How do you make friends as an adult? I am struggling to find a single friend and I really miss it
From my experience it’s very hard to do
Look at finding and joining an actual group of people who enjoy the same things you do
Often you will find people there who will want to get to know you
And slowly build up a friendship
It won’t happen overnight
But the right people will gravitate to you
I dont have a lot of friends and the ones I do have, I didn’t really seek out, it just happened. I have 2 really good friends from grade school. I have about a handful of friends in the town I live in now. The very first girlfriend I made, I was actually friends with her husband first. Then I found out he had been lying to her about me and made me look like a stalker. I was definitely willing to show her all our texts. All the ones he deleted on his end. He had all my messages but none of the ones he sent to me lol. Her and I became really close after that. My first gf (that’s more like a sister), in the town I’m in now, we golfed together once and then a second time. Then found out we had a lot more in common than we thought and our friendship took off from there. Another friend I made because our sons are best friends. Friendship just happens as long as you’re willing to out yourself out there as well.