How do you handle your baby liking your husband more?

It’s because he sees dad less. My little one is 22 months, his dad is gone for work a few days at a time so when he is here our son is all about daddy, doesn’t want to leave his side or really go to anyone else. Doesn’t mean he loves me any less, but he’s with me every day and when dad’s not home he’s very much a mamas boy and wants to be with me wherever and whatever I’m doing. Has nothing to do with liking or loving one more than the other he just sees daddy less so when he’s around that’s who he wants.

Really?? You need to grow up. Being jealous of your own child is ridiculous.


My little grandson 1 1/2yo appears to chose me over his mom when we are together. If he gets hurt he cries for mama not his mommy. And will come to me over her. This all started after my DIL had another little baby. I know this is temporary and so does his mom. I’m grateful I’m able to help and she’s grateful he loves and trusts me so much he wants me. How amazing it is that your little one loves his daddy so much. That in No way diminishes the love he has for you.

Wait wait I hate my parents at 16

Probably because she barely sees him. Would you rather your child not care about him? Imagine how the father would feel.

U definitely have a needy problem

I don’t understand all the shamey/bitchy comments. A new mom said something was “crushing her soul”, whether you understand it or not. How many of you have partners that aren’t around for 6mo at a time? Why bother commenting if you aren’t contributing in any meaningful way?

Dont worry when they are throwing up at 3am they will want mum


Little boys have a special bond with their dad. It’s the same way with my son. Although, they will always come to mom when they need something. :heart: enjoy the break.

He’s gone a lot so stop being selfish and let him have his time too! U would be complaining if he didn’t have anything to do with the child!!

I suck it up and stop allowing unjustified petty feeling to cause me to hold unjustified negative grudges against my Husband and child. Just because the child pays Dad (when he’s home) extra attention and loves their Dad doesn’t mean it’s necessarily more than you, it’s just more prevalent because Dad’s not home 24/7 and it’s more noticable. My oldest was a 50/50 with her Dad and I, middle was attached to my hip and youngest is 90% his Dad and that’s ok. We all have people we just jive better with and that’s ok. It’s the same for children. Try to take a step back realize it’s not personal and doesn’t mean you are loved less otherwise you may subconsciously deflect those feelings towards our husband causing unwanted/unjustified marital problems and true hurt feelings for your child.

You might want to be assessed for postpartum depression if you’re seeing this as a negative.

Get yourself some therapy. What a weird thing to be jealous of!

When kids see a face all day everyday they love when they see a face that isn’t there as often. Kids get tired of being with the same person all day everyday

You sound young dumb and selfish :rofl::rofl::face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Boy your in for a long row to hoe

Be grateful your kid likes your husband. Some who work so much that don’t get to see theirs often have a harder time bonding. He deserves that bond. You should probably talk to someone about postpartum depression.


I think it’s adorable that my daughter is head over heels for her daddy. I think you need to do a little emotional work on yourself. Jealousy is an ugly thing

By going to therapy because of your jealousy.

Is this a joke? :flushed::woman_facepalming:t2:

Really?:woman_facepalming:girl he’s a baby…you gon be jealous over that?:rofl:he sees you more than daddy so you gotta understand the excitement!!! Enjoy the moments you get with him when hubby ain’t home…I’d be thrilled as fuck if my kids attention all went to their dad​:rofl::rofl::rofl:it’s annoying but that’s part of parenting​:joy:

They go through stages, she loves you both equally.

But more importantly, children are not going to give you unconditional love and return your feelings. They are takers and that’s how it should be.

Love is love. It can’t be measured. Your baby loves you and loves her daddy. Accept it be happy for it. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Maybe if you were as happy to see him as she was , this wouldn’t be a problem.

Your husband most likely doesn’t want to be away, he’s missing alot of time to provide for the family. I’ll bet the baby being excited to see dad means everything to him. Not to say your feelings aren’t valid but it’s really not a contest. Just love the little one and everything will fall into place

Welcome to the club of being a momma to a princess! Mine use to be that way! :face_holding_back_tears: It would make me sad but now she is 11 and is all over me to the point that wears my clothes, shows and takes and touches all my stuff and its annoying!

this is my life. wait til he’s a toddler and he screams no not mommy daddy in your face for hours on end when your husband’s away. it’s awful

Come on jealous of the relationship with her dad. Grow up dear. There are daddies girls and mama boys. This does not mean they love you less. They are just happy dads home. The baby don’t get to see him as often as he sees you. Be happy for them and embrace these tes it could be worse. So the kid likes to see dad and want some attention from him he has you everyday.