How do you get rid of acne?

I never had it before but my daughter is starting to get it. She just started her menstrual a couple months ago.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you get rid of acne?

Keep face very clean, mild soap. Sounds silly but I use baby soap on my face. Morning & evening routine.

When I first got acne I used the Clinique line of skin care. Amazing

Try The ordinary range, nice prices and quality ingredients. Should work well

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Take her to ulta they will help you guys figure out her skin type, and there’s all kinds of price ranges. I got my eldest the ELF mini sensitive face kit thingy for like $14 or something. Hasn’t been enough time to know if it works, I was really happy with the wide price range though. Try to stay away from harsh chemicals that dry out the skin, and make sure her moisturizer isn’t greasy.

I personally use Dermalogica Ultracalming kit with Vitamin and Sea beauty sea lavender chamomile overnight hydration sleep mask. I really like it, but the Dermalogica is expensive. I paid like $40. The sleep mask I think was only $8 though.

Black African. Soap. 5 dollars a bar last. A long try clears it right up without drying skin out. Walmart sells. Amazon or bazaars


Cetaphil face wash, something with salicylic acid or bezol peroxide, gel moisturizer and sunscreen …also look for Cassandra Bankson videos…she gives a lot of information and great advice.
Check out brands like The Inky List and The Ordinary :blush:


Everyone has different skin types! It’s most likely hormonal. My daughter recently got her period and is having acne problems. Panoxyl wash is over the counter and about $10… it will clear up her acne in no time. Be careful though… it has 10% benzoyl peroxide and definitely bleaches your towels.

Drink alot of water. Less sugar

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Get a face soap with tea tree oil in it. I like the Dr. Bronners one. I get bad breakouts from having to wear masks at work and tea tree oil clears them up over night.

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I’ve recently started getting acne myself and I switched to Clinique skin care and started using diffrin at night and after a couple weeks it’s almost gone. Everything is drying up and scabbing over now. (I have a bad habit of picking).

Been using Apricot scrub since I was 14. Peel off masks once a week. Never had any acne problems. Just random pimples here n there depending on what I ate. I get told I’m younger than I look by people. I’m almost 38 now. Moisturize during winter when my skin gets dry. Usually baby lotion. Nothing too fancy. Have her use face wash regularly n she’ll be fine. Hope this helps

Take her to a dermatologist.


We tried everything with my daughter, and nothing worked. In the end we found a birth control pill that helped with the acne and regulated her period which was also super heavy before the pill.

The only thing working for my 12 year old water honestly she rinses her face twice a day and it’s clearing up. We tried all sorts of soaps and creams.

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Skincare is my biggest hobby, I love it and love the science of it and have studied it for years:
She needs a cleanser with chemicals exfoliants, BHAs go deep into the pores to clean them out and AHAs do surface level exfoliantion. PHAs are new and they are like AHAs except more gentle. You’re looking for the acids, salicylic, lactic. For hyperpigmentation left over from the acne you need niacinamide, alpha arbutin, and/or vitamin c.

Managing oil levels is key, so niacinamide is her best friend. The ordinary is cheap but my favorite is The Glow Recipe’s, looks great under makeup. When all else fails, retinol. The ordinary has a .2 in squalane oil that works great and doesn’t cause skin irritation, my teenager uses it and loves it.

Also get her tested for a milk allergy (not lactose intolerance, but an allergy), it shows up early as acne.

Things like tea tree are great for spot treatment but for an overall acne problem it’s not going to do much unless she’s lucky. Really need to focus on skin health instead.

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CeraVe is life🤷🏻‍♀️ had acne my whole life before trying cerave at 32. Only thing that has worked for me!


Dove bar soap to wash it and a clean towel to blot dry.

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I like the equate brand stuff from Walmart. It comes in a box with a step 1-3. I have super sensitive skin and this works great for me. Kinda like a proactive type stuff or compare to anyway

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Please see a dermatologist. Some of these suggestions here, while well meaning, can make things so much worse. It depends on what is causing it, and a doctor really needs to make that call. I have Rosacea and most of these suggestions would make it a ton worse. My son is starting to get the breakouts now and I’m trying to get him an appointment with a dermatologist (there are massive waits right now for non-emergencies :confused: ) to see if it’s normal teenager acne, Rosacea, or something else. It may be basic hormones, it may be something more.
This is what I live with, and witch hazel, and so many other things above that I’ve tried over the years literally make this worse and my face bleeds.


Medicine called Proactive order it off TV. Took care of my daughters problem.

My kiddo uses an zit stick from Mother Cluckers Farmhouse and works wonders. We will never use anything from a big name store again. My kiddo has eczema so we have to be extremely careful with what we use on her skin!

PanOxyl. You can get it at Wegmans and it worked well for our son.

My daughter and son both had acne at one point. The day my son stopped washing with soap it started clearing up. My daughter does very little now to her face, she uses target generic fragrance free face wipes and they work great. We found the more products she used the worse it got. Just our experience. Keep it simple

That is a question for a dermatologist! Everybody’s skin is completely different and what works for me might not work for her so talk to the expert!!!

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Teach her to rinse her face every time she washes her hands. Pat dry or air dry. Tell her not to touch her face, especially with dirty hands. Wash face with dove soap and washcloth daily, put aveeno lotion of after and don’t wear any make-up, especially foundation. It’ll go away on its own over time. Make-up will make it worsein the long run.


I used proactive. Worked great

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My grandma got me proactive started to get it at 16 bad the proactive worked amazing and I got so many compliments on my pretty face. Also light makeup or wear seldom makes a huge difference. If she wears makeup often have her use proactive and wash her face really good after her day is done before bed. It only takes about 5 minutes to use the proactive steps and works wonders.