How do you get your baby to sleeop through the night?

How are we getting our six month olds to sleep through the night


Probably not an age appropriate expectation, arousal rate lowers the risk of SIDS. Mine didn’t sleep through until closer to 2.


Cereal before bed. Might be hungry. Also definitely old enough for food

I did cry it out after I started baby food


They will when they’re ready. I have three, my oldest did by about 7 months, my middle didn’t until almost a year old, and my youngest did at 2.5/3 months. I wouldn’t say there’s any one thing that make it so they do

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Kids sleep thru the night when ready, to bad if you get woke up , next time use birth control, probably anoy year at least


My granddaughter is 10 weeks and we use a nap sack on her.

When they wake at night rather than feed them just give water. They soon sleep through once they know they’re not being given milk.

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Kids sleep through the night when they are ready to. My son still woke up to drink some milk when he was almost a year. He was a 30 week preemie but still. He did things on his own and I let him.

Your baby is still young, give time. Babies need their mama’s

Lol they don’t sleep through the night

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Can’t force them to sleep.
If they don’t need the sleep then they don’t need it.
All babies are different.

Whoever posted this message me privately, I have a group that’s full of moms and babies with the same age, that won’t give you grief over this. They will give you actual advice

She didn’t. They are still so little… need to wake up to eat & poop :poop:. Took my daughter 2 years

It’s biologically normal for a baby to wake through the night, nothing you can do & nothing you should do. My daughter was waking up 6-8 times a night until about 16 months. She will be two in October. I still wake up for a drink or to use the bathroom, I would never expect a baby to sleep through the night