How do you know when your relationship is really over?

I’m so tired of feeling alone in this relationship. And I’m sure he feels the same way. How do you know when it’s done? When do you decide that you’ve given it everything? How do you know when your too tired to do it anymore? My child has been affected, my mental health has been affected and I’m sure his is too. The worst is knowing the love is still there but that love isn’t always enough . I’m so sad right now.


Relationships and marriage aren’t always sunshine & roses. They are HARD work. I’m not sure why everyone just throws the towel in, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Talk to your spouse, seek couples counseling, seek individual counseling. Find activities you and your spouse enjoy together. Find activities you enjoy.


Your child is affected and your mental health is affected. That’s exactly how you know it’s time. Life is way too short.


Love isn’t always a feeling it is a commitment.
You work on it if you want it to work…
Couples hit rough patches everyone does and it’s quick to call it quits but when was the last time y’all done something together a couple not parents. Get that spark going… try something new ? If your questioning this is because you aré detaching yourself… but are you sure you know what he wants? Men tend to keep things to themselves in order to get to bottom of this problem is by communicating together.


Everything you Said is when you know. Love eachother enough to coparent and support eachothers new lives separately. Be friends.


If you want it to work - make it work. Both of you. If he “can’t” and you “won’t” then walk away.

My husband and I have gone THROUGH it. Through, on top, squished, lol you name it - we been there but when it comes down to it, I don’t want to go to bed without HIM. I don’t want to wakeup, without him. I don’t want to not be able to call him over something silly, or hear the kids get excited when he comes home, to hear him talk about lame video games that he gets excited about. Does he annoy me? Yes. Do I get angry at him? Absolutely! But, I wouldn’t want to think of suffocating anyone else. :rofl::rofl::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Have you tried marriage counseling? It saved my current marriage. Talk to your partner and let them know how you’re feeling and see if you both are willing to try counseling. If you have and don’t feel that it’s helped, then you’ll just have to make a decision.


Marriage is work even in the strongest of marriages. It can be challenging for us mommas especially because we get mentally exhausted, physically exhausted, touched out and sometimes we just feel done. It’s not all anyone’s fault but if counseling isn’t an option or you can’t/don’t feel like you two can have a productive conversation on reviving the the relationship then talk and try to find a way to amicably separate and co-parent.

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You need to just let it go . Don’t make anybody suffer anymore , it only causes more stress and sadness in thelong wrong

When you ask this question, it’s over

i knew that it was over simply by being happy when he was leaving the house, or when i got home and his car wasn’t there. i hated being around him. it was true relive when he was gone!

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If it’s affecting your child it’s time to call it quits.


When they say we want to go our separate ways

Marriage or partnership is hard work…
You keep working at it if your love is still there.
LOVE is Living On Valuable Energy…
Find the Valuable in each other again…
Talk to him about that?
20 yrs this year with my hubby an man we been through it all an we are ONLY 35.
Learning an going through adolescent together, growing together. 5 kids together.
We still have our rampage days but nothing is worse than the feeling of emptiness around each other…we have had all the feelings…but it is TOUGH. It makes you question why the hell you married this prick!!! But he’s your husband an your his wife…Goodluck. this is very hard an you are NOT alone…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs::kissing_heart: