How do you swallow pills whole?

How do people swallow pills whole? I’m having bad allergies but I’m pregnant and can only take mucinex for the congestion but the regular mucinex is HUGE and you’re not supposed to crush it and my throat automatically contracts to expel it when I try swallowing it, no matter how much water I drink with it. Any suggestions? I have a headache from all the congestion and pressure in my ears. Zyrtec isn’t helping much either.


I throw it to the back of my tounge drink water and it just flows down x

Put as far back as I can and drink quick. It can take a few times but eventually I swallow it.

Musinex has a liquid also now


A spoon full of applesauce or yogurt will help with swallowing big pills. That’s how they get old people to get them down. Also I have cut musinex in half to get them down when I’m having a problem.

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Get water in your mouth first, then swallow the pill.

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I crush all pills, they work fine

Liquid in your mouth then pill, take another drink and swallow