How do you keep your toddlers from taking ornaments off the tree? Last year all the ornaments were all over the house. I want to go ahead and put mine up, but we just may have a nakey tree this year.
Buy the plastic unbreakable ones with no glitter lmao we made that mistake last year. Otherwise try putting one or those baby gates around it. We have a big 6 sided baby gate that a tree will fit in going to try that this year
Get a circle gate to put around it.
Only decorated half of tree thats what we do it what works for us
Make them learn and understand the word NO… Our 3 year old understands not to touch the pretty tree, just look…
Freak out. Every. Single. Time
We bought one of these and it was super helpful!
Play yard… i got mine for $70 at walmart
I always just put my bulbs and ornaments above where they can reach. The tree would be like half decorated but oh well… it worked.
Get your child a small tree with plastic ornaments. Let them reorganize all they want but big tree is off limits. It has worked for all my grandkids
I always from the start taught him NO touch! Them PRETTIES! an I stayed firm an consistent. He learned after a few weeks. An I was never mean, just FIRM.
I put christmas stuffed toys on the bottom where they could reach and play with and redecorate the tree. They knew not to touch the ones above their “decorations”
Usually when I say “oh look at that!” And point to nowhere she will go check it out lmfao that keeps her busy for a while. Mines 16 months.
Baby gate/play yard and put anything important on top and plastic on bottom.
… I didn’t even think of this till now. Last year he was so little…
I feel like your gonna need this Allison Beichler
Put up baby gates/fencing or put the ornaments and decorations out of reach
I use a babygate disguised as a northpole gate around the tree. Protects the presents too
we used to only be able to decorate the top half lol
I see all of these parents saying only decorate half the tree or put a gate around it🤦🏼‍♀️. Teach your kids not to touch and the meaning of the word NO. It’s not that hard it’s called being a Parent! Stop being lazy.
I told my son he could help put up the tree but once we are done we can not touch it anymore just look. I had to remind him a few times but it’s worked last and this year so far. He is 3
Get a small tree for the children to decorate, use homemade decorations that you make with them, they tend to have alot of pride in their creations and learn and start to understand the value of leaving the decorations alone
It’s best to just put some lights and tinsel on it but nothing else as you can’t stop them
You just have to persevere I’m afraid! Keep saying no, use distraction techniques
There is a Velcro tree you can buy maybe put on up on the wall and tell them they can play with that one x
If you have a play pen, put it around tree. Or up on a table. Or a smaller tree on table.
My mom was in our local news paper for putting the christmas tree in my daughters play pen. It worked well plus she couldn’t get at the presents!
We haven’t decorated it yet, but it’s up and (so far) safe from my 18 month old…
Get them a felt Christmas tree off of Amazon that they can decorate themselves
I gave my little ones they’re own tree. We got plastic ornaments etc and I told them this was there tree to decorate and make pretty. But there where but allowed to play with mine. They could play all they wanted with theirs. It worked out great. And if they messed with it, time out for them.
We did a snowman tree. Only a few bulbs as his buttons and face, some arms high up made of twigs, a scarf and a santa hat tree topper. It was cute.
The kids couldnt reach most of the decor and what they could we taught them to stay away from. With less on the tree it was an easier lesson.
Put a gate around it!
Baby gate/pin around the tree
Redirection. Redirection. Redirection lol and I have twins. They learn there are some things you can’t touch.
Have a kid tree. Smaller with unbreakable ornaments. They can change them up and move them around. Just redirect them to that tree
I have a toddler and will be putting up non-breakable ornaments. I also plan on putting a felt tree on the wall to let him pull ornaments off and put on to redirect.
Decorate only the top half of the tree where the toddler can’t reach.
Make a felt Christmas tree and hang it low on the wall. Cut out different color felt ornaments and they will have their own tree to decorate and redecorate.
You can try breakable ornaments up top and kid friendly down low with lots of redirection
Put one of those folding baby gates around it
Get a tiny tree with a few small things to put on it and tell him that this year santa(if you do that) will put his presents under his tree but he has to be able to find it so the decorations have to stay on
We put toddler appropriate ornaments on the bottom half so if they take them off and carry them around the house it’s no big deal.
I just did lights and tinsel last year, same plan this year
Step 2 Christmas tree and a gate around the tree.
A gate meant for a wood stove its like a baby gate but it goes all the way around
Kitchen table or play pen
No ornaments on the bottom 3 feet.
A baby gate that forms a circle. If you Google circle baby gate they come up. The one I used was plastic from target and about $80. It worked like a charm and I could use it for a play area too after christmas!
Keep them in a playpen. It helps so much.
Just raise your children right.!
Mom and Dad had 3 little kids 1 year apart. They did not bother the huge live tree ever. They would go and look admire and say pretty.!! My 3 were 2 years apart, they did not take anything off the tree and. They would set in front of it and admire it. Our family has never did child proofing, and no accidents either! Spend the time to reach them right from wrong. If it is. Not yours don’t touch! No one has angels, but they can be taught! It’s called work and paying attention and reliable babysitters! Yes I was a working Mom also
I corner mine off with a fireguard
Tell them it’s “ouchy” or “hot” I say that to my son when I don’t want him to touch something and he doesn’t
Tap hands say no and redirect
Toddler ornaments on thw bottom cause they arent going to leave it alone. We also secure it to the wall. Learned that one the hard way lol
I bought a small 4ft tree and put it up in my bay window.
When my son was 2 when had these boobaa toys that he was scared of and put them in front of the tree. He would not go near it.
Non breakable on the bottom more breakable to the top. Still tell them no touch. Noticed that if the tree is more in plain site versus hiding in the corner they are less likely to mess with it. Have had 22 years experience with kids and a Christmas tree.
Toddleroo playpen around the tree, worked wonders till she was about 3
I only decorate where they can’t reach… half a naked tree
I just decorated the top half of the tree. My child does what he wants and its not due to lack of parenting. I could tell him 6346353538348 times to not touch the ornaments and he still would I mean it’s just a christmas tree. Put breakable out of their reach and understand that they might redecorate it for you. I’m jealous of you guys who have kids who are well behaved and listen because mine doesnt. Even my mom says that mine is way more of a turd than me or my siblings were.
I have a secret. It’s called no ornaments on the bottom half of the tree.
We didn’t have Christmas ornaments until my daughter was 4. My house was also completely baby proof until she was 4. I wanted her to have the freedom to explore without having to worry.
I have five kids, and I teach them not to touch particular things without permission.
A gate that goes around the tree, no decorations within reach of baby,
There’s a toddler Christmas tree you can buy or you can get a felt one to put on the wall!
I put a baby play pen around the tree.
Get the baby gates/guards.
It is what I used while young.
I have one of the outdoor play pens that I put up.
Felt Xmas tree stuck to the wall my turdler has one stops her stuffing round with the actual tree
Non breakable at the bottom, my son (just turned 4) as helped me decorate the tree since he was 2, he puts the decs on the bottom half (sense of pride for him that he’s helped) so he doesn’t mess with it as he doesn’t want to ruin his hard work lol, he also has a small 3ft tree in his bedroom that we decorate together that is mostly non breakable and handmade decs so if he does get the urge to mess and rearrange he does it with his own little tree not the main one in the living room xx
It’s hard. All of my kids are 3.5 years apart so as soon as one learned not to touch the ornaments I had another saying “oooh balls”. I place all of my sentimental and glass ornaments up high and have plastic and baby safe ones at the bottom. We work on redirecting and not touching. Just be consistent because impulsiveness is hard at the toddler stage.
Yea, there was more then one year that we had a half naked tree. We still laugh about it, when we see the photos. Eather there was almost nothing on the bottom half because they fell off and got broke, or when they were 5 or 6 there would be a boat load on the bottom and nothing on the top because they couldn’t reach feather up the tree.
buy anything that is plastic non-breakable if you do have anything glass put it at the top of the tree or don’t put it on until they get older. If you just have one child then I would say go for it and you can pretty much put anything on the tree because you can be more present more aware of what’s going on but I guarantee they will at least pull it down once. They also make some that are like stuffed animals those are good ones to get as I said put those at the bottom so if the kid gets a hold of them you don’t have to worry about it we also made our own stuff.
When my kids were littler we just put ornaments on the top half of the tree
Put the tree up. But put only kid friendly ornaments on it for now. Let them play. Closer to Christmas decorate how you want when they have lost interest.
Tell them no they’ll learn to stay away
One of those like pens for puppies outside put it around and they can’t get to it
I agree tell them no when they get near it I had more problem when I had my own place when the kids were little with the cat climbing up the tree lol
Good ornaments at the top and hope that they don’t knock the tree down
I was once told by somebody they use the small playpen and put the tree in it and decorated the playpen
Teaching your children from a young age to not touch everything… my 17 month old will not touch things that is not toys… because I let her know they are not to be played with… and no I don’t spank or hit or yell… but they know the work no and have respect.
We have Santa bring the tree and all the gifts on Christmas Eve.
I always tell mine the lights are hot has always worked not a tree ornament has been touched I always held my child at an early age in front off all things hot so they can feel the heat only for a couple of moments so they don’t go near them after. Almost 5 year old and almost 2 year none have every been burnt or touched anything the second I tell them it’s hot works for the Tree aswell so it’s handy tip​:see_no_evil:
When my kid was young we put a play yard around our tree so he couldnt touch it
You could always put one of those baby gates they have around your tree. The octagon shaped ones. But those are like 80$.
Tell them NO and discipline them accordingly .
I popped little hands & told them no🤷‍♀️
I just used plastic ornaments. I let the kids rearrange the ornaments . after all. It is Christmas. Let them have fun.
My son’s first Christmas, I put a toy that he was afraid of in front of the tree. Worked like a charm