I am struggling. My oldest held his bottle staring at a few days old but my 5mnth old won’t hold her bottle to save her life. I even bought the handles for it! How did you get your babe to hold their bottle?!
Hold her in your arms, hold the bottle for her, let her hands hold your hands. Enjoy your baby.
She will get there in her own time
My son could hold bottles but preferred me doing it I considered it to be be comforting for him. Don’t rush their independence for the little things, you’ll miss moments like that.
The child will do this and everything else in her/his own time. Personally I loved holding my baby and his bottle.
Put their hands on it and you hold theirs but not until there older
My premie born 8 weeks early, is 9 months now and holding her own bottle when she wants to. Every baby does things at their own speed.
Think of the bright side, extra cuddles.
Don’t rush them to grow up
My son didn’t start consistently holding it until about 7 months, I understand you have things to do and you’re a busy momma, but don’t rush it.
every baby is so different. I have 6 and I never compare them as they pretty much started almost everything at different ages.
There’s no way possible your baby held their bottle at a few days old feeding is a really good time for you to connect with your baby. They’ll hold their bottle when they’re ready. There’s no real time stamp on when your child will reach milestones.
She’ll hold her bottle when she’s ready. Don’t be in a rush for her to grow up. They’re only little for a short time. Let her be little and enjoy her being little. Time goes way too fast. Coming from a Mom of teenagers.
My son never held his own bottle but he was fine with sippy cups. He was and is in OT
Neither of mine would lol
She will. When she ready… Afterall she’s just a wee lil baby boo!
1…I don’t think a newborn can actually “hold” their own bottle at just 48 hours old and 2.) My youngest just turned a year old and still wants me to hold his sometimes, although he is completely capable. Seriously its our job as a mama to feed them… Be it boobie, or bottle. If you absolutely have to prop it up with a blanket I suppose but its not the best habit.
Lol, that’s it? Chill moma. It’s alright.
Not v safe so young and its part of bonding to hold baby close and feed
My son didn’t hold bottles we had to prop them up. He drinks his own cups but bottles nope
I promise there isn’t much (if anything) that your two babies will do at the same age
My son didn’t start holding his bottle until around 7 months. I don’t know why you need your baby to hold their own bottle so badly. They will when ready.
Shes 5 months give her time.
Your newborn did not hold their own bottle at a few days
Let them be little
You wait until they are ready and they will
Why? Why does baby need to hold their own bottle? Some babies do it some dont, i dont think this is an important milestone to be this concerned about. Hold that baby’s bottle for her and move on!
Every child is different. Stop comparing them and wait for them to be ready. That’s all you can do.
Your newborn was holding their bottle up…. Right.
She would … when she is ready.
What a mother!!!
No baby can hold their bottle at a few days old. Neither of my children held their bottle until they were about 6 months old.
Every baby is different…I absolutely do not believe that your first held bottle on their own at a few days, but even if that baby did that, that doesn’t mean your other children will do the same or close to that time frame. Let your baby be a baby and hold her bottle.
She will do it when she is READY!!!
Mine did about 4 months but she was eating everything then so the bottle was given after food.
When she is ready she will.
Your first child did not hold their bottle at a few days old and I lost all respect for you with that statement. I’m surprised a second time mom can be so clueless. Every child is different. She won’t even need a bottle much longer. Enjoy this time. Prop it up with a blankie if need be but she will get there in her own time.
A few days old??? Newborns don’t have that control of their arms or hands. I don’t believe this is a legit question. Just trying to get everyone to reply!! It worked!
My girls 10 months and not long started holding her bottle xx
Holding a bottle is a milestone that shows their fine motor skills so everyone telling you it doesn’t matter is ridiculous. That said I wouldnt push hard until 8-9mtns! At that point I would worry.
Um, you hold your baby in your arms and hold the bottle for her. Stop being so lazy.
A few days old No the first baby did not.
Feeding your baby is a bonding experience. That’s why they’ll look at you while they eat. That eye contact while you’re providing them nourishment establishes trust & bonding. Hold the damn bottle.
My 4 year old still loves to snuggle with his last drink before bed……. He has autism and this is one of the main forms of affection he gives, I’m gunna enjoy it as long as he wants too because he will only be this young once
Girl you lying ain’t no baby holding their bottle at a few days old gtfo
Your baby isn’t your first child so stop expecting them to do things like the older child. Also babies all develop differently and at different rates. Most babies do not have the idea that they have hands let alone control over them until they are roughly 6months( sometimes before and sometimes much later). Your baby isn’t supposed to hold their own bottle that’s your job. Also most babies don’t hold their bottles until sometime around the time that they can roll over on their own and are trying to scoot around the floor. Stop expecting your baby to do things just bc your other child did them at what you believe to be right after birth.
She did it when she was ready
Why does baby need to hold their own bottle?
You should be watching them to avoid choking so you may as well hold the bottle
You baby gets more than milk. He/she gets you close and feels secure
Keep letting it fall and put baby hands on bottle when its up so she can drink. After a while they will get the idea. Otherwise roll hand towel up lay on babies chest and put bottle on towel.
Jesus crist let them be babies!!! Why have more children if your just going to make them grow up before there time?! If a 5month old isn’t confident enough to hold own bottle DO NOT FORCE IT!!! you sound awful… & lazy!!
Dr. Bronners bottle holder
Around 6 months old they start
I didn’t know when they were supposed to hold a bottle so I didn’t push it. Turns out she didnt do it until her first birthday when our family friend’s daughter just handed it to her and she drank! We didnt know at what age she was supposed to do that. I was a terrible mom, always doing everything for my daughter.
Lol she is not at that milestone yet . Don’t u know what milestones she should be at for her age??? But this has to be a joke
My son outright refused until recently to hold his own bottle he likes me to do it lol and he’s just 2
No baby holds anything at a few days. Cuddle that baby instead of making your infants independent.
No your oldest didn’t hold their own bottle as a newborn…and why would need or want them too?
Don’t compare - even with your own previous babies ( though newborns don’t have the motor skills to hold bottles so I’m surprised by that ) your 5 month old will do it when they are ready ( or not!) what are you struggling with exactly? That you feel like they should and they’re not ? Or frustration that you still have to hold the bottle for them?
Feed her. She is a baby. Don’t prop it up either, she can choke.
Bring her to me, I will feed her. The poor baby.
Are you serious??? Are you to lazy to hold your baby’s bottle?
And no your oldest was not holding his bottle at a few days old
Let her be little. Why do you need her to hold it so bad? Stop being lazy and feed the damn baby
Why would you want her to hold her own bottle so soon …feeding time cuddles are priceless
No baby holds their bottle at a few days old.
Wow really? It’s your job to hold the babys bottle. It’s silly and ridiculous. Who cares about holding the bottle… especially at 5 months
Wow, cant you be arsed holding it? Why do they need to hold it themselves at such a young age ??!!! You chat shit
This has got to be a joke…
My middle never held his bottle. He probably could but I had to hold it for him. My oldest and youngest both held theirs somewhere around 6-7 months
She will hold her bottle when she is ready, every child is different. My last (3rd) was more advance then my first two. She was lifting her head and looking around the day she was born, the nurses where in aww. There only little once and time flys so fast.
My son is almost 11 months old— he CAN hold his own bottle but he chooses not to food though? He will shovel that into his mouth all on his own no problem!
Every baby different my oldest was 5 months second 7 months third breastfed held a sippy at 8 4th sippy at 6 months fifth youngest held a sippy at 9 months stop being a rush there only little so long I tried to keep youngest last a baby the longest but little dude decided to be youngest to walk at 11 months lol there baby’s enjoy them being baby’s
My son refused to hold his own bottle the entire time he drank from bottles lol he would drink from sippy cups no problem as he got older but mom HAD to hold the bottle. Just enjoy this time, they’re not in this stage long
Mine was probably about 8 months old. I never found it to be a big deal. If I knew I’d be driving during we’d just eat right before
lol your baby is an infant… they’re not suppose to hold their own bottles that young… hold your baby and feed your baby, that’s how you bond with babies. It’s a choking hazard to just have their bottles propped up and all that… just hold your baby.
Babies can’t hold their bottle at a few days old , they don’t even get the concept yet . Sounds like lazy parenting to me .
That’s ur time to bond with your baby and I wish mine was lil again u r the one missing out of so much. A newborn cant hold a bottle they try to put hands on them sometimes getting them held alone but they will still drop it…unless propped up
My daughter is very advanced and she only just holds it, she’s 2.
My little one is six and a half months old and just started holding his own bottle they do it when they’re ready
I just got the handle for mine son, kept.putting his hand on the handle and he would grip around them and it took a couple tries but he eventually got it but now he just likes to fling the bottle around when he’s drinking it lmao
I enjoyed holding their bottles until they kind of shrugged me off so they can hold it themselves… don’t rush your baby into growing up
Can’t make such young babies do anything really. But it’s just time you get to spend with your bub, and that time passes so very fast so don’t let this frustrate you
Each child is different -
My first started holding a bottle at 6 months
My second was 7 months
My 3rd is now 9 months and can’t do it yet.
Her hand and arm muscles aren’t developed enough yet to hold a bottle. Give her time. What’s your hurry? Is this your biggest problem?
One of my sons could but refused to u til he was on suppy cups at 10 months old lol
Why though? Just feed your baby and enjoy them. 5 months old, poor thing.
You wait until they are ready. Stop pushing your baby to do things you should do for him. Lazy!
I was paranoid when feeding my kids because they had really bad reflux so even if they held a bottle I would still have them on my lap in more upright position to try and prevent the sickness. Then had to sit them up for about 30mins after otherwise I’d lay them down and they would just pump it all back up.
My daughter had slight tongue tie and I had to feed her with the bottle nearly touching her bottom lip, as if I was breast feeding her and literally sat watching her with every suck she had.
I didn’t have many baby moments because of my mental and physical health after having her, then she started walking at 9months old. Make the most of holding the bottles, putting them in baby grows ect as it goes soo fast x