How do you get your 3-year-old to sleep in their own room?

What technique did you use to get your 3 year old to fall asleep independently in their own room? I am due with another baby in September and a single mom so I won’t have any help at night time.

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I lay with my daughter until she falls asleep. Then I sneak out. Couple hours later she comes running through the house and sneaks in my bed. Not much help; but sending good vibes :love_you_gesture:t3:.

Wear your child out as much as possible during the day. White noise, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, night lights, stuffies, maybe lullabies on repeat for an hour. Studio Ghibli has some ambient-sounding pieces for babies & young children. Puts my grandson to sleep in a heartbeat.

Repeatedly return your child to his bed wordlessly with as little light as possible. Tuck in, pay & kiss goodnight. Maybe fill a plastic glove with beans & leave it on child’s back or wherever to soothe her/him.

The trick is the never start co sleeping lol I did the same mistake and my 5 year old still sleep with me…

I co slept while my husband was deployed and she’s 5 still crawling in bed with me. I love it.

My oldest I coslept with and by age 2 he (typically, not 100% all the time but least 99%) was sleeping in his own room. I let him nap in his crib while I showered and such in the early months, around 6 months would carry him to his bed from mine after he fell asleep, and did that pretty regularly until about a year then started putting him in his bed from the start of him acting ready to go to sleep, and only would resort back to the transferring method if he wouldn’t lay down without crying for more than maybe 5 mins max as I absolutely hated hearing him cry it broke my heart to let him cry more than few mins and only reason I did that was because we’ll sometimes kids fuss as they’re falling asleep it’s not always a true cry so I’d give it a few mins to ensure it was really him crying not just making noise to try staying awake. My 2nd never coslept until he decided he was and now at almost 3 he still falls asleep with me on couch or bed then gets carried to bed, 3rd goes into bed and falls asleep on own at 1 1/2, and 4th is only going on 2 months so she gets nursed then put in her bed once fully asleep.

You honestly just have to do it and accept the first few nights will be hard. Talk about it a few days before and pump it up. Make it sound awesome. Most important thing is to stick with it. We just did this with my 2.5 year old