How do you know it's time to an a relationship?

I need some advice, I’m not sure how to fix this issue or if it’s even possible. My long-term boyfriend has been recently liking other females memes and photos (head shots but nothing like half naked pictures.) He refuses to see this as inappropriate behavior, am I just being insecure or is this something to be concerned about? I’ve asked him to stop multiple times and he’s accusing me of treating him like a cheating man… he thinks there’s nothing wrong with it.


As long as he’s only liking the pictures, and also likes YOUR pictures… there’s no issue.


If he isn’t hiding it then he isn’t looking for other women. Do you know these other women?


Do you like other guys pics or memes? Half the time i hit like before I realize it…


There is nothing wrong with it…

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This does not strike me as something to be a bit concerned about? :woman_shrugging:t4:


…you do sound insecure


You’re a control freak!!!


Its a like :rofl::rofl: as long as he’s not commenting inappropriate things. Grow up. :woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:


Wait so he liked a picture of a women’s face… and that’s inappropriate…?
Jesus Christ some of these posts and comments baffles me :woman_facepalming:t3:


The only time it bothered me, was when it was a female he’s hooked up with in the past, or one who was trying to be inappropriate with him. I wouldn’t be insecure otherwise Hun.


He’s correct there isn’t anything wrong with it !! Some women have some major trust issues I could not handle that !!!


I don’t see any issue with it. It’s a meme…and maybe a face pic. no big deal. Have u ever liked or commented on a man’s photo or meme???


Okay we are jealous over memes? And head shots? Are these female friends? Random bitches on insta? And why should he stop? If he really thinks he is right and you are being crazy, I wouldn’t stop either. You aren’t his boss. If he is a good man and you are just insecure then that’s your issue not his

Nothing wrong with it. You sound like you have trust issues.


He isn’t doing anything wrong.


He’s liking another girl’s memes? Giiiirl. How DARE he. He can only find YOU funny. :roll_eyes::joy:

Maybe you should post better memes with your insecure ass :person_tipping_hand:

Man I like other mens pics, comment on their statuses and even like their memes! Doesnt mean I want to hop in bed with them.


I don’t see the issue…


Memes is fine to me but id have a problem of him liking other girls selfies especially body pics. To me it’s like he likes what he sees. That’s just me call it insecure if you want. I think it’s about respect I’m not liking other men’s selfies.


Yea, i see nothing wrong with that…


Its NOT inappropriate behavior. Lol. That’s probably why he’s acting like it isn’t


You’re gonna make him cheat, or leave. I like things all the time , doesnt matter who posted… if it’s funny I’ll react . . My husband isn’t the least concerned about it… then again we are secure as a couple.


Chill tho. Fr. It’s not like he’s whipping his dick out and asking to slap them in the face with it.


Nothing wrong unless he actually is cheating. Jealousy is a nasty hurtful things. U r being insecure!


Stand strong in who YOU are and don’t worry about other girls.
Seriously my husband of 12 years likes all kind of photos, he’s an Instagram personality- we’ve never had an issue. He knows where he belongs and if he strays he knows he would be in a world of hurt (financially lol because I would legit own everything)


If he’s a good man… Trust him… When you see those things… say nothing… That elevates you to high class… Don’t be jealous… He’s with you for a reason… Value yourself always… You’re so much better than aself-destructive emotion… It’s hard to do, but do yourself a favor…

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It depends on a lot of surrounding details that you left out. Was it always this way or is it recent? Is it girls you know? Does his attention towards you feel different? My ex accused me of being insecure and it wasn’t that it was a combination of all things he was doing and that was just one of many. I could feel something was wrong in our relationship and we did break up. I don’t think you’re insecure maybe it’s your intuition telling you something is up…


I myself like all sorts of posts & memes from men & women, I don’t see an issue. You got to trust your man, if u don’t it’ll ruin everything!


If he didn’t actually know the other chick I’d be a bit pissed… but if they are friends or whatever then that’s really sad that he isn’t allowed to like a picture of a friend :woman_shrugging:t2::tired_face::joy::joy:


Insecurity is a major problem in relationships. If liking someones post is a problem, then you shouldn’t be in a relationship that you are not secure in. Do you do the same thing with guys post, that he does with females post. If you were secure in your relationship this would not be a problem.


First off y’all are shameful to attack her. Yea I are kinda being controlling and insecure. It’s a like not the end of the world y’all let social media run you life. It ain’t that serious if he out picking Bitches up yea sure say something. But ya should chill it. It’s not inappropriate to have female friends he can support as you can like men’s photos and be a supportive friend. It’s a like not a slide in the DM or a phone call or text. :woman_facepalming:t2: people and the fact they let social media run their relationship :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: I keep mine off fb we ain’t friends on any social media my man is honest faithful and he has my 100% trust ! I don’t think he’s cheating when he’s busy he always makes time for me and us. He can like all the photos I want we screen shot convos and laugh about it later … IN PRIVATE! Where a relationship should be. Me and my man been together 2 years not one single fight. My secret we correct each other in private, defend each other in public. We talk about everything and everything. And most of all when we go out no phones. It’s just us. Maybe some people can learn from that.

How old are you 12?!? Pics are posted for likes!!:roll_eyes::joy::joy::joy:

Get over your self there is nothing wrong with this

I’m pretty insecure not sure why women feel the need to attack you on bc regardless almost everyone has felt insecure at some point🙄 but I would talk to him and if he gets super mad about it either I wouldnt give a shit honestly because if hes gonna get mad over something you are upset and insecure over hes honestly not worth it but you do need to find the love in yourself and when that shows you wont be nearly as worried as you are now. Good luck

Omg. Hahaha. Petty much

Personally idgaf about what he does on his phone or computer. For me its more about irl activities and spending money. As long as those 2 things are not happening i couldnt care less. Some women are super bothered by porn (im not) you should clearly state your boundaries and let him decide and tell you point blank whether or not he will respect your boundaries, then you can chose whether or not to continue this relationship.


You might be a little petty.

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If you want to fix the issue, look in the mirror.


If you have told him how you feel about something and you have that boundary and he does not respect your boundaries then he isn’t the man for you it’s not that he is a bad person it’s just you two could have different morals and values.

There is nothing wrong with it just you being insecure maybe you been cheated on but if it’s nothing bad in photo then why care some women need to grow up when it comes to pictures


You’re being insecure and are treating him like he’s cheating. If you let a “like” on FB ruin your relationship then you weren’t grown enough for that relationship :woman_shrugging:


I think a lot of these people are being harsh, is this something new or has he always done this? & also how has he been acting ? Is he acting like he is looking for someone else or is he just liking pictures… there’s a lot of things that you need to look at to decide if it’s ok or not


I’d be mad. It’s disrespectful on his part and shouldn’t do it. He should only have eyes for you. I’d just tell him if he doesn’t stop then ur done


First off, there are more ways to cheat than sex. Google

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:joy::joy: a mom who’s mad that her parents won’t parent her children and now a women who’s mad about her man liking picture :person_facepalming:


So what’s the issue? I see nothing wrong :roll_eyes:

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No man should be looking at other women like that I don’t care who you are

Liking memes and comments isn’t bad. Sounds like u have some insecurities. If he’s not actually having personal convos or meeting ip with girls and/or hiding that then just let it be. Sounds like ur making a mountain out of a molehill…

I like a lot of guy statues, memes, and pictures all the time. Because I’m friends with them. There’s nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t bother my husband. And it doesn’t bother me that he does the same thing with female friends. You’re being insecure.


If you’re not comfortable with it, then it’s wrong. He should respect your feelings.

First, I’m sorry people are telling you to grow up and saying you are being petty.

I know how bad being insecure from past relationships can be something very difficult to get over. My ex cheated on me from someone he met online and it completely wrecked my self confidence and it can be very hard not to have a knee jerk reaction when my now husband does certain innocent stuff. The mind can go to a dark place very fast and you can see things that aren’t there. Try to be open and honest with your man about how you feel without accusing him of anything. My husband knows my insecurities are not because of him but he does his very best to stay mindful of them.


memes & headshots ??? You’re being insecure. My man has lot of female friends that post gym selfies, beach selfies, headshots & memes & he likes the pictures. It doesn’t bother me cause I know that I can trust my man. If you can’t trust him why be in a relationship with him??
& don’t use a bad past relationship to justify your actions cause I had a bad past relationship & I have zero trust issues with my current relationship


Rolandes she would be upset with the shit Nate sends you :joy::joy:

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Get your hands on his phone n see what he post n comments


There is nothing wrong with it . He probably doesn’t ever see the majority of those people outside of Facebook

My boyfriend will go alm thru my phone daily but there is nothing in there to make him question any of it

Honestly, there’s always more to every story. Is he liking all of these other photos but not yours? Are you getting attention from him as much as these other women are?

Is he commenting saying how beautiful they are but not saying much to you?
There’s a line there bordering on disrespect.
There are more factors that go into it, in my opinion.

I don’t think merely liking photos is wrong. However, if he’s showing attention to one woman or several women over and over and obsessing over them, that’s different.


You’re being insecure.


How old are these girls theyre just pictures jesus :woman_facepalming:yall are to sensitive.

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Go talk to someone about your insecurities, like a professional, not a dig, there is clearly something you cant get over that is making you feel this way, cheated on in a previous relationship, being told you’re not good enough etc, trust me it will help, only thing you will accomplish by getting hurt over these normal things is him leaving you, hope you find something to help.


Come on, give yourself a brake. My husband thinks fb is stupid. That’s fine. I like to read stuff if it’s interesting to me or funny. That said, If it’s a funny post I read it out for him and we have a laugh. I “like” the funny posts and often comment and share. I wouldn’t have to know personally who posts it. It’s random and harmless. If he had a problem with that I would worry about him. The words “Controling” or “Insecure” come to mind. You can get help with either and I feel help would be needed.
Tell him you were feeling a bit insecure about it all, but you realise now that was silly. But DO have that chat to clear the air. And then do stop worrying, he is only reading and likeing what HE likes. It’s no different to reading what you like in the newspaper, you just can’t comment on the newspaper. I wouldn’t agree with likeing strangers photos or poses…that would be a bit questionable. You don’t say if it’s people he knows or strangers.

My husband was a singer in a band and girls would just be all up against the stage gawking and honestly i trusted in us enough to be like HELL YEAH! I loved that my man was wanted cause he came home to me every night, he was never disloyal. U need to have trust, if u dont have that then ur going to sabotage ur relationship…if u have insecurities about urself don’t take it out on him and make him be distant. He will at some point resent u for that…


It’s not wrong. They’re memes and pictures of faces Jesus. You have some serious trust/insecurity issues. Totally unfair on him.


I think you’re insecure.
Unless he is love reacting half naked bitches, I think you’re good lol

Totally inappropriate!


So your not allowed to like pics or memes posted by the opposite sex? That’s insane. Yes you are being petty and insecure. I love memes and pics of girls and guys all over my page and so does my boyfriend. Trust is a huge thing and if you don’t have it you don’t have a good relationship


No. They are just pictures. Very immature and petty. No trust, no relationship.


Y’all telling her shes wrong for feeling a certain kind of way is messed up. She is entitled to her feelings and if something is bothering her that he is doing then it is a problem.


Men are visual creatures. Liking a pic or a meme is nothing to worry about. You’re being insecure, in my opinion.

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Youre being insecure. Anyone saying otherwise is probably also insecure. If hes never cheated or given you a reason to think hes being unfaithful, dont treat him as such. Its not fair to him to project past relationship issues onto him when hes done nothing to betray your trust.


It sounds like your instincts are picking up on something. I don’t think you should just ignore it. Best wishes to you, I hope it works out


Of course there is something wrong with it he is disrespecting u he isn’t showing u any respect unfortunately men don’t see it like that they figure if they ain’t touching it it’s not wrong you have to teach a man how to treat u if he wants to look then so should u if he has a problem with that then just tell him do u feel disrespected then so do I u make the man think about it your the one who makes him look good not the other way around

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I dont see anything wrong with just liking a picture even making a comment that a woman is pretty doesn’t bother me if your secure in your relationship dont let it bother you I understand to some its disrespectful but to me its fine If I see a pretty woman or a handsome man I will complement them some people have nice eyes or a pretty figure or maybe their shoes are nice etc

Liking a picture doesn’t mean he’s doing anything. You are being insecure.

My husband doesnt do that to girls stuff and i dont do it guys stuff. We both think its not cool. Dont let other people think your wrong for being upset.


He’s just being a man tbh . I wouldn’t worry about it too much. But your feelings matter too.

Wtf?! Are u a child or an adult. Stop him from working and turn off all his social media and make him your bitch !!!

So you asked how to fix it or if there is even a problem. The problem I see is you trying to over-control your man and not let him be. The fix would be to deal with your trust issues because they are your issues, not his. Jealousy has no place in a trusting loving relationship. Jealousy only has a place in a relationship that has other problems first.

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Insecure AF, if he’s never given you a reason to think he is unfaithful except liking memes and photos that’s crazy.


So… These aren’t naked,just pics? Loosen up.

Wait so are you saying you are both on FB and you have noticed that he is liking other women’s posts??? You are going to lose him if you don’t lighten up.

My hubby likes other womens pics, I dont see an issue with it. I trust my husband and were both adults.

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Seriously? If this was the other way around, people would be using the word “red flag”, “controlling”, and “insecure”. Do you like memes and pictures that guys posts? If you do, your being hypocritical. If you don’t, there is still nothing wrong with what your husband is doing. It’s a headshot picture, not a naked lady.

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Yea it’s a problem but not with him it’s within YOURSELF . it’s social media . Where you like things . Nothing to be concerned about in my eyes

I agree with him. Its totally fine as long as he isnt like risky photos or making risky comments. If it was a ex maybe…

Make like a lamp and lighten the eff up.


Hes probably not doing anything wrong, but since you have asked him to stop, he should.

So your bf has a facebook, and has other females on there, but he isnt allowed to like the material they post? Why even have a Facebook? That is literally the WHOLE point of Facebook. Yes you are being insecure. I have been there, but my gosh this is a bit ridiculous.

If it bothers you why don’t you both delete social media? I mean since using it for it’s intended purpose offends you so bad, it sounds like a good idea for your relationship. At the very least you both should delete all people of the opposite sex and leave all groups too just to be safe :expressionless::unamused:


Wowzers :astonished: so someone who happens to be a girl can change her profile pic or post a pic of themselves on a night out, or even post a funny and your bf gives it a thumbs up and you think it’s inappropriate and him cheating? Christ! I hope you send him out the door every morning with a blindfold on, as you are insecure as feck.


I think everyone on here is being so harsh to the girl asking the question… if he recently started liking these pictures and he has never done it before… then I’d be a little concerned. Like why all of the sudden? Especially in a long term relationship everyone goes through the question, are the sparks still there? Am I doing enough for my man to please him? Is he still in love with me? It’s all natural to think and feel this way and it’s even more natural to feel insecure from time to time! So everyone should just lay off this girl, stop being so rude, yes maybe you are insecure and maybe the problem is within yourself… however, the main concern that I see, is that you’ve asked him to stop and he hasn’t. If he hasn’t stopped doing something that upsets you or hurts your feelings that’s the real issue at hand. We ALLLLLL have insecurities. If you’re man is good to you and attentive to your needs, he would listen to your feelings and chilax with liking girls photos.


Do you have men friends on Facebook and like thier posts. He isnt cheating . Be careful keep it up, you will loose him. Trust is one of the main things in a relationship


Wow. Jealous much. Keep acting like that and he might run off.


I think you’re making a big deal 1. Its just social media 2. It’s just “likes”

I think if he was leaving flirtatious comments or leaving inappropriate comments under the photos than yes I’d be upset, but over “liking” a photo is a nothing to make a big fuss about. Social media is made for people to like the content you put out there.


Seirously theres nothing wrong with that

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If hes liking pictures…it means he likes what he sees. Red flag. Dont accuse. Just do all UR homework.

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It’s Facebook. He isnt dead

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Some of y’all are just plain mean. You would all be concerned if your mans behavior suddenly changed. I would too!


Why is it wrong to like other girls posts? If he isn’t cheating than don’t treat em like he is!

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Yep if not let him see how it feels you do the same what is good for the goose is good for the gander

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