How do you potty train a girl?

So my girl is finally peeing in the potty on her own. I don’t have to remind her or say anything she just gets up and goes so yay! She still has problem with pooping which I know is normal, but any advice on how to get her to poop in the potty instead of holding it in? The last time she pooped was 3 days ago. Also, any advice and tips on when and how to start night time potty training? I’m gonna give her a couple more weeks to make sure she has the daytime down, but I would love any and all advice for when i begin the nighttime. Thanks mamas.


No drinks 2 hours before bedtime. No pull ups!

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Night time is easy. When she wakes up with a dry diaper on Then she is ready. Be sure to always put her on the potty to pre before bed. You might have to read her a book or turn the water on. But have her go potty every night before she goes to bed. As for not pooping for 3 days maybe she needs a l laxative. Don’t let her become bound up.

Sorry I don’t agree with no drinking for 2 hours prior to bed. I get thirsty and so do little ones. Just keep it at a minimum. Don’t don’t make her go to bed thirsty


My daughter had the same issue and then she would get constipated for holding it in for days. I got this and it helped her to go because when it’s softer it cant help but to come out when they’re on the pot. At least with her. Sometimes I had to coach her into pooping. She grew out of it finally and now she loves pooping. Lmao

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My daughter is right at the same age and asks for a pull up when she has to poop. Every other time she pees in the potty though and has pooped a couple of times on the potty as well. I try to keep the portable little potty in the living room if we’re not by the bathroom so she feels more comfortable and has easy access if she needs to go. Maybe offer a small type of candy for going poo-poo on the potty? Maybe a little more incentive would help? Also sometimes my daughter asks me to stay in the bathroom if she does poop on the potty, I think it’s a little scary stage that they have to go through. Good luck mom! :two_hearts:

I just went cold turkey and didnt buy anymore diapers and never used pull ups when I started her at night. I would definitely invest in a plastic sheet cover for her bed just in case. Give her a little bit to drink like 30 minutes before bed ( nobody can comfortably go to sleep thirsty)and take her potty. When it comes to pooping, I say she will go when she is ready and when she does, praise her! Maybe even give her a piece of candy. It may help with her being afraid.

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I just started my 3 year old yesterday and the first thing she did was poop in it. I give her a sucker or something sweet as a reward and of course make a big deal of it.

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I waited until they wake up dry… that means they are able to hold it through the night. This happened for all three around 2.5, 3 years old. My 6 year old also held her poop as well and still does try giving her a stool softener. Talk to your doctor about which one

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Im having the opposite right now… She’ll poop in the potty, but wont pee. So, following. Lol

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There are 3 levels to potty training - pee is the easiest, poop is the second and then nighttime/ naptime is the last and can be soon after or not for quite a while. It requires the extra level of consciousness while they’re sleeping which varies by child. Night time is indicated by them waking with a dry diaper every morning for at least a week. Make sure she goes before bed and then see how it goes. I would still have a mattress protector or some kind of protective layer down for a bit just to be safe - and because kids make all kinds of messes anyway (vomit, urine, etc).

For the poop issue, it’s so tough because it can become a perpetuating cycle of not pooping, which makes an eventual poop hurt and then they resist pooping again, but if you give in and do something like let them poop in a PullUp, then that’s what they’ll do all the time. Only you know your child, but I would start with taking her to the bathroom with you when you poop, talking about it, showing her your poop and talking it up. Then, ask her when she pees if she needs to poop but don’t make it a big thing. Maybe show her how to push. Offer her a special reward for poops. Good luck!

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My daughter is 3 and she’s still having trouble wetting at night, the doctor told me to wake her up and take her to the bathroom, she’s hard to wake up. She goes poop on the potty and does great during the day in underwear

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Apples, grapes, and raisins are great natural sources of fiber to encourage her using the potty as opposed to holding it in, and repetition and positive reinforcement. Night time is a different animal. Make sure you have her try to pee before bed time. You really shouldn’t try switching her to undies until she’s consistently having dry diapers in the morning.

I wish I had more advice, but my daughter was so easy to potty train that I’m paranoid with this pregnancy about potty training.

She just decided by herself that she was going to use the toilet.

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I have done years of taking care of older children with special needs that have had problems with the pooping . I was given advice one to get dried fruit raisins, dates, figs, apricots, whatever you can effort, chop them up. If they do not have problems with nuts roll little balls out of your fruit in nuts. We always called them candy or poop candies. After every meal when potty training give them one and send them to toilet have them set there for 5 minutes and practice gunting if they go have a potty dance doing party, if not praise them for trying and tell them next time or will happen. Then I time toilet. Praise then and thank them for going if they don’t do anything. Potty party if they do. My 19 year old goes on her own by I always go in the change her diaper and we thank/praise or dance and sing. But she takes her own diaper off and puts it in trash herself.

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We bribed my daughter. Not ashamed so don’t come at me. It’s what worked for us. We started with one big thing she had been asking for but made her work for it. Then over a month we gave her small prizes for going, she’d get them at the end of the day for keeping her underwear dry and clean. We tried just keeping her on the potty that didn’t work, we tried candy when she went and nothing. You have to find out what your kids motivation language is. For overnight wait until she’s not peeing in a diaper/pull-up at bed. We limit drinks an hour before bed and she pees before bed and she’s done fine for over a month now no accidents

My 4 year old we told him he’s a big boy and can go on the bathroom now & that he has to show his brothers a good role model :slight_smile: he took awhile but he now pees and poops in the toilet. Struggling to get him to wipe his butt but that’s ok haha continue to tell her that big girls go poop on the toilet every day multiple times :slight_smile: & tell her big girls get cool toys haha I tell my son and he goes

For the poop…just be patient. It comes when they’re ready. I had one child that refused to poop in the potty and we tried literally everything under the sun to try and convince her to poop in the potty. Til she finally just did. Like months and months after being completely pee trained. Other child took pretty much no extra work to get her to poop in the potty. All kids are different and poop can be a big deal for them.

Thanks for all the advice ladies! My daughter before bed after this was posted told me that her butt hurts when she tried to go potty. I’m thinking that she is in fact constipated cause she does try some and earlier last week she pooped 2 times in the potty. She had a couple accidents with poop since then but not a lot of poop or anything. She doesn’t hide when she does poop I think she just went when I was distracted with cleaning. Again thanks for all the advice!