How do you potty train boys?

Hey how did y’all potty train your boy & what age ? Mines 17 months and just took a squat and poop in his crib while I turned for wipes… so I think it’s time…


I let him go outside when he had to pee he loved it


My best advice to you having trained 5 kids is WAIT. Yes, they start tuning into some things at about 1.5, but it is the RARE child that is really ready then. You will end up dealing with lots and lots of accidents and/or training yourself to take him to the potty on a schedule. If you wait til they are truly ready - usually sometime around 3, often a little later than that - you can have a no-muss/no-fuss experience. Trust me.


I used Cheerios in the toilet to aim play as a game and got him a sticker or a small snack for a reward and explain if u feel those feeling that means you have to go potty. Pooping was a little harder

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I used dissolving toilet targets and let him run around with no pants on. I made it like a game to him. And once he realized he goes pee on the toilet, it clicked that he poops on there too. Now he’s almost 5 and wipes his own ass too.

Fruit loops in the bowl for aiming once able. Get a seat for on top of toilet with the little cup on it. Easy cleaning. A little stool for climbing up onto the seat to promote independence. Raised 4 boys.


I potty trained at 4. I gave him regular underwear and pj pants to wear all day. I kept asking him if he had to pee or poo. I always let him sit on the toilet several times a day just in case something happens. When he would pee in his pants I looked at him and explained the uncomfortable feeling he was having and how we don’t want that and I changed him over and over throughout the day. Eventually he was tired of feeling his leg being cold and wet so he started using the toilet. You don’t let them stay in the wee for long just long enough for them to realize that hey, this is uncomfortable. And then change. Maybe 1-2 mins before a change. You will be changing pants a lot throughout the day so it was best for me to have tons of pajama pants ready. Not shorts cause it will just rush through shorts and onto the ground. If he poops in his pants we would throw them away but that rarely happened maybe only a couple of times

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Food coloring in the bowl. Like blue… when they pee it turns green, etc. Use different colors. They think it’s magic when they change the color. I used it with all 3 of my kids. Had them potty trained so fast. Also for my son along with the food coloring I threw a fruitloop or cheerio in the toilet and told him to aim. That was to teach him how to stand up and pee.

He’s too young,just setting up yourself for major stress.most childrens bodies aren’t mature enough until 2 1/2 -3 yrs old.


Ping pong balls in the toilet. Helps with their aim and they won’t sink and you can just keep them in there. Works amazingly…I used to tell my boys to shoot the balls and they loved it…no pee outside our toilets :grin:

We started off with sitting. Then when he was more comfortable, showed him that he can stand. We used m&ms at first for reward, then stickers for pee, candy for poop.

I think age does not matter, my oldest was Toilet trainer at 15 months ( only wore night nappys) and son was fully trained (including night) by 2 and a half.
I trained them all the same. A pee on potty gets a jelly bean. And a poo gets a choc bar ( those snack size), once they get confident (successful all of the time),then away the treat for the pee and only have a reward for poo. After confident with that move to toilet but keep treat then after awhile take away all treats. Worked for all 4. I left the standing up part to the bd,but he had to be able to reach the seat with a stool. Put him on the potty every 10 mins or so he gets the idea. Consistency and bribery is key. ( after that it just becomes a habit)

I started with books, we would read them a few times a day. Took him to pick out underwear and a potty chair. And just went for it. He was older but didn’t show signs or interest. Pooping took longer for us but I’ve seen best results just giving him the information you can (books) and the tools (underwear and potty) and let him go. Also positive reinforcements if he misses the potty or has an accident!

I just took away the diapers, pullups after they picked their first set of underwear and had them watch dad/older sibling. I did the same for my daughter except she watched me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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A bathroom scale is the perfect height for them to stand on and is more stable than a stool. With that being said, he may not be ready at that age. My oldest daughter was out of diapers, even at night, before she was 2. But my son wouldn’t have anything to do with it until he was 3. Don’t push him. If he takes to it, great. Try sitting him backwards on the toilet to begin with or get a potty chair.

My first kept regressing. Got it immediately at age 2. But then regressed 4x between then and age 3. Second boy is 2.5 in may and I’m waiting and training him in the summer. I don’t need a years worth the regressions right now lol.

I’ve learned that kids need to stay dry for extended periods of time. Many babies pee in small amounts very often. If they cannot hold their bladder or make it to the bathroom, you will just have a kid who will refuse to train and it will take longer

I swear my son would do all the right things except use the potty, but I just crossed my fingers when he went to preschool and he got the hang of it.

I trained my younger brothers:

  1. Toss a cheerio in the bowl, it gives them a fun game to play at.

  2. Don’t ask. TELL.
    “Do you need to go potty” (NO)
    “Let’s go potty” (YES)


I had birth my boys run around with just a shirt on. Sit to pee backwards and when they get that down, stand up

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My second child would hide in his room and poop in a corner refused to poop in the toilet until he started headstart it was awful and I was always cleaning it up and I had tried everything. However to get him to pee in the toilet I would put fruit loops in the toilet and told him to see if he could pee on them, it was a game for him made peeing in the toilet fun for him and he got potty trained quickly

Money apparently. My son was 2 and mil had popped in. Had him sat on a potty and he did a wee - she handed him a pound coin… next hour or so - he did two more wees and was given a further £2…. And was basically trained in 2 flats. Never had an accident…

Now - my two girls - took a week each and had accidents

We used rocks in their pots to aim lol. We also rewarded them with skittles after they hit the rocks. Boys are fun, you got this Mamas!

All 3 of my kids were trained between 18 months and 2. My 2 boys started peeing outside and then we progressed to pooping on the potty, we would put them on every 20 mins …

Patience lots of it don’t force it I find if you force it makes it 10 times more harder

I waited till 3. He started holding his poop and was making him sick. Doctor said put the pull ups back on and let him take the lead. After watching me fold his “big boy” underwear, he wanted to put them on. I said only if you use the potty, now accidents. Not a single one after that

I found it went quick with my 3 kids at age 2. 2 boys and 1 girl.

One and a half is way to young. My experience with 3 boys. Wait until after 2.

Never ever let them stand to pee. Sit and tuck

Throw a fruit loop in the toilet and tell him to aim

When mine turn two I just put underwear on him and he was good

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First of all that’s disgusting behavior to allow and secondly get a potty


Same as a girl. No need to stand to urinate. It’s bad for the pelvic floor and is unhygienic anyway.

Wait until they’re ready.
Also, what you mentioned has zero to do with readiness to potty-train.

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I didn’t have boys, only 3 girls. So this advice probably won’t work, especially at that age. But I remember my aunt telling me once when she potty trained my cousin (her daughter), she put Dora underwear on her. My aunt told my cousin that Dora would be really upset if she peed/pooped on her (in her underwear). I just got my 3 year old fully trained finally. I said the same thing with her cocomelon and baby shark underwear. She looked at me and said she didn’t want them crying. So he hasn’t had accidents because she doesn’t wanna upset j.j. Or the baby shark family. :joy:

3 boys. With first one, wed rush as soon as he woke up to sit him on the potty. This eventually translated into him pretty much being commando all the time and wed sit him on potty. He was easiest. Second one was much harder. We started when he turned 2 like his brother, and he was doing great and then stopped. Wed struggle with him until he was close to 3. We got him a dino potty book and at this point he was too big for the training potty so we let him pick out one of those removable character potty seats and he picked dinosaurs. We had also deepcleaned the bathroom which he saw and he considers it his bathroom that he lwts other use.
3rd one has gone a couple times but isnt old enough yet.
When middle pees, we have a step stool near the toiler he stands on. Right now im still helping him but soon well work on him doing it himself.

Id assumed itd be similar to girls.