How do you teach your child not to bully?

How did you teach your toddler not to bully? Apparently, mines have been a turd and a half at least once a week. She goes into time out for biting or picking a fight. She’s only been in daycare for about four months and is just under 2. She is around her cousins and other friends’ kids as much as possible, and we do our best at home. I guess after pushing the kid today, my little one pet the kids face and said nice. Help !!!


Lmfao. Sorry but this is really funny. I worked in daycare and ice seen it all. Just keep encouraging the “nice” part he already seems to know. I have twins…at that age they kicked eachothers asses constantly

You talk about coping skills, asking for help instead of getting mad, taking breaths, and walking away. You also discuss consent - we don’t ever touch anyone else’s face or body without asking first and never with intent to harm (obviously use different words). You reward each day that she shows preferred behavior, and ask the school to do the same. If she asks for help when a friend takes her toy instead of hitting, teacher gives her an m&m. If she comes home with a good behavior report or sticker chart, she gets mommy’s phone, or a chocolate, or something desirable. She really needs coping strategies though, and they need to be drilled into her. If nothing works, then she needs to be evaluated. Some kids can’t handle frustration. Make sure no one at home uses physical punishment or is hitting or biting when angry. If that’s what she is seeing others doing at home, you can’t just tell her to not do it.

Pretty much all kids bite or hit at daycare at some point. Sit down and talk to them about it. Ask why they are biting and if it’s that they are mad or don’t want to share then tackle those issues. Take deep breaths instead of hitting. Get a grownup if someone is taking your toys ect.

You need to try and make her feel what it would feel like it someone was hitting and biting and bullying her. You need to teach her empathy. Teach her about how each person is allowed their own personal space, as if there is a bubble around them. Look up children’s videos about bullying on youtube. Sesame Street I am sure has covered the topic as well as other popular children’s shows. Good luck!

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She’s. Not. Even. Two.
She’s not a bully she’s a toddler.
Sorry but toddlers aren’t bullies.
They aren’t doing things like hitting and biting with the intent of just being mean.

They do things like this because they’re impulsive creatures with big emotions and not enough vocabulary to fully express themselves.

Does that mean you do nothing? No. However, you cannot address her behaviors like she’s a bully. And you cannot address the behaviors the same way you would address them for an older child.
Shes not even 2 yet. That’s really one of the BIG things to remember when trying to deal with these behaviors.

First thing is preventative. …
Making sure her physical needs are met. Noting when she’s getting upset and intervening before that upset starts becoming physical. Help her identify her feelings and show her appropriate ways to express them.
Do not over complicate it.
Shes not going to understand more complex solutions to her feelings so keep it simple.

Second and this is important. When she’s aggressive, rewarding that behavior with attention…even negative attention… doesn’t always help. Sometimes it makes the behavior worse. Leaving her and ignoring her for a few minutes can be much more effective.

Remember toddlers dont have long attention spans. Dont punish her for something hours after the fact. If the consequence isnt immediate, then it wont be effective.


I wouldn’t say she’s a bully … she’s learning to navigate her feels.
Consistency is important. Download mood faces and talk about them … she’s under 2 so keep it simple and when she gets upset ask her to show you the face she’s feeling and give her help on navigating those feels.

Do it back only way shes gonna learn

I don’t think bully starts till after 5 when your brain is developed right now sounds like normal toddler behavior. All you can do is redirect the behavior and try explaining why it’s not nice to hit or bite.

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I’m sorry for my laugh react but that last part the pet and nice omg!!! Just remember she doesn’t know she’s being mean and just reinstate kindness and sharing as much as possible. Toddlers don’t like sharing and don’t like feeling like their way may be compromised. She sounds pretty normal for someone who is dealing with another her size who wants what she has. Stay positive and try to keep her learning the same!

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I’m dealing with the same thing with a lil girl always bothering my son, and it’s on going, they are close in age but I teach my son discipline and he’s going to be 2 in May. At least start disciplining and teaching children at young age. Cause when they get older they will walk all
Over you, I have seen it happened many times before if you don’t discipline your children properly or teach them right from wrong at a young age.

Your child is not a bully. She’s a toddler. Toddlers have no impulse control and they don’t know how to properly express their emotions; especially the ‘negative’ ones. Validate the impulse, redirect the behavior.