How do you let a man know you are interested in him?

Ladies, how do you make the first move, let a guy know you’re interested? I’ve been single for near 3 years now, last relationship lasted 5 and was bad bad bad. Started a new job recently and this guy that works there is just out of a relationship as well… I’m pretty sure hes interested, like 99% sure but believe we’re both too shy to say to each other… so how do you muster up the guts to let a guy know you’re willing to try and see where things go?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you let a man know you are interested in him? - Mamas Uncut

Be friends first before making moves. If he just got out of a relationship, you could be the rebound girl. Avoid being those. You want to be friends first to know if he has any red flags.


He just ended a relationship and you all work together. I wouldn’t even bother with him and yet find another. If it doesn’t work out then you may have to find another job lmfao. That’s too much trouble in the end.


Agree with the softly softly approach.

Go grab a coffee with him as friends. Get to know the guy, no need to rush into anything.

Also, be cautious when it comes to dating colleagues


You don’t. That makes his job easier you have stopped him from chasing you, wooing you and trying to get your attention. He knows your interested and he doesn’t have to try as hard now. Flirt with him - let him know that way and let his masculine energy come through. Do not chase the man.


I just came here to say that some relationships with a coworker work out. I met my husband at work. Together 33 years and married 32 years.


I don’t. I let them come to me. If you go first you’re setting the stage for being the seeking one the entire relationship. You want to be the hunted not the hunter.


Yeah, depending on your positions at the company you could get in trouble, so check the employee manual first. Then if it’s OK, ask if he’d like to grab lunch together sometime, preferably with a topic in mind, like you’re picking his brain (how does he deal with difficult co-workers, what does he think makes a good boss, anything so you can both prepare for a conversation vs. staring at each other awkwardly. Then if your conversation veers to more personal subjects, great!


You say, hey I am interested in getting to know you more, would you like to hang out sometime? Maybe grab some food, talk and enjoy eachothers company. Just speak up literally. If nothing comes of it it’s ok. You gotta put your foot in the door girl.


Men like the “hunt” or chase aspect of a dating situation, it’s ingrained in them. You let him figure it out. You can flirt, act interested, but let him make the first move.
Personally though, I never date anyone I work closely with. I always look into the future, and how horrible it would be to have to work with an ex. Ugh. No thanks.


Try something simple and not to much pressure. Like ask him if he’s like to get coffee sometime or lunch . Depending if your coffee drinkers or not .

But I would also take into consideration that you’ve been single for 3 yrs. And he " just got out" of a relationship :woman_shrugging:t3:. I say become friends and just flirt a bit. Me and my husband started out as friends when we were in our 20s and it made for an amazing foundation.

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Life is short and we’re all grown as hell. That damsel in distress is played out. Simply ask him if he would like to check out a new dinner spot. If he laughs in your face then it’s a no go. Chances are he will be relieved because men really get exhausted having to lead the dance all the time when we already knew we liked them.


I’m in a similar situation and I’m just letting it play out! I know, he knows, and whenever whatever happens if will happen I’m in no rush and if it’s meant to happen it will oh not it won’t…

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I believe it’s never a good idea to date anyone you work with.
Also he just got out of a relationship. Let him heal & deal with this. But again, it is never a good idea to get involved with anyone you work with

At work it took me months to ask him out … and he was dating someone 9 months later he asked me out and I was dating someone… two weeks later I asked him out and 3 months later we got married
Just do it

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He is not that shy and you work with him . if he was interested he would approach you. Leave him alone. Just be colleagues.

If he’s just come out of a relationship you don’t want to be the rebound. You’ve just started working there, get to know him, be friends, take things slow

Just start talking to him as a friend for a bit see where it goes talk coffee depending on where you live go for a walk invite him
Go to a park don’t make it obvious at first

Get to know him first. Then see if you’re still interested in him.

I agree about asking him to grab a coffee. Make it really casual, like a hang out, and see how it goes.

See him in the canteen just ask if you can sit with him and let it happen

Man just say it, if you get rejected. Well sucks. I rather tell him and get rejected than NOT tell him. My mind would go nuts! I’m just a straight up person I guess. “ hey you come here papi you’re mine!” lol


You have to be friends first Ask him to grab coffee with you

That’s like peeing where u sleep or whatever they say lol don’t do it

Just blush…every time. Always worked for me lol

Take the friend approach. Maybe ask to grab lunch together and go from there


Ask him if he wants to go get coffee, or lunch?

As a shy guy, talking and getting to know eachother and having fun together and if it’s ment to be it will happen on its own.


You’ve got to be careful. Sure go for coffee but have a conversation in mind first. He may know people in the company, that info could be important to know. Does he have family, kids etc. Take it slow after all he’s straight out of another relationship and neither you or he want to get hurt. There’s also company gossip you’ve got to careful of initially, you don’t want to be front page news for the company newspaper. Then see were it goes from there.

Define ‘just out of a relationship’ because if he’s fresh out of a relationship let that man breathe and If it’s been a few years(or months) then just tell him you like him and you like to go out for dinner or maybe a day date. Just remember to breathe during the process.

Walk right up to him and tell him you’re interested in him as long as he is single. Why beat around the bush.
He’s either going to be interested in you or not but why waste time dancing around it.

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I would say let the man have his space.


First off don’t assume he is 99% interested in you
As your only setting yourself up for a fall
If he isn’t into you

Try asking him if he wants to get a coffee at lunch time

Idk I kind of just went for it. We would go to the movies and hang out and one thing lead to another and I finally asked him if he wants to be with me and here we are 9 years later :slight_smile:

Don’t sh*t where you eat. Do not date someone you work with. You’ll regret it.

dont date employees. itll almost always end bad

Shouldn’t date anyone you work with.things may not go good.

Don’t get your honey, where you make your money.

You wanna loose your job that’s the fastest way haha what’s more important a dude or your livelihood.

I’m assuming you have things in common so be like hey I’m doing x…x would you like to join me?

Sounds like a really bad idea.

Just ask him.
We’re not kids. This isn’t High School.
Make your intentions known.
It’s ok for women to be the huntress.

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Ask him to go for a coffee
Talk to him see what he likes and don’t like get to know him see if there’s any red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:
Or whatever
See if he wants to come over and watch a movie go hang out at the mall as friends and see how he acts just watch and see what goes on y’all can always be friends or whatever Don’t give in to him

You just started a job and already has interest in a co worker ? Abort the mission girl, things can get very uncomfortable


Simple… don’t shit where you eat. Don’t date coworkers. You have kids I assume… you just gonna go find another job if this all ends bad? Asking for drama… stay away unless one of y’all finds another job or works in a separate building/department with 0 direct interaction with your job duties. Even still… he’s just out of a relationship… why you trying to be his rebound? :woman_facepalming:t2:

I wouldn’t be too upfront if he’s straight out of a relationship as he’s probably not ready to get in another one anyway. I’d just chat to him as a friend for now and see if feelings develop as time goes on :slight_smile: