How do you keep your cats litter boxes clean?

This is not really mom related, well it sort of is, I just did not know where else to ask so if not allowed, delete. I am moving house in a few weeks and in my current home, we have a special room for our cats litter boxes. In this new house, there is really no where to keep litter boxes. I keep them clean and everything, well, as clean as a litter box can be. But anyways, for those mommas who have cats, where do you keep the litter boxes so your littles do not get into them and they aren’t out in the open?

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I clean mine out twice a day morning and evening

Mines in bathroom. Some put in basement

Our laundry room is a big “closet” in our bathroom without doors so we keep our litter box in there. I also clean it twice a day since it’s in a smaller room

Laundry room. I have 3 in there.

Basement utility room is best, or private bathroom.

I kept mine in the bathroom. We have a little nook that’s away from the toilet, sink and tub. Cleaned two-three times a day and completely take out all the litter, clean the box and put new litter in once a week.

Our cat has a kennel that she goes into when we are asleep or not at home, we keep the litter box in there

They make enclosures or whatever that you can put the litter box in, we just have covered litter boxes and that works just fine

Scoop everyday for sure and we have them set up in closets. We have a cat cabinet one that’s in my son’s room as well but my kids don’t really mess with any of them. The one is cool cause it has little stairs that catch the litter (petco purchase) but I bet you can find way cooler stuff online now a days.

We changed to pellets and it’s the best thing ever! The litter boxes have drawers in the bottom and you put pads in them so you never have to scoop pee just when they poop and it’s so much cleaner

Mine are bathroom and I personally use that tidy breeze litter system it works great with the 4 I have (7 at one point too) and pellets so much easier than sandy litter