Every birth is different. I was 36 1/2 hours in labor with my first My second 25 min popped her like a zit. Every pregnancy os different and so is labor. Just prepare for anything and everything
Just lmagine a lovely baby in your. Arms.
Watching videos of women going through labor and delivery lol
The worst part about labor is anticipating it. Once it actually begins, your body and mind will do what our bodies are made to do.
just remember it will end in a mracle
I found the more prepared the worse my anxiety got. Just go with the flow… most of the time it doesn’t turn out as planned anyway
I had a plan! It didn’t include going into labor 5 weeks premature and a C-section. It also didn’t include colic, chronic ear infections that required surgery. Babies and plans are an oxymoron.
Hiring a doula was the BEST decision I’ve ever made! I’m an ER nurse and an experienced mom, but our doula has taught me SO many things that I didn’t know! I have so much more piece of mind knowing that she will be at our side during this labor!