How do yall get your kids to go to bed without a fuss? My daughter is 5 and she has been fighting me tooth and nail going to bed every night now. We’ve tried a routine, which we still do every night. She doesn’t take any naps & doesn’t have sugar or caffeine during dinner or after. (Dinner is about 6pm for us). She throws a fit every time I say hey its time to go to bed. We’ve also tried the timer warning method. She just refuses to go to bed without fighting us for hours. We’ve pushed back her bed time from originally at 7:30pm, all the way to 9pm but still no good. I’m at a loss of what to do and I’m at the point of getting ready to take her toys away for fighting me
My son is also 5 and did the same exact thing since he was 4. His doctor decided to have him see a psychiatrist. We’ll both the doctor and psychiatrist told me that he’s not able to wind down like not relax enough to go to sleep. The fights were getting unbearable and just started becoming a loss because I didn’t know what to do. I had tried teas and warm milk all of it. We’ll both the doctor and psychiatrist wanted him to start taking melatonin to help with him winding down. Some children don’t produce enough and need to take melatonin in order to help their bodies get to the point of winding down like their supposed to. So since I started giving him melatonin the fighting bedtime has extremely calmed down. He still has nights where he has more trouble even with melatonin but I usually jsut lay with him while we watch his favorite movie and he’s out within 30 minutes. Hope this helps!
Have you talked to her about why she is having a hard time going to bed at night? And talk about what she maybe needs before bed?
With my 7yo bedtime becomes a fight if he hasn’t finished something or he wants more 1:1 time with me.
How much activity during the day? This helps my two boys!
Magnesium and vitamind D cream before bed also helps us and is much better than melatonin for people.
I have also started telling my son, okay if your body is not ready to sleep you can read/listen to books in your room and be quiet. When I am done putting siblings to sleep, I lay with him till he falls asleep.
My 5 year old will fight it if I don’t lay down with her.
Take her toys away and give her consequences.
When mine is super hyper we do a workout 15-20 min and then have 20-30 min of quiet time and bed.
When she don’t listen she don’t get stickers and prizes and she knows it and looses privileges and she’s 3
They never stop fighting going to bed. I have a 9 year old who can write a 10 page dissertation on why she doesn’t need to go to bed when I say it’s bed time!
It’s easy don’t fight, thats what she wants. Let her cry in her bed and shut the door. When she’s done crying, open it. If she starts crying again close it. It took my daughter 2 nights to figure this out. Now she doesn’t fight me at all.
Melatonin for children. There problem solved.