Okay, I’ve gotta know, how do you working mamas get any me time, quality family time, or chores done?? I’ve had a part time job in the past, and mostly been a stay at home mom since my first kiddo, but know I’ve started a full time job and our two kiddos are at daycare while I work. I dress them, drop them off, go to work, go get them, get them fed/bathed and put to bed, and then I’m so frickin tired I can barely stay away until 9. I haven’t even been eating dinner I’ve been so exhausted. I barely have time for laundry, dishes, etc
Have a supportive husband where everything is shared.
It sure is tough. I have to have 40 plus hours a week to support us. I start work at 4:30am, leave work to go back home and take them to school, go back to work till they get out of school. I have 3, single parent here. I was the stay at home parent when I was married. Both tough!!! As for the question, time for myself, it don’t happen. It’s boring anyway.
You’ve listed what you do for the house, but what does dad do for the house?
Haven’t figured it out yet and my oldest is 14…
Get up, drop kids off go to work, come home by dark to cook, clean and do the night routine just to do it again the next day.
I wish I knew. My husband is our SAHP and we both have health issues (both physical and mental); between the two of us we barely manage to keep the basics up (dishes, laundry, etc). Any non-daily, deeper cleaning jobs end up falling to me, so when I could have time to myself I end up using it to try to catch up on those. It’s exhausting and we really need something to change soon.
You do morning routine and have dad do night routines .
Hire a housekeeper 2x a month. Throw a load of laundry in every morning, brew coffee, before getting ready to leave, switch laundry to dryer and start second washer load. Come home fluff dryer load then switch laundry over and fold the first load. I relied on my crockpot a lot for dinners. My kids are school age so we also have sports every single evening. It’s hectic here so my “me” time is the few minutes waiting for practice to end for pickups. The rest of the cleaning got done Saturday or Sundays around sports games. My hubby is a huge help and I make my kids help with chores. I’m tired all the time. Just part of it.
my me time is even though im working its kinda me time but now i have a second job and im home when there in bed both part time jobs weekends are only family time.
Just do what you can momma. I am a single stay at home heart mom and there are days that just keeping my kid alive and myself surviving the day is all that can be done. My son has had 20 surgeries and I’m raising him 100% alone and we have had to be home since covid started because of his health which means he no longer goes to school campus and does an online school. Try to make a schedule and get one thing done a day… like Monday rinse dishes and put then in the dishwasher, Tuesday throw laundry in the washer before work and then dryer after work…if this is a new routine that you are figuring out just play around with it until you are on schedule that works for you. Depending on the age have the kiddos help with things also.
Once your body gets used to the change it all just comes together. And you somehow find the time. Not sure how lol. But it will work out. In fareness I find as we aren’t at home most of the day there isn’t much household chores that need done other than 1 laundry load and some dishes. Quick hover and mop and dust but it’s not as much as it is when you’re at home all day with the kids.
I wish I could tell you. I’m in bed by 7pm nightly. But then again I’m stage 4 kidney disease and on the transplant list so therefore my energy levels are non existent esp after working a 10 hour work day. Pick my 7 year old up from daycare do his homework eat take showers then we’re both off to bed. I get my me time on the days I’m off and he is in school
Um u don’t that’s what we do as a mother
robot vacuum that runs during the week… run a load of laundry as soon as there is a full load… baths every other day unless we got muddy/dirty… and go to bed by 8 like my kids
Its ok for you to feel like there isn’t enough time in the day
Even mom’s who don’t work feel that way
Don’t stress about having dishes in the sink and dirty clothes in the laundry ect
As a nan i still feel like that
All I can say is be kind to you
As for not eating
Try some energy drinks such as Sustigen (I make it the same way I make hot chocolate)
Make crockpot meals at night. Plug it in the morning. Do laundry in the morning. Get up a little earlier to have time for yourself
Sounds like she may be a single Mom working 10 hrs daily doesn’t help although economy sucks dragging us all down🤬 hang in there maybe family could help ya out here in there🙏
Get their father to do stuff. It’s not all your job.