How do you handle a baby who is breastfed, sucking her thumb?

I know it's a comfort thing, but she will try to do it while eating and gets mad that she can't get milk. I can pull her thumb out and tell her no no or too wait, but in reality, what 5 month old will understand that? I don't mind the thumb sucking, I can try to stop that at a later time, but for now it's just difficult for her to eat. Thank you.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you handle a baby who is breastfed, sucking her thumb?

Odd answer, i onow it’s hard but as someone who sucked their thumb, it can soread out their teeth. Baby and permanent. :pensive:
It cam be a sign of “anxiety” so please keep an eye out. I wish my mom had known. It would’ve saved me alot of problems. :heart:
As for how to get her stop, she’ll have to learn she can’t do both. It’s so frustrating but she’ll get it.

She’s 5 months so she may be teething. Is her weight okay? You can talk to your pediatrician but I wouldn’t worry too much. My 3rd son started sucking his thumb right after birth. He refused a pacifier and that was what he did to sooth himself. He still ate and gained weight just fine. I was worried about his teeth and everything. But at the age of 3 he suddenly stopped without any intervention. Just talk to her doctor and keep your eyes on the situation. BTW it didn’t ruin he teeth as I feared it would. He’s actually my only child THUS far that doesn’t need braces.

Mine used to try to suck her thumb and take a bottle at that age. She decided that she really just wanted to eat, then she sucked her thumb when she was done, your baby will figure it out. She wants comfort and food.

My daughter did that and I just repeatedly took her thumb away and redirect her attention with an activity or toy


A little constant redirection; maybe let her hold your hand while she eats or give her something to grasp and maybe it will help her focus on just eating instead of trying to shove them both in her mouth.

Just take it away and she will eventually figure it out. When you do decide to get her to stop sucking her thumb please don’t shame her. I was made fun of by family and told lies about my teeth, freckles, spider, my stuff rotting off….it never stopped me. My mom tried hot sauce, peppers, duct tape and tube socks, nail biter polish, and hiding my comfort silky. On top of the shaming. If a child is going to do it, they are going to do it. Just be patient and kind.

Nursing necklace. I simply took a piece of ribbon tied it loosely around my neck with shower hooks on it. Then I’d attach rattles or other toys to it. Keeps their hands bust while feeding.

All you can do is keep removing it. Careful my son sucked his fingers and thumbs got a bad skin infection had to have skin removed and hands wrapped looked like huge mittens

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My daughter is bottle fed and does the same thing. The only thing you really can do is stay on top of it keep her hands busy and keep removing her fingers from her mouth.