How do you potty train at night?

How do you guys potty train at night? I don’t remember what i did with my older 2 but my youngest son will be 4 in October. He wears a pull up every single night and fills it up! I’m not sure how to get him to go potty at night. Please help lol


Couple of suggestions. (1) limit drinks 2 hours before bedtime to just sips. (2) make him go prior to bed. (3) wake him up and make him go before YOU climb into bed. (4) if you wake for any reason, get him up to go. Boys for some reason seem tougher than girls - but I couldn’t tell you why.

Patience mom - just hang in there and don’t shame him for something he can’t control while sleeping.


Yes, all this advice I had my boy I regular underwear and I had a mattress protector. He had accidents my son was a very deep sleeper.

No drinks from 1 hr before bed.toilet before bed and wake them a few times during the night and ask if they need to go toilet. Did this with my eldest son to get him out of pull ups and he only ever wet the bed once

It’s normal for him to need a pull up at night . Don’t worry . One day he will wake up dry and then you will be able to put him in underwear. Promise! Don’t sweat it !


Don’t let him have anything to drink an hour before bed.

I honestly stop buying pull up so my child could feel when he peed also no drinks 2 hours before bed but my child one to get up and peed and go back to bed hadn’t peed the bed nothing after we finishing with potry training then I did the same with my niece when she lived with me cause I wasn’t changing a diaper :sweat_smile: both kids are 4 months apart niece was trained in less then a week and my son it took maybe 3 months fully

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Take off the pull up. They are a crutch. He won’t like being wet.

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No sippy cops two hours before bed.