How do you get slime out of hair?

How do you get slime out of HAIR? My daughter put the slime on her head pretending it was shampp and now I have no idea what to do to get this out…


I would try margarine or something oily. Maybe ask google

Vinegar rub it all over her hair and the slime and it should dissolve it. She will just smell like a salad.

I was able to use conditioner and a combination of dawn to get it out of my daughter’s hair. Just put it in the area where the slime is and comb it out little by little.

Baking soda, it breaks the slime down and it will crumble out. This works for everything, carpet, furniture, clothes, pretty much anything.

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Something oil based - micellar water works.

Time and patience… took me 3 hours

I think i used conditioner. It was awful. My daughter knows now to put it near her head.


Someone told me to use Coca-Cola to get slime out. She said it worked wonders.

We used baby oil. It made it fall apart and we were able to comb it out! It took a lot of patience!

My son put slime in his hair also. Regular vegtable oil took it out. I rubbed it on the hair then took a Brush and brushed it out.

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Vinegar! Let the hair soak in the vinegar for a few minutes and then start working it out of the hair. You can also leave the hair in the vinegar and work it out that way. Vinegar helps break down the stickiness of the slime. :heart_hands::heart_hands: regular white vinegar!!

Vinegar. It dissolves it making it roll right out.

Coconut oil and a lice comb

I had to cut the slime out of our daughter’s hair. What a mess! Banned slime from our house after that!

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