How do you keep a newborn from overheating at a theme park?

Y’all I need some advice. If you were to go to a big theme park and take a newborn how would you keep them from overheating cuz we have our family we want to go to a theme park promise we have a newborn as well and I’m worried about him overheating how would y’all deal with that part the only thing I can think of is me staying home with our newborn and not going cuz I’m being worried about him getting overheated bad or keep his clothes with cool water also I’m doing speech to text so my sentence is kind of running because of that sorry


I wouldn’t take him, babies cannot regulate temperature. I’d stay home with baby and let dad take them.


I wouldn’t go. Babies can’t regulate their body temp. It’s not worth the risk at all. Sometimes you have to know when sit things out for the baby. This is one of those times.


I would never take a new born to a theme park


Wouldn’t be taking a newborn to a theme park!


the way it was done in the old days. Shade, shaded stroller or buggy, a big ol tree, and visiting places in the theme park (like eateries) that have air conditioning. going to a baby water play area. They don’t melt


Get a babysitter for the newborn. I wouldn’t risk it.


newborn wouldn’t be going tbh. either one parent stays home or have grandma/sitter babysit.

but if you feel you must bring them out: shaded stroller, clip on fans.


You just had a baby and want to walk a theme park ? Are you in a stroller as well ? Do you think you will feel ok ?

We wouldn’t be going. My husband wouldn’t want me staying home and missing out. It would be something we’d do after baby gets older.


I wouldn’t take a newborn maybe sit this one out I know it sucks ti miss out on that family time but it’s so loud and hot and so many germs everywhere for a newborn I don’t think it’s a good idea


When you say newborn, do you mean like less than a month old? How old is said baby? Just a onesie, shaded stroller, stroller fan. Never cover the stroller with a blanket. Makes it way too hot.


It’s too hot for a newborn. If you’re coming to Florida, we are having 100 degree heat indexes. Adults pass out in this weather.


I definitely wouldn’t bring a newborn to a theme park! It won’t be a fun day for either of you that’s for sure. I’d stay home or have someone watch him.


They have cooling pads for strollers in hot weather, but are you up to walking all over a theme park with baby buggy & diaper bag much less a newborn?

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A theme park really isn’t a place of a baby, sorry, hot and just not good conditions.


I would not take a newborn to the theme park, babies can’t regulate temperature well. Just not a good idea


I had my son in the sunniest city in Arizona. I have seen 118 degrees with him. We often had to walk to the store for groceries when I had no car. My advice is get small travel fans to point at baby in the stroller and a thin white mesh sun protector screen to go over the stroller. Hydrate very regularly. Visit the shops and food places at the park for exposure to some air conditioning and try to enjoy yourself. I understand what others are saying but at the end of the day no you do not have to avoid the sun because it’s a baby. People have had their babies outside in the elements for centuries lol. Be smart with it. Utilize time in the shade or in the shops, hydrate and try to have some fun. You deserve it. xxx


Stroller clip on fans! Battery operated. Take lots of extra batteries of that size in your diaper bag and blast that baby with cool air! My girl was just a year old when we did Disney for a week and she was fine like that with fans and drinks, etc.


U can buy fans to put on prams and strollers that might help x

These people saying don’t bring a newborn to a theme park are silly. My husband got a phone call from a woman who was looking for a flotation device for her 6 week old. They were going white water rafting. He called her an idiot and hung up. A theme park isn’t a big deal. Shaded stroller, fans and lots of water and the baby will be fine.


My son can’t regular body temperature, I use a dog cooling blanket on his stroller with a thin sheet on top, it works great. I also use a fan on his stroller, one that charges with usb so it works the entire time.


I would get a babysitter for that day.


Fans that charge by USB, bring charged battery packs for recharging.


Ive dressed my babies light and cool nd had a fan and never had issues . I’ve done this w all my babies. Try not to have stroller in direct heat and dont cover it w a blanket . It would be even better if you had a bassinet stroller so that baby is laying comfortably .

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I live in FL. I have a stroller fan and keep baby shaded. Frequent indoor spots with baby out of the stroller too. I put a thin blanket over stroller and with the fan on inside it is very cool and nice. It is definitely doable.


Babies don’t melt, babies lived for years with houses without air conditioning, not everyone has AC now.


stay home with your n.b or have a family member watch them. bringing a n.b to a theme park seems selfish in my opinion.


I’m not taking a nb baby nowhere if I’m being totally honest. Not till their 2 mo shots at the very least and that’s only if it’s absolutely necessary.


Get a babysitter please .

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Amazon has fans for like $20 that have a rechargeable battery. I love it. It has arms that bend to be put on the stroller or anywhere.


Don’t cover the stroller, get a fan, cool /no clothing, shade

Can some one watch bubs for a few hours

Get some portable fans. Don’t keep baby in their stroller all day. Take them out regularly. Do not close the shade all the way on baby. That will cook them even more. Take as many stops indoors to regulate as you can.

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Go have fun keep baby in shade get a small fan

Keep it at home so you don’t have to ask silly questions like this. It’s not worth the risk, as they can’t regulate their body temps like older kids can.


Light clothes, try to stay in shady areas. You can get little clip on battery operated fans for the stroller.


With as hot as it’s been I honestly wouldn’t go I would let the rest of the family go but I’d stay with the baby even my 1 1/2 yr old gets super hot really quick and I know he would only enjoy it for like 30 mins before he got too hot and cranky… with my two we didn’t really leave the house much the first month… with my last baby when I did have to take him out for my oldest football games it was only an hr or 2 tops and I held him most of the time because he would get too hot in his stroller or car seat

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You don’t take a newborn out with crowds if people …stay home …send the rest off to have fun…or someone you trust…

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If it’s hot, I would stay home with a newborn.


He will let you know if he is discomfort, have fun on stroller and keep him always in shades

I personally wouldn’t bring a newborn, maybe have someone watch the baby? A family member?


We did cooling towels, visited baby station, went back to the hotel (me & baby) bought a misting umbrella we went to Disneyland & stay a few days

My son had a fan on his stroller to keep him cool

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Don’t go. Honestly. Not worth it.

Get a sitter and leave him home

They have fans that clip on to stroller


I would honestly hold off on this until the baby is older.

First of all they will be fine if you find shade and go in air conditioning if you must go. They are not made of wax lol 2nd of all, why would you want to go with a new born? sounds like a horrible day to me tbh. Get a baby sitter.

I absolutely would not take a newborn out in the heat for hours and hours. It’s not really safe no matter how much you keep him in the shade. Either you stay home or you have someone watch the baby.

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I wouldn’t risk having him in the heat and sun

Wow a newborn at a theme park. Stay home and enjoy the quiet time.

Newborns don’t belong at a theme park in the heat. Hot is hot! I surely wouldn’t risk it!

Get 1 of these vans
Works awesome
3 speeds
Wrapped around carseat
Or stands up

I wouldn’t! A newborn getting over heated and having a heat stroke is no joke!!

battery fan. in florida- please wait til next year

Depends how hot it’s gonna be I guess.

Do they have a nursing room? If so, I would go and hang out there

You don’t take a newborn to a theme park!


I wouldn’t take a newborn to a theme park.

I wouldn’t go. You’ll spend more time worrying about the baby and no time having fun so there’s no point. It can wait. Now me, I wouldn’t take a newborn to a theme park.

I’m looking to support someone who’s facing a lot this month and needs a little extra help. If you’re in a tough spot, just send me a message with the word ‘FAITH’ and I’ll see what I can do.

I wouldn’t take a newborn to a Waterpark. Definitely can overheat and there is no way you can prevent that outdoors other than just staying home.


Just my opinion but I wouldn’t risk it. A newborn should still have your immunity from most things but that’s a lot of people and germs plus the heat and humidity. I would just stay home.


Girlll take the baby && have fun !!! They have fans on Amazon you can buy…put him in onsies and just take breaks with him in the shade and etc!!


I would stay home. The newborn would be attached to you the whole time anyway so you would barely do any of the rides/activites yourself. Probably mentally preoccupied with the baby’s wellbeing, and the rest of the family won’t be helping much due to distraction. Unnecessary stressful day. Stay home, nap and clean with no one messing it up, enjoy the quiet.


Way too young to be out at a hot theme park all day. Maybe a little older baby but a brand new baby ffs keep them home. If that means you have to miss a day with family that’s the price to pay. My family and I got heat stroke at WDW but luckily the youngest was my 5yo.

Tbh I wouldn’t. But. If you must. Get a dog cooling mat for shaded areas and clip on fans. Stay in shade and out of direct sun

*** Edit **** canopy style Covered stroller ( not blanket - common sense :woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:) , a battery fan , take a bottle or two of ( room temp ) water and a wash rag and maybe lightly pat him down every so often , frequent shade breaks , does the park have a water park ? Take him there too keep him cool ( weather depending) . This is what I did for my kids . They were okay , they slept most of the time .


Pram fan, uv cover, change of clothes, lots of milk so on

I’m sorry I did not read all these…
When I was 2 weeks old my family took me on vacation with them to a theme park in July. I got very sick from the heat and was admitted to the hospital down there for a week. But I also took my one kid who was a infant at the time to the same theme park years later and he was fine bc I was more prepared. We had a stroller fan, separate water bottles and washcloths we used and did alot of the indoor shops. We stayed for a week and if it was gonna be to hot that day I stayed In the camper.

If you can keep him out of the sun, nothing to worry about.

If you have to take him, normal bottle of water to wet baby. Maybe diaper only if you have a cover, find shade and keep feet cold

Where are you? Whats the temp? How old is the newborn… I’m in Az so we’re used to the heat. Keep the baby in a shady spot, make sure to dress em cool and do the same things you’d do to stay cool. Portable fan, shade ect.


Babies cannot regulate temperature like us and this young is like placing the baby in a hot car IMHO.

My sister used a stroller fan for her little ones. It seems to help alot.

When I had my firstborn we flew to florida and took him to Universal when he was 3 weeks old - I had the same worries: first time mom, no clue what I’m doing for stuff like this. My pediatrician told me to just give him some extra breastmilk or formula (doesn’t matter which, a fed baby is a healthy baby!) if he was looking hot, babies that young cannot drink water as it can swelling their brain tissue, and we also got a little clip-on fan for the stroller. That, wetting his hair down periodically during the day, and keeping a sun hat on him with minimal sun exposure and he was perfectly fine the whole time!


I would probably stay at home with the baby. Theme parks have lots of germy people, and noise, as well as heat.

Spray bottle , lil ice packs , but if it’s real bad I’d stay home if it’s 90s :woozy_face:that’s just me

How hot is it supposed to be that day, where are you

I stayed home with the baby it was a nice change to be home alone with them

Newborn should not be taken to theme parks​:heart::heart:

Wh6 would you take a newborn there. Stay home

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Battery operated fan and shade.

Taking a newborn is risky due to all the germs but if staying home is not an option, light clothes, (as in color, white, pastel colors, etc. Clip on fans, frozen water bottles or ice packs (do not place on him, just near key areas(feet, arm pits, head and groin. Look for areas like restaurants with AC and sit in there or find a shaded area to sit. Some theme parks have baby care centers where you can take a baby to change, nurse, etc. Even if you aren’t nursing, you can tell them you need a nursing room and sit in the cool room for a while.

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Maybe leave the baby with a grandparent and go have fun with your big kids.

I wouldn’t go, personally.

I personally wouldn’t take a newborn to a theme park. It’s brutal on adults with the heat. So I can’t imagine a baby. Also people have no common courtesy and hack a lung all over the place. Just my opinion

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Problem is Infants can’t cool themselves as effectively as adults. Sunscreen isn’t really for babies under 6 months… because they shouldn’t be in heat/sun any younger. No to mention undervaccinated due to age and risk crowds and germs. I wouldn’t take them. ASK YOUR PEDIATRICIAN…bet they say best to stay home. (ps I’m a pediatric nurse)

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I wouldn’t bring a newborn!

Trust your instincts and don’t take the newborn. If grandparents or an aunt can’t take them then I wouldn’t go. It’s not only overheating you have to worry about but they can get a sun burn very quickly on that tender skin as I found out when I was new mother.

Cooling blanket, shade, portable fan. Lots of ways to do it. I always took my children everywhere. Don’t let people make you feel like you can’t enjoy a day at a theme park with your baby. Unless it’s 90 + degrees. Just keep some ice packs handy.

My baby is 4 months and have been wondering the same. I have two other children that rely on me to get them out of the house and don’t always have the luxury of help. My initial thoughts have been keeping cool water on hand to wipe on baby’s head or feet and a battery fan with extra batteries. A hat to help keep shaded breathable clothing and thin blanket or sheet like Muslim cotton to help shade. But not cover completely to allow ventilation. Take breaks to enter air conditioned areas or shaded areas at the park. And pick up baby out of stroller too because they can get really hot and sweaty on their backs. Maybe take turns on some rides with your partner to give baby a longer stretch of relief. Consider weather and go early and maybe during peak heat times you can take a break from rides to cool down. Baby’s safety is ultimately most important so if they seem fussy crying more than usual or more lethargic than normal then id worry. Always think of where you can take baby to immediately cool down at the park. Do your research if they have a map of the park

I’m sorry but this is a really bad idea. I saw a toddler left in a stroller at a Waterpark by herself while parents rode a ride. The child had a coke and was vomiting on herself. I asked an employee to do something and she said they weren’t supposed to touch customers. I then said to call the police and an ambulance. This child clearly was dehydrated and in distress. She called a manager and I don’t know what happened after that. It was child abuse.


I don’t understand people who take their newborns to parks. I get they want to create memories and blah blah blah
…but the hassle is not worth it. Especially in the heat.


Advice feom my Pediatrician after I had my July baby: “Keep him home as much as possible. They dont sweat yet so he cant really regulate his temperature well, if you will be sweaty then you know its already too hot for baby.” We live in Phx and the heat can get really bad so you should always consult with his physician to be sure

Take your baby but be aware and prepared. Always keep him in the shade…PLEASE DO NOT PUT THE STROLLER HOOD UP OR COVER THE STROLLER that makes the temperature rise.
Buy parasols for your buggy, cooling pads, keep him in loose fitting cotton clothes …I just used vests tbh… . Mine was in Turkey at 4 months …watch out for dehydration… . I know they advise against water for under 6 months now but please use common sense on that one…theres no reason not to go on vacation with a new born as long as you are careful . Enjoy yourself

Light layers
Take breaks
Stroller fan with portable battery packs.
A stroller for shade.
And staying hydrated

Also change the diaper more often.

Find out where the baby center is at then theme park

My newBorn went to theme parks 2 different ones and New York, many out door all day events.
It’s not as complicated as you think it is.

In Australia it’s cold right now so I’m assuming this is coming from the usa. Your baby won’t overheat or go into a heat stroke unless you keep it in a confined space in sunlight like a car or cupboard. Your baby will survive a bit of natural hot weather outside. Pack a frozen water bottle to defrost throughout the day and use that to dampen a cloth or bib to place on babies for head if he/she builds up a sweat and stick to shaded areas. But your baby should be fine, the heat would be one of my ast concerns, Babies have survived long before aircons and they’ll continue to survive without them. If babies can handle Australia i’m sure they’ll be fine everywhere in the us xx

Put a mini fan clipped to his stroller. He won’t melt and you should be able to have fun

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