When did you know when it was time for a divorce
A week after the wedding… but it took 5 long years to finally make it happen.
When you ask that question…
When I saw he had a 8.5 he phone convo with a girl ………
Have you Teo tried talking things out any why you were thinking of splitting?
He threatened my life. He threw food at me in front of the kids. I should have divorced him 10 years earlier.
When you ask the internet that question…
Evening of our honeymoon. We lasted over 5 years.
When I had more bad days than good days
That’s my exact story…I tried to annul 1week later took 5 yrs…I say I was married 5 yrs too long…
When there ain’t no marriage
Ashley, if ur asking it’s time
i’m married and no where close to divorce.
But if my husband were repeatedly crossing my boundaries and disrespecting me, then it’s time. If we tried to work things out and it’s the same ol thing. then it’s time. if he is showing that you and y’all’s family y’all built together and household is on his back burner then it’s time. if you are feeling you genuinely don’t love him anymore and you don’t want to keep working through things then it’s time.
When the scales no longer balance.
If you are unhappy and your heart hurts more days than it is happy and loved, then it is time to part ways. Especially if you have children.
Have you sought therapy?
I absolutely hated seeing him.
When I couldn’t imagine being with him five years into the future
i was told how to eat when to eat what to eat. i was literally told to hand over whatever i made to pay for his car. i was reduced to having to ask for money for something to eat. i had found out he was eating at work cafeteria while i was at home with a newborn eating spagetti and butter everyday 2 meals so i could buy diapers. it all didn’t seem so odd to me as i was slowly conditioned to living like this until i met a neighbor same age as i at the time also with an infant at home. she had clothes, food, money for diapers and she had a car. it became very apparent to me that something was terribly wrong. she would invite me everyday for lunch and i realized without her i would not have had a piece of chicken or a hot dog.
When you’re asking yourself this question
The second you decide that life is not worth living like you have been! Not divorced but left him when I knew he wasn’t in my future! When you stop fighting
I knew it was time for a divorce when I started looking at him as another child. I had two children, and he was a third. I was not looking at him as a spouse anymore. The thought of sex with him was repulsive. I knew then, there was no going back.
When you are more in love with the memories of the way it used to be than you are with how it actually is.
When you have more bad times than good.
My friend simply said to me, “if you take the marriage out of it, and he was simply your boyfriend and he was consistently doing this and treating you this way, would you stick around?” I responded “no, of course not” and she said “so why is the standard for a husband lower than the standard for a boyfriend. If things haven’t changed after 5 years, they won’t. And it’s better to do it now when the kids are young so it becomes the norm, versus waiting til they’re older”
When I looked at his phone and saw he was sending pics to another women and she was sending pics to him and he was pawning everything we had and the kids had bikes
Game systems
CD player
Even his motorcycle title
His car title
And my van title
My rings well I was at wrk he didn’t wrk or pay bills I did I paid a babysitter to so he could go look for a job but he didn’t .
When I dreaded him coming home and hated being near him.
I wrote a song about that…( when you set in different rooms, what was once a happy home …has now turned to gloom…)
When my then 5yo called me a cunt. In that instant I knew she had seen and heard too much, and the only way to protect her was to leave. I left the same day.
If your asking the question your already there.
When you ask that question online
When you have to ask
When I dreaded him coming home and looked forward to him leaving
The fact you’re asking. It wouldn’t cross my mind.
The moment you made this post…
When the cants outweigh the cans
I pictured him in another relationship and I was happy for him. I dreaded him coming home. I longed to be left alone. I knew I couldBe treated better elsewhere. My boundaries were constantly ignored. Disrespect was often.
When you start considering it as a possible option to your own happiness and well being
When there is nothing left to fight for.
I basically make about $12,000-$14,000 a month 0nline. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old j0bs inc0me, especially considering I only w0rk about 10-13 hours a week from home. I was amazed how easy it was after I tried it.
Took me few years of 10 years to leave when u no longer want to see him or do anything with him no feelings at all just seeing him for me made me cry of i can’t do this anymore when you’re happy place is away from him took me alot to leave that 10 yr marriage but i did it I’m very happily married now and know what real love from a man is u can do it
When EVERYTHING they do or say annoys you. When you could care less if they are present.
When you look back and see that you have more bad memories than good it’s time to go
When you realize things are never going to change. If you can’t resolve whatever made you ask this then it is time.
When we were watching the movie Road Trip and he didn’t laugh when the little bus was stolen from the blind woman… and I had to replay it 3x while dying of laughter.
After you’ve exhausted all efforts and you now desire peace and respect more than anything else.
When your questioning it… it’s time.
When you’re happier when they AREN’T around… time to move on sis
When we had to hide our to save our life.
When you ask this question. When you’re unhappy. Currently going through one
When your treated bad specially what I went thru mental verbal physical abuse along w control and always beating our kids that’s where I drew the line
When my husband hit my autistic daughter
If you’re asking this question you already have your answer!
When you find out your husband got a girl pregnant!
When he hands you them walking papers
I really hope u weigh it all out in your mind 1st. Try talking 2 ur partner and counciling. Obviously I don’t know the situation. Sometimes we go through bits of depression and anger and it makes us resent our partner. I wish u the best.
When you start questioning yourself x
When you aren’t happy and don’t think it can be fixed or if one party cheating
When staying would have meant lowering my standards or compromising my values
When you really start asking the question all the time to your self or your getting beaten by your husband or worse
When the cheating and abuse was out of control… when I realized that I didn’t want my son to grow up thinking that was how he was to treat a woman, or my daughter to think that’s all she could expect from marriage. I wanted my son to be a sensitive loving husband. I wanted my daughter to not settle for a husband who chased other women and didn’t treat her well. I got out while they were young.
When the verbal abuse is just too much to allow your child to witness.
if you are asking this, you know the answer
When your no longer happy for quite a while or cheating. Either of you.
With little information it’s hard to give specific advice but here is some general marriage advice. Also depends if foundational values.
After you have tried everything
Counceling singles and couples -
Try The Love Dare
5 Love Languages
Is there cheating involved or domestic violence?
It’s time for a divorce When you ask if it’s time for a divorce.
as a great lawyer told me When you are readyto walk out with what you have on your back You Are Ready to leave
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I feel like there should be some info provided to better assist with such a broad ?. But with no info I’d agree with everyone else, if you’ve tried to do everything you can to better the relationship(communicate/therapy) if someone is cheating or if there is abuse
This not an easy question and there is no right answer
Remember no matter what anyone says your heart and gut feeling will lead the way
One can say when he cheats ,then he promises you the world and you work through it and he might never cheat again
He might abuse you same scenario
He might not be working same scenario
He might not value you same scenario
Things you tell yourself you wont tolerate this will be something you will becauee you love him and we love hard
Pray to God to give you an answer is step one
Pray to God to grant the marriage for you and if this does not work ask God to lead you away from it
How you’ll know is when you stop being a wife ,
When you dont feel like being like a wife should be. Doing what a wife should do ,wanting to please him and go over and beyond for him or more so your marraige that’s when you know you are done .
The things you use to love about the person will annoy you. You get angry easy with them. You’re arguing a lot. No intimacy. If the bad out weighs the good it’s time.
When you start asking when it’s time…
After he cheated and I can’t stand the sight of him. After he attacked me with a knife. After he called me horrid things. After he destroyed my career and friendships. After he emotionally hurt me to the point the concept of love terrifies me.
When you’re not happy anymore and no good communication and working together as one
When you come on this page and ask this question !
When there are more bad days than good ones. And also if you have done counseling and talked through the problems and nothing changes. The only person you can change is yourself, so if you are trying to change him…you are wasting your time. Also and the most important is if there is any kind of obuse. Mental or physical or phycological.
If you have to ask the internet when it’s time, it’s time.