OK mamas, my two month old is not a back sleeper. I know they say to put them on their backs to sleep but he just will not. He is a side sleeper all day. If your baby is also a side sleeper, What do you use to keep your baby from rolling on his back while he’s sleeping?
As long as they roll on their own , it’s fine to leave them like . Put them down on their back and if they roll on their own just leave them
Nothing! Our little man has been a side sleeper since, like, day 6 & I’ve always just let him.
I used a snuggle bed, made from tea tree. I had 2 face sleepers, awesome when they hug/drap over the “sides” no worries
Fantastic if you travel or need to sleep elsewhere. Grows with them.
Let baby roll to back. Sleeping on back is the safest for them not on their tummy at that age. Nothing at all in cribs with them including blankets. I’d put a short sleeve on under a long sleeve zip up footed sleeper if your worried about them being cold.
You just have to put them to sleep on their back. If they roll on their own it’s fine.
If he rolls their himself, leave him alone my son was a side sleeper
Once baby rolls on their own, it’s okay. Please do not add items to the crib to keep baby from rolling as it poses more of a risk. Just make sure to have a safe sleep space and you shouldn’t have to worry❤️
You don’t. Please DON’T swaddle them. If they are rolling they are too old to swaddle.