How do you teach your child to wipe?

How do you teach your child to wipe their butt good? My child is 4 and will call me to wipe her after going number 2.


My son is 7 and I still have to check him to make sure he cleaned correctly. I feel like wipes are a huge help for sure!

Start with flushable wipes if it’s a struggle. Front to back for girls, once they get the hang of doing it properly. Switch to normal toilet roll…it helps build the confidence to clean themselves.

I feel like i helped wipe until my chidlren were about 4. The ballon trick is helpful to give them a visual


Based on some guys I’ve dated some never got the memo. :smile:

Baby wipes or flushable wipes (but many septic systems can’t handle the flushable wipes)
You can teach to throw them in the trashcan easily. If I somehow got my hard headed, does the opposite of what you say kiddo to throw em away you can too.
They won’t be great at it, my 5yo does great about 85% of the time. They get better as their fine motor skills develop further. Leave wipes where they’re in reach and don’t come the first or second time they call. Sometimes ya gotta let em get desperate enough (I saw desperate as in they want it done then and you aren’t there so they take it upon themselves to try)

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I’m in the same boat. Told her she has to learn soon. Kinder in the fall :face_with_peeking_eye:

My 5 year old (6 in may) still refuses to wipe her butt. If she pees she’s got it no problem but poop is a whole other story she refuses to even try :woman_shrugging: