How do you tell your kids that you are broke?

Where are you located? I have clothes that would fit a kindergarten little girl!

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Depending on how you feel about it get in to being a waitress, you’d be surprised the money you could make and most serving jobs for morning shift is the same as school time.
I’m excited to get back to being a waitress and I know my bills can’t wait for me to get back in to it lol
And I explain to my 3 year-old that we can’t always get certain things at the moment or I explain what I’m substituting and why, money is tight and gas and groceries and clothes and laundry soap and rent have gone up by 5$ or more. (She’s not yelling at I’m assuming she understood?)

You don’t tell a 5 yr old ANYTHING about financial burdens. Cut back everywhere, get a job …whatever it takes.


I’m a single mom of 3. I dropped child support, because their dad is finally seeing them on weekends. Mine are, 12, 13, 17. I work and I get SSI for my 2 boy’s. Their check goes to rent and bill’s. My checks are for gas in the car and whatever we need at the house. It’s not easy! But I just started getting one thing at a time for school. Friday I got one of my boy’s shoe’s for school. Next week I’ll get them a few outfits. One step at a time. It is possible. Just because it doesn’t all happen before school starts, doesn’t mean you can’t still do it week by week and still get him some stuff for school. And you have one child. And he’s still younger. Get him a pair of shoes and a bookbag to start. Maybe some supplies from the dollar store. Then work on getting a few outfits. He doesn’t need thousands of dollars worth of stuff.

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Send a note to school in a sealed envelope to her teacher that says because of financial constraints you can’t currently buy the needed school supplies that they ask for. The PTO/PTA do fund raisers every year for this reason and they should be able to help. Also cut back on streaming services, extra amenities that you all don’t need right now as a way to save money. Getting food stamps won’t happen if you make over the given amount for members of your household and doesn’t take into account those kinds of frivolous bills as they’re not a necessity. Look into food pantries and churches that might help with a water bill or electric bill. Some have clothes closets too.


You dont…you find charities

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I was always honest with my kids if we didn’t have money. They learned to bargain shop, thrift store shop. You can and should appeal the denial. Also check Catholic charities, school programs, etc. There’s a lot of resources out there.


At that age they don’t care about going back to school shopping and really shouldn’t need anything for school. If you were to come home with a bag of second hand items from a friend or second hand store she wouldn’t know the difference. Don’t stress on material things that don’t make a difference she won’t remember the outfits you bought her for Kindergarten.


I feel like it’s so hard right now for everyone & everyone is struggling. With the cost of living, groceries & everything going up it’s hard to stay a float I’m sorry you are not alone though

She’s 5. Dont tell her anything. Do what you can. Start babysitting or petsitting from home. Do housecleaning jobs…lawn mowing jobs…anything. Can also be a surrogate and give the gift of a child to someone while making some big money to have in the bank. I just finished a surrogacy and we are investing the money into rental properties so just dont blow it without any return. Trying to set ourselves up where never have to worry about tough times anymore. Want that for our kids. To never have to go stand in line at food banks or worry about food stamps,medicaid,etc being cut out suddenly. I want to be able to oeave each kid a house and dependable vehicle with job, if they want to get into our business later on,when we pass. Make sure they never have to struggle like we have. …

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Sometimes you have to wait for the things you want. Right now is a waiting time. That’s what I told my boys. I don’t try to burden them with adult things but they get an attitude when you baby no or not right now. They need to understand there is a budget and it isn’t in the budget at this moment. Re-apply for food help sometimes they will deny you the first time just because. Check your local food pantries, outreach and churches for food help and back to school programs. I hope you are able to get what you need.

Email your school’s principal and explain your situation. I am a teacher and the schools always have extra supplies and even in the nurses office, they typically have backpacks and jackets (maybe even shoes) that other families have donated to help kids in need. There is no shame in needing a little assistance to get through this difficult time. Best of luck mama


I don’t think kids should be told about financial problems or other adult problems. Those are your burdens to carry not theirs. Let them be kids. Just do the best you can. Show goodwill and yard sales. Sale things you aren’t using anymore. Get school stuff at dollar tree.


See about a small loan cc or payday loan for your husband. A lot of sites also take after pay. You can pay in increments.
You don’t have to tell her anything she’s 5. But whatever you do has to be at her level of understanding.
Check your area for pantries and emergency funds

Do babysitting if you still have a child at home. If not, work when they are in school.

Location? I have school supplies


Broke or not, finances are not something you discuss with your kids, period. All you have to say is “We’re saving money” That’s all they need to know.


See if you can donate plasma.

There are give aways yhis time of year ask in your area

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Ask the school for help. Lots of times they have extra supplies for these kinds of situations.

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Dial 211 if you’re in the US. And check your Salvation Army.

There are several back to school programs through churches and lion clubs. Try to get to them so you can get some of the essentials

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Some places have plasma donation centers where you or your husband can go donate plasma & receive $100. Also see if any local places are giving free back packs & school supplies. Maybe check out second hand kids stores also, you can donate your child’s old clothes or toys etc & get store credit to get her gently used stuff. They sometimes have new items too.


Maybe there’s back to school give aways in your area my kids loved going to those


Sit down and talk to her quietly. Be honest. Use words she understands. Say you just don’t have the money. Kids will hear you talking and won’t understand what is going on. Better to be honest Upfront. Check with any local churches to see if they are having fund raisers or able to donate school supplies. Talk to your child’s teacher and be honest with him/her about not being able to afford any. Check with Boys/Girls’ clubs to see if there have been donations made.

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Honestly, I am just straight honest with my kids about it. And sometimes churches help with back to school supplies. I also let my kids know if someone helps us and we all thank them. I show my kids that it is ok to need and accept help, but it is also ok that when you can afford to help you pay back what help you got by paying it forward to someone else.


Most people have done it hard at least once, it’s not anything to be ashamed of just tell her what’s going on and you don’t have the money at the moment. Times are tough and you’ll get through it just hold on.

A good thing too at five kiddos have no real concept of back to school shopping. If you have even $5 to spare (count change around the house) go to a dollar tree and let her pick a folder, notebook, pencil case etc. she will be thrilled to pick even those few things and she won’t know the difference at that age. I would also communicate with the school and other resources for help. Do you have anything you could pawn to get some cash to hold you over? :pray:


Many places have stuff the backpack programs. See if the county or city know of a program. Ask a church. The food pantry may even know. 5 is a bit young to mention it.

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First, remember that the back to school list is a suggestion, especially in elementary school. Check with the teacher and you may find the essential items may cost less than $10. Walmart usually has much better sales than you would find at a dollar store. You need supplies at home also, like crayons, pencils, glue sticks, and paper. So if you can only afford a few things. Keep them at home. The teacher will make sure your student has what they need to do daily work at school. There are also many back to school events where students are given backpacks and supplies. Also check with your school. The school I taught at had a closet with supplies for needy students. Ask to speak with the school counselor. I also kept supplies in my room in case students needed them. Religious groups also often have collections of school supplies.


I’m 100% honest with my kids when I don’t have the money. Do I feel bad? Most certainly!! But sometimes life is hard and you get hit with unexpected things

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Try to go on the buy nothing groups in your area and ask for the things you need they really do help out


Everyone is broke right now. Smh. I started buying new school stuff months ago. Just a little out of every paycheck. The only way I could afford it.

Remind yourself that its not permanent.

Some car dealerships do back to school give aways. Can you reach out to family or friends for help. Most churches budget for these things. Never be ashamed or embarrassed to ask. And always gently explain to your children. Most understand better than you expect.


Where do you live? I have a few things you could have if you’re near Bossier City. :slight_smile:

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Be gentle but be honest and let them know

America is such a consumer country. Honestly kids don’t need any of those things other then supply’s to go back to school. She is 5 she probably doesn’t even really know or understand the hype of all that anyway. Maybe this year just grab one new outfit and cute pair of shoes at Walmart and call it good. Then grab her supply’s in small amounts most to least important I’m sure her teacher will work with you on that. Get on one of those Amazon wish list pages even maybe that will help.


One of the best one is to find the head place that collects good clothes and they give it to you for free

Where are you located? I don’t mind sending some school necessities to help a mama out!


That’s a tough spot. We’re fortunate here because our school district provides basic school supplies for all elementary age children


There is probably some places in your area to get back to school help. Like we have an event coming up where they do free hair cuts and all the kids get book bags with supplies maybe look into it. Also I know it might not be idea but you could try to get a night job. When my daughter was younger and I was with her dad he worked days i worked nights. I know exactly where you are I just picked up a second job. I don’t have any thing left after bills.

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Well you may be young and going through this you are at least able to work a extra job to earn extra money but use older folks are stuck with the money we have so we fall way behind

Our school did back to school clothes, supplies, and some do haircuts. Call the school. Ministries often help out with gently used clothes n shoes. Churches help those who are not members. Call, ask. Good luck.

Do you have a cashapp? I’d love to donate some to help


Send me a private message, please! I have tons of things that would fit a 5 year old girl. Shoes. Clothes. Most new or barely used. Good condition. Willing to pay for shipping or whatever as long as they go to good use :blush: my daughter is going on 7 and has outgrown them this past year.


Pray lord Jesus watch over this family :pray:t2:


You don’t need to tell your child if they’re 5.
They don’t even understand the concept of money. What they DO know is that mom and dad will take care of their needs. And you will. You will find a way.
This too shall pass.
Take help if it’s offered and find programs to help with things.
One foot in front of the other.
Prayer for you.


honestly pray and hope for the best, usually works for me by some miracle. But honestly
Look for local food banks, churches(sometimes they’re able to help), blessing boxes, go to your WIC office(usually your county’s health department) And try the food stamps office again but ask them about TANF and other assistance programs.
This is only one season in y’all life, you’ll get through it.

First of all, give yourself some grace, these are tough times for everyone. Just tell her the truth. Your on a budget. You stick to the budget and right now those things don’t fit into the budget.

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Can you make an Amazon wish list? I’m sure some of us can help. :heart::heart:

Ditto! :broken_heart: When you figure it out let me know :sob:

I hate that people put so much pressure and commercialize back to school. These kids all here started first day in shorts. It’s hot and they don’t need new shorts if the current ones still fit. I only get mine things as they need them. It’s such a show off mentality to me. Piles of clothes for what? Even school supplies, the first day the teacher said all she wanted was glue and to keep the rest at home til it is needed. :+1:t4:


If you could send us an Amazon wishlist, I’d love to help out


You maybe able to figure everything out, but it never hurts to have a little help.


You don’t involve kids in adult problems. You just figure it out.

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I’ve been the same way. The kids are having to wear clothes that they already have. But I’ll be getting them some next month. Just keep your head held high. It’ll get better :mending_heart:

Plenty of organizations.tell the school…I’m sure they will help . I know they will

Praying for you and your family :heartpulse:

I am always honest with my kids in every situation, with every question they have I answer as honestly and age appropriate as I can.

You say: “That’s not in our budget right now.”

Teach your child about being money wise, and protecting the environment instead.

“We don’t purchase new clothes because there’s so much second hand that we can help keep out of landfills”

“You already have a backpack that is perfectly fine. We will find a new one when that one is no longer useable. This helps protect the environment and saves us our hard earned money for other things”.

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Sadly people have completely blown school shopping way out of proportion these days, therefore making it even more stressful for the parents that cannot afford it. Reach out to the school, there are so many fundraisers, school drives etc that are going on right now. I’m a single mother and I utilized sites that accept after pay, which in turn helped me afford school shopping. Ask friends if they have clothes to at their kids don’t need anymore. It’s okay to ask for gelp

l Get paid over $127 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18137 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Get a job along with your husband