How do you know when you are done having kids?

How do you know when you’re done having kids? I just gave birth to our 4th. We had a miscarriage before this one. We have three girls and one boy now. My last one was another girl which I’m glad we have but I was hoping would be a boy. My oldest (girl) wants another brother too. I know it’s not guaranteed to even be a boy if we had another one. I’m 32 and my husband is 44 so he says he’s done but I don’t feel our family is complete. He wants to sell the swing and cradle after our 4th is done using them. I think I want to try for Irish twins before he plans to get a vasectomy at the end of the year.


Depends how old are you…
It’s really your choice…
I have two boys 8 and 1 (gonna be one Jan 15) both were csections… first was emergency and second was planned and I want another baby… it’ll be my last… Considering it will have to be another csection baby… And my age… I’m done after we have our third (currently trying)

If your questioning it then your not ready and not done. Trust me u will know 100% when ur done lol. I had three after the third I knew for certain I was done lol

he’s telling you he’s done… don’t push him or yourself into another child if he’s not on board & you’re questioning it… your loss makes you feel incomplete family wise, reality you have your kids & you’ve done well mama… time to enjoy what you have


You’ll know when you’re done. I know that’s a cliché but it’s true! If you are asking this question and already thinking you’re missing one you’re not done. However it sounds like your husband is so it’s definitely a conversation for you and him…

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You may want another. But your husband does not. His feelings and opinion matter.


Ehhh… if he doesn’t want another, you can’t trick him or manipulate him into having another one. What your kid wants ( another brother ) doesn’t trump your husband. Neither do you, actually. This is such a weird thing.


Many things to consider, do you work and have to pay for childcare or you a stay at home mom. Another thing to consider, if your husband doesn’t want anymore and is planning a vasectomy then you need to respectfully understand that. Also god forbid something happens such as a divorce or death of your spouse will you be able to take care of your family financially or have to rely on assistance from others.


Become a foster parent, they are much needed.

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Idk if my husband said he was done you should take that into consideration he won’t be happy and could lead to marital problems and that wouldn’t be good for all of the children you do have not to mention yourselves hopefully you’re financially able to take care of the kids you do have God forbid something happen to one of you


I have 8 kids (3 kids with current partner ) I already had 5 kids ( all girls ) before we met and we had a girl I was done having kids my partner was done aswell well we were on birth control and fell pregnant with triplets I did unfortunately lose one and 4 weeks ago I had my twins a girl and a partner and I are now definitely done our family is complete

At the end of the day, the other party is done. This is something you need to respect. If you’re not working and he’s the sole bread winner, that could be another reason he doesn’t want another. It’s another 18-20 year financial commitment (and then some)
I was done at 3, my partner was done at 3, and we’re onto the next chapter now that all the kids are in school. There’s many factors to consider when thinking of having another baby.

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I’d say money would determine, but in your case, your husband has already said he’s done, so I would respect that and call it quits, love hard on the babes you got. :two_hearts:

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If husband is done your done. His opinion matters. You have plenty of kids….

What kind of job does your husband have that you can afford so many kids ?
We both work and could only afford 2 …

We strongly believe if you can feed them don’t breed them

It is also his decision. If he doesn’t want anymore, that is his right. You have to ask yourself if it’s worth losing all that u have (mainly him) if you want more. Imo you have plenty but I’m not gonna judge. I knew I was done after my 2nd. I didn’t have boys, just not in my cards and I’m totally ok with that. My 2nd was so hard on my body and then all the stages of baby again, I just can’t.

My hubby said he wanted seven kids and I laughed at him and told him I’m not having 7 kids and that i only want 2-3 kids and I had so many complications that he said he was done at 2!

My mother told me you can fill up your backyard with girl’s waiting for a boy. Listen to your husband, it’s his family too.

I know it’s 50/50 but I wanted a boy so bad Iwas googling lol. Came across Dr shettles method.did that and got my boy. Good luck

Everything cost more now. I like my sleep. I also have 4. Only you know when you are done