How do you parent your kids when they get bad grades?

Talk to the teacher. Get her eyes checked. Second grade is too young to blame the child. There is some underlying issue. Why hasn’t the teacher contacted you?

I’m betting her being in second grade, there’s an underlying issue. Also, at my house, as long as I can tell they’re really trying, idc what the grades say.

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Have you asked the school to test her? She might require an IEP to help her with special classes. As far as punishing her that’s really not fair because there could be a serious reason her grades are failing. Get with her teachers and y’all work it out.

What are you doing to help her academically? Are you helping with homework? Checking in with her teacher to see how she is doing in class? You are her parent. Elementary school is heavily parent involved in the at home retention of information and enjoyment. How on earth did she get all Fs and is clearly struggling somewhere and you only find out from a report card?

My son is in 1st and currently failing but he is trying his best and we are in the process of getting his dyslexia diagnosed so he can get extra help.

You help them work on the subjects they are struggling with. Talk to the teacher to find out how they are doing in class and what as a PARENT you can do at home to help them improve and then do it. I am not sure what you expect your child to learn from this punishment? I could understand if they were acting out in class and being disruptive. And was already talked to about their behavior but it sounds like you are punishing her for her grades alone which is not on her alone, it is also on yourself as a parent… so are you going to punishing yourself this way as well then?

I personally think punishment for bad grades is weird. If they are struggling academically they need help and support, not to be belittled and discouraged.

You need to chill. She is in 2nd grade. And I don’t know where you’re at but in my state you don’t get A, B, C, D, F until middle school (6th-7th grade) before that it is acceptable, needs improvement, below average, struggling, advanced. They are teaching them the basic skills, learning where they are at. So in your logic, my son is advanced/proficient in all area (math, ELA, social studies, science) and he is learning at a 7th grade level and he is 5th grade. This yr he needs improvement in every area. So I should have punished him instead of saying hey bug what’s going on and I learn that the teacher is intimidating and screaming and yelling at the kids 8 hrs a day, making everyone afraid to move. And she is teaching math a different way then what he knows and she keeps marking his work wrong even though it’s the correct answer. You go in and talk to the child and the school if needed. You don’t do what you did. If she was middle school or high school going from As and then failing because you can see she just doesn’t care, skipping school, not applying her self then I could understand you being upset but really, in 2nd grade. You have problems mom.

I’d rule out any learning disabilities, get eyes and hearing checked…have a talk with teachers to find out what you can do to help out and be consistent with study time at home, make reading( you to her and her to you) a fun time. Hire a tutor if needed. Advocate for her! :two_hearts:

Incorporate learning around the home (if you don’t already) make it normal and interesting try adding baking, if she bakes with you you can make the connection of adding at her level and increase from there… having designated reading/ homework time each week day evening or every other…any schedule that works, If there’s no homework they would read for that 10 to 20 minutes …add spelling into random conversation or counting…writing opportunities maybe helping write and put items on shopping lists… Try drawing an item then having her and any other friends or family to each take turns adding one item each turn to the picture creating some artwork… maybe follow up with if she is helping around the house like putting her laundry where it belongs, cleaning up after self … and also the question of why the lower grades right now? Is there an issue somewhere at the sxhool a learning hardship of some sort… id try to create the - you are aiding her in success environment and not the- she must be punished environment- Good luck to you and yours

How about help her learn and find the problem.

You emptied her room? This little girl is obviously struggling & you’re going to act like a drill sergeant? Gross. Get her tested for ADHD & other learning disabilities. What you are doing is not parenting. It’s being a horrible human being!

Something is going on. At that age they’re usually still excited about school. Therapy/rule out anything medical (I.e. dyslexia, checking eyesight, adhd, any learning disabilities) I would want to know what’s going on and why they aren’t able to keep up

talk with the teacher. Why is she failing and found out on a report card? I dont punish until middle school because before that its someone else’s responsibility to make sure she is learning and doing her work.even in middle school i just took the things they were doing that was the distraction. The phone, the tablet or whatever they were doing instead of work. and thats only because i saw that the that was the distraction and they can have it back when all grades are up.I don’t focus on grades, as much, but the person. And everytime my child fails school something else was going on too. My kids were behind because they have adhd. And school is long and boring sometimes. But it is 2024 and schools and teachers are doing better at seeing the whole child and not just the grades
We now have 504 plans and grades are better. Advocate for your baby, don’t punish her. In the 2nd grade unless your child is downright not doing what she should. She’ll need support not punishments.

Depends why she’s getting bad grades. I’ve always grounded mine if the grades slip below their potential… what that is looks different each year and for each kid, and we always address they WHY. For example my older 2 kids were straight A students in elementary. The joke went that I’m allergic to B’s but that was where their potential was. My son hella slacked in 4th grade. Turned out his teacher was a d1ck, so I let the grades slide because that teacher should have been fired. In middle school it was nothing below a B for 1 kid, and nothing below a D for the other. High school they just need to pass. They are 11th and 12th at a high academic school (AP requires for all students), so theres a lot of leniency. My youngest has ID and I pay even closer attention because obviously her brain sometimes does its own thing :rofl:. She’s in 6th and struggled a lot last year but they why wasn’t her fault (teachers kept quitting). Remember reward works better than punishment when they are little. But tbh, you’ve gotta put more effort into all this if you’re gonna punished for grades. You’ve gotta check the work, make sure its understood, talk to teachers, find out if she has a disability, ect.

She’s in 2nd grade. Are you helping her with homework?. Sitting down and being next to her and trying to explain if she needs help?. I have a 4th grader and a 6th grader, and I always make sure to ask if they need help, I sit next to them and or help them study if they are struggling. Don’t punish her if she’s failing, ask teacher for extra homework and sit down and help her with it. Be present while doing homework or even studying.

Sounds like it could be more of a parent thing vs schools fault…find out what’s going on instead of punishment

Why empty her room?? Makes no sense… you need to talk to the teachers and sounds like the parents need to get their shit together not a 2nd grader. Sounds like something more is going on. Help, and find out before you punishment. I think the parents need punishment not the 2nd grader

Maybe she has a learning disability. In 2nd grade, she shouldn’t be getting bad grades, there’s a reason.

Talk with the teacher. There could be many reasons.

She’s in 2nd grade. She needs a different type of learning help, not punishment. There’s no reason to punish her at all for this.

Well that’s how NOT to help a child that is struggling in school. From your post alone I can tell you that your daughter already doesn’t trust in your parenting or you. She knows that you are going to punish her for every little mistake she makes. She can’t even come to you and tell you that she is having a hard time. You obviously don’t sit down with her and do homework or as her parent, you would automatically know where she is struggling. I think you need to shift your discipline from your child onto you. Parenting is 75% teaching 15% redirecting 5% guidance and 5% discipline.

First and foremost, apologize to your daughter for YOUR behavior. Second, give her a giant hug and tell her that you are going to figure this out together and with a little bit of hardwork, love and teamwork, things will get back on track.
Schedule a meeting with the teacher without your daughter. Find out where she is struggling in the class, ask the teacher what you can do at home to help broaden her skills and apply the most attention to help get her on track. When you get home, talk to your daughter. Is she being bullied, can see the board, does she understand? Ask your daughter what YOU can do to help her. Get her eyes checked to see if she needs glasses and then … WORK WITH HER. Read to her every night. Practice her writing. Sit down next to her while she’s doing her math and instead of berating her for getting it wrong, offer words of encouragement and acknowledge that in by making mistakes is how we learn to do things correctly!

Then in your free time take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself, if you were in your daughters shoes, is that how you’d want to be treated? Do better.

She’s what ? 8 ? Don’t take her things. Remind her that if she doesn’t try her best, she won’t get to do ( insert fun activity that she doesn’t get to do often ) at the end of the year. Get her a tutor, do activities with her that encourage learning. Reprimanding her this young isn’t going to do much. When she’s a teen and is actively not trying because she doesn’t think school is fun, then punish her.

Have her checked for learning disabilities, eyes checked and hearing checked. She may have any number of issues causing the grades to be bad. Myself I struggled in school and ar 33 I learned I have a severe form of dyslexia, and something that makes pulling things I know out of my mind I don’t remember the name.

You get her tested for learning disabilities and stop being an abliest POS

My dad acted exactly like this and he will die alone in an old folks home because of it. Hopefully you apologize enough that this isn’t your fate as well


She’s in second grade, not high school. She needs more time and help. :rage:

Wtf. Second grade and you’re punishing her? Yeah that’s likely to help her achieve better grades. Not likely, but what you did do, was destroy any shred of self worth she may have had left. What you should have done was talk to her and the teachers to find out what she was struggling with and how you could help.
You emptied her room?? :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: that’s the exact opposite of what you should have done. Now you put that babies took back and sincerely apologize to her for your reaction. Then you make a plan about how you’re going to do everything in your power to make sure she gets the support she needs.

Second grade?! What if your kid is dyslexic? You could be punishing them for a disability. Dtm

I always told my daughter to always do her best and if she did do her very best that’s all I would ask of her. And i meant every word :heart:

Hello teacher here. Did the teacher not reach out to you and inform you your daughter would be failing? Was there no documentation? Are you not signed up to receive notifications on your child’s grade? I’m so confused and so much missing here. Yesterday the 1st 9 weeks ended at my school. Before I begin to fail a student I must contact the parent and let them know about it. Then I document it on the students profile. We submit progress report grades the first 3 weeks, 6 weeks and then report cards are the 9 weeks. If the parents are signed up for their child’s account, the parents have access to their child’s grades. I also have to have documentation on the students work proving they need to fail. I also have to fill out a failure form, pull the students attendance, contact log, etc. and submit all of that to admin before I fail the student. I don’t understand. Did none of this happen? Were you not aware? Are you not checking on your daughter’s grades?

I’d be seeing if she has a learning disability or if she’s maybe adhd. And WORKING WITH HER ON HER LEVEL so she can understand what she’s expected to learn. Taking things from her room isn’t going to help.

Help her. Ask what’s wrong. Perhaps she’s struggling with a bully, perhaps she is not feeling great, perhaps she needs a tutor. Your first stop should be the teacher. Ask the teacher what she’s like in class, why she thinks she’s struggling, how she thinks you can help your kid, go from there. Be more involved too, go over her homework daily with her, ask questions about her day, monitor what she brings from school.