How do you handle your kids going to their dads?

ow do you mamas handle your kids going to there dads for there custody times ? My 6 year old daughter’s dad and I broke up when she was just 6 months old and he always only lived 30 mins from me so she was there every other weekend. Well 10 months ago he moved to Florida and he got custody time even years 2 weeks in the summer and odd years 5 weeks in the summer. How did you mamas handle it ? My daughter went today to her dad’s and I’m just a sobbing mess right now. Does it get easier ?


If he’s a good dad, should be no issue. He deserves time just like you. Use that time to do nice things for yourself. You are still whole when your child is not present. Choose to look at it in a positive light and it will be easier.


my ex-husband is in Tennessee and i’m in FL. i just occupy my time. i get to do things for myself that i don’t normally have time to do since i have primary physical (and sole legal) custody of the kids.

The same way you are ! Cried all the time , thought I’d lose my mind , prayed and read the children’s book “ love you forever “ and cried more ! My first Husband left when mine were almost 2 and 6 . Fortunately, we lived only five minutes apart and I remained VERY close with his family and still do . My in laws made their dad come back to their home when he got the kids and I was adamant he do so too ! So , after a LONG time , I finally accepted it and always knew my in laws had my back and my kids too . It was a very hard time and I will never forget it but my kids are great now and 35 , and 31 . I also got a therapist for each child and myself and went for years and put my kids in therapy at different times of their lives . Biggest thing : pray , pray and pray :palms_up_together: some more

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Found myself as a person, not just a Mum. Went out to movies, bowling, dinners, camping, bush walks. Had pamper days at home, binge watched favourite shows and movies. Caught up with friends.

He gets to see his child for 7 weeks in two years and you’re crying???

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Tbf I couldn’t cope I HATE when their at school for 6 hours a day I can’t wait to pick them up and get them home​:heart::heart:

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If he is a good dad Pat yourself on the back because she needs her dad and you arnt denying her that love


Cry, and cry more. And occupy your time the best you can. My boys go to there dads every other week, or kinda how they want too, if they want to stay longer they stay longer etc… but I cry a lot… but I also work full time, so work helps during the day but in the evenings it does me no good. It’s a hard adjustment but you’ll slowly get use to it…

Plan fun stuff. Learn to be your own person. One day she will move out and be her own adult and you will have to be OK with that.visit friends and family. Who were you before you were married and a mom? Take up a hobby, take a class, do all those home and other chores so you will be all caught up and can be fully present with your child on return. It’s OK to cry, but don’t wallow.