How do you get rid of cradle cap?

How do I get rid of cradle cap? My 2 year old has small spot of it.

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Put lots of baby oil on it n leave it on

Coconut oil, olive oil , baby oil . Leave it on over night and then in the morning or later that night comb it out gently and then repeat the same steps till it’s all gone

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Baby oil ad a fine tooth comb

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Use Head & Shoulders shampoo a couple times …

My Italian neighbor put olive oil on it. My daughter never had it again.

Bicarbonate of Soda mix into paste put on for a short while and wash babies hair as normal.

coconut oil or hair castor oil from Amazon, rub it in gently on the scalp while baby in the the tub, gently comb it out and give the hair a good wash out with castor oil bar soap for Littles. DO NOT RUSH THE SCRUB IN W OIL THEN WASH OUT, YOU COULD HURT HER HEAD! it will take a few washes until you see a difference

I’ve heard breast milk works

Coconut oil and olive oil and then put a hat on to keep it in the scalp and it’ll soak in. Had to use it on my son who had a really bad case of it when he was 3 months old

Baby oil rub it in then leave for a while then wash it off