How do you keep a newborn from overheating at a theme park?

We didn’t do much the summer either kiddo was born - because our pediatrician recommended against it given their age.

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We went to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor when my younger son was 6ish weeks. Make sure you have extra formula/breastmilk (if youre breast feeding make sure YOU are really well hydrated!) We brought the bassinet stroller, musilin breathable sheets and clip on fans. , we kept him in a white onsie frequent diaper changes, make sure your stroller top opens to cover as much as possible to create shade for baby. To create a tent like with the fans circulating Air, there is always indoor places i.e. food courts, stores etc with ac you can walk into to cool off and feed or just take a break. Baby will be fine, dont panic and dont put life on hold because you had a baby thats not really healthy either.

Okay, so go ahead and freeze a lot of water bottles. Take the cooler, put the water bottles that are frozen inside of the cooler. Put water bottles under the blankets and make the baby comfortable. Simple as that, you can’t just stop doing things, it’s a baby. Unless it’s allergic to water unless you’re. Child is allergic to the sun. Unless unless unless I can go on, my daughter was born. May 14th I had her at the park 2 days later. She loved the swing so much that she didn’t like the swing. At home, your baby is your baby. Teach them how to have a good time. From the day one Lord have mercy people. You don’t have to keep your child inside. Just learn how to take care of yourself and your baby. Find a lot of Shade. Bring an umbrella and like I said, get a lot of frozen water bottles. Make sure they are in a cooler. Bring the cooler with you wherever you go. Put Bottle waters that are frozen near the baby. You’ll be fine.

I took cool towels and put a layer down then covered it with thin receiving blankets. Clipped another from the shade to the tray for when they napped and had a clip on fan on both sides. Frozen water bottles as well!

Get a little battery operated mister fan! Bring wet wipes…a sun hat…a little hand waving type fan you can usually find at like a dollar store…a non leak travel mug to fill with ice…it will stay frozen a while and every now snd tge. Just take some out and rub on baby lips and skin…baby will be fine…their bodies learn to become accustomed to your weather…if you keep them away from nomalities such as weather. It may affect them as they get older…

Mumma, I’m so sorry about how judgemental people can be. Being a mum of 3 with noone to help me and no extra finances I get why you ask. Get yourself a clip on Sunday shade, a clip on rechargable fan (with a power bank too) some cooked boiled water and get yourself a cool box or bag with some ice packs in it. The cool box/bag you can keep fresh cool blankets in for incase it gets toooo hot. And if your little one is in a carry cot type of pram, you can pop the ice packs around the edges so that the wind from the fan circulates cooler. Regular breaks from the fun is a must but huni, most importantly, have fun and try not to stress too much! X

I wouldn’t go anywhere with a newborn unless it was an emergency!

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Lightweight clothing, no cover on the car seat, maybe a battery operated clip on fan for the stroller, but really the baby will be fine. Realize they’re used to a toasty 98.6 degrees with no ventilation. So long as the air is moving and they’re not in an enclosed space, it’ll be okay. Be sure to take baby out of seat or stroller regularly to stretch and such. If you baby wear with a low cut top, skin to skin will help baby regulate their body temp as well.

I’m sorry but a newborn at an amusement park sounds like a miserable time. I wouldn’t do it. Heck my youngest is 4 and I personally won’t be taking him until he can ride rides and not have to have someone sit with him while others ride rides.

Mini fans,a cooling pad,but honestly I’d pass.

We always vacation in October or November

You take the baby to the hospital for daily check up for the first two weeks of its life, I’d say that’s worse then an amusement park.

Get a stroller fan or 3 and a couple rechargeable batteries for when it dies! Plenty of fluids and shade as much as you can! Enjoy your day mama.

We got a gel dog cooling mat (no joke!) And laid baby on it in her stroller and also had a battery operated clip fan on her hood facing her chest (not face as then they struggle to breathe)

If you’re gonna take the new baby, make sure you have some clip on fans, a way to shade them, and that you’re going in and out of buildings with ac.

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Fan with a mist option on stroller

Wet cloth on ice pack and switch up the cool cloth. People live in the desert. Just keep out the sun and breast feed a lot.

Clip a battery operated fan to the carrier being used, whether you are wearing newborn or pushing

Hand held fans, freeze a bunch of wash cloths and then store in a bag with ice packs and take out as needed, spritz the Baby with water, keep covered and out of son. If in stroller you can place an ice pack near them or frozen water bottle.

Stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet, bond with your newborn and take naps​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts::sleeping:

No way would I take a newborn baby to a theme park!!

Take the baby and have fun with the family.

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How can you be a parent and use the term “cuz” that right there explains it all. Use a stroller fan

Fan hooked to stroller. Mist spray. Cover over stroller.

I wouldn’t take a newborn to a water park

I mean what do you think that parents did years and years ago when most people didn’t have air conditioning and newborns and infants were just fine? That baby will be fine!

I’d stay home and rearrange it

Did you try googling it for articles done by more professional folks on the subject?

Not a great idea to take a newborn to a crowded, hot theme park. Just asking for heat issues or germs from unknown sources to get to your baby.

Don’t take a newborn to a theme park and expose its little ears to all that noise heat and germs.

Buy a " small camping fan " and a battery charging pack .it will hook right on to their stroller and should last all day but have the back up charger just in case

I would never take a newborn to a theme park let alone having the child around 1000 of people. Never know what will be picked up. Stay home or get a sitter . It also would be a miserable time for you. Being overheated would be the least of my worries.

Newborn babies don’t belong at a theme park
Stay at home… if you want to go out then go take a walk.

Don’t put a blanket over the stroller, it’ll make it hotter … stroller fan that’s rechargeable

Stay home in a kiddie pool

I wouldn’t take a newborn to a big park. Sorry.

Do not take a new born to a them park. The heat. The germs. No Amazon has portable a/c it worked perfect for my kids when they were little

New born babies can not regulate their body temp that’s very dangerous!! They can cool down like a toddler !! Their can die from heat stroke very easily

I personally wouldn’t. No only because of the heat. But because of the vast amount of dirty nasty people around. His little immune system isn’t ready for that.

I just don’t think you would have fun. I think you both would be miserable. That’s just motherhood though. Sometimes you have to do things just for the sake of the baby. Good luck in whatever you decide. You have some great suggestions on here.

Is there anyone else that you trust to watch your newborn so you can go as well? If not I really wouldn’t risk it. Newborns are pretty vulnerable.