Does anyone know exactly how to sleep train an infant? She is 4 days old and I am TIRED…she doesnt love sleeping and I do,…
Sleep when baby sleeps. Baby has their nights and days mixed up- expect it to take weeks to months to recover. Expect baby to wake repeatedly seeking connection with you for the next 2-4 years. Babies aren’t programable robots sorry. You think all the baby brain, mama is tired, wine drinking to cope jokes weren’t all based on reality? Strap yourself in for the most exhausting years of your life.
As an aside sleep training causes a trauma response in babies and isn’t recommended at all- if you ignored your nanna at night when she cried out seeking comfort it would be labeled elder abuse- same thing.
You got no hope mama I’m sorry but you kinda just have to ride out the first few weeks
Your newborn isn’t sleeping regularly at night…and this surprises you…? Maybe you should’ve gotten a puppy first
It’s a newborn . Suck it up and take care of your baby. You’re gonna be tired for a while but you’ll be ok. You don’t sleep train a young baby. Try cosleepung, it helps you rest more.
I didn’t. They sleep when they sleep. They’re getting used to the world.
Sleep is something you have to sacrifice when you decide to have a baby
4 DAYS old? I’m sorry hon. It’s not going to happen any time soon.
There’s no such thing for a sleeping schedule she’s gonna be waking up a lot to eat and have a diaper change or sometimes for no reason she’s a newborn
you can’t. not that young, feed and change when shes up, sleep when she sleeps.
You sound like a never home baby daddy!
Maybe you should have thought about that BEFORE reproducing…
Some of the questions on this page never fail to amaze me, and not in a good way.
So you’ve had a baby without doing any research at all into how to care for one or what to expect
You can’t hun… even my 4yr old still wakes at night sometimes. Sounds like you’re really struggling is there someone who can watch the baby while you get some sleep? You have to take care of yourself to be able to take care of the baby. Sleep when they sleep everything else can wait
RIP you have a lonnngggg way to go. Nobody told you the first 3 months are the hardest? Yikes
You should put them up for adoption… how sad and sick! Hopefully this is not real
Yes… You start by during the day and night keeping lights on noise level normal every time the baby naps. Then at 12am turn the light off and keep the room quiet. Every time baby wakes up still Keep quiet and lights dim while you feed and change them. Don’t over stimulate them. Keep doing this, it’s going to take 2 weeks but by then your baby will be sleeping a 5-6 hour stretch. At 4 weeks old drop the time back an hour at 11pm when you turn lights off and have quiet time. They’ll adjust and start sleeping a little longer… keep dropping the time back an hour over a couple weeks at a time… done this with all 5 of my kids and all 5 were sleep trained at 2 weeks old.
You can forget about sleep those days are over. She’s going to no sleep train you I bet she’s so adorable congratulations
Umm good luck, not at 4 days old
Best advice is sleep in shifts. ur partner and you should be sleeping in blocks like 4-8 hour sleep blocks were it’s dedicated sleep for the adult. This works really well with babies on formula I’m sure it’s not like that for breastfeeding babies. Ya kinda are stuck waking up and being a bottle 24/7
You can’t, especially not a 4 day old. Sleep when she does.
You wait until she’s at least three months…
You don’t…unless you are into child abuse
This is what it is unfortunately
They shouldn’t sleep through the night til at least 6 weeks per lots of research. (Their blood sugar levels, risk of SIDS, etc)
Come on… this is having a baby, like what.
My 4 year old still doesn’t sleep through the night
You can’t sleep train and infant, they need fed every couple hours through the night, I know its hard, and you are exhausted, but we have all been there, it will get better. But honestly my youngest is 6 and I still get woke up in the middle of the night sometimes. The first few weeks, I dont know that I actually slept more than an hour at a time. Ask for help if you are frustrated and tired. If you do get frustrated, put your baby down in a safe space and walk away til you are calm. Best of luck.
Find someone who can help. It sets better
I just slept when my newborns slept it was rough for a little while and always nap when baby naps that helps as well
This is part of motherhood girl… there’s no training at this young. If you have anyone that can help you during this tough time, I suggest asking for it cause there is nothing you can do except feed and change that precious baby when they let you know they need it. Even if it’s every hour of the night.
Stick to a routine. White noise. Dark…lay with her til she falls asleep if needed and then leave the room
Hi, I also have a 4 day old baby and he sleeps better between feedings through the day so that’s when I’ve been sleeping. You really just have to sleep when they sleep because something about night time makes infants need more attention, it’s hard but it doesn’t last forever hang in there.
At age 18 you’ll sleep better.
Mine are 10 and 4, the 10 year old didn’t start sleeping through the night until he was 6(he is autistic)
My 4 year old stopped sleeping through the night at 6 months old.
Before kids I’d sleep alot .
Those days are gone and over with.
You really can’t and I’m sorry you’re feeling sleep deprived, maybe your spouse or family can help while you get some rest, hang in there mama, this stage doesn’t last forever.
U can’t, u sleep when the baby sleeps.
This is all about having a baby - did you think it would be easy? Sweetie, sleep when she sleeps - you can try to set a schedule, maybe a few months down the road- it takes two …
Check out Respectful Sleep Training/Learning. No age is too young to start!