going to discuss with his PED on Thursday but I wanted some insight first


My daughter is breastfeeding and occasional supplementing (due to my supply being “just enough” most days) and with hers we just had to trial and error it until we found one that didn’t make her tummy upset and didn’t make her projectile vomit. When we finally got it right, it ended up being similac 360 total care sensitive.

My daughter had to have elecare for that exact reason!! It was the best and she was such a happier baby!!

I would switch every few weeks to see what worked best. Went through 4 with mine. Remember it takes two weeks for formula to fully work. We did similac spit up and helped

I always started with the gentle formulas off the bat. Wasn’t sure if going from breast milk to formula would upset their tummy so I went with the most gentle I could get on their poor belly.

If he’s going 1-2 times then its going good some go every other day

Through your nipples the baby will find them and suck them endlessly

Babies are not designed to drink animals milk. If you’re not giving them breast milk give them plant milk. Cow milk is for baby cows