How do you wean a baby from sucking their thumb?

How did you wean your baby off of sucking his thumb?? Mines 15 months old


You donā€™t. They should grow out of it. Iā€™d simply ignore it unless or until they are old enough to understandā€¦ and then you could explain to them ā€œbig kidsā€ donā€™t do that but I wouldnā€™t make it a big deal.


Coming from a mom whose now 7 year old does itā€¦ Itā€™s incredibly hardā€¦ Nothing works for us. Probably going to take the dentist putting a wire in

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Maybe itā€™s just me, but I didnā€™t do anything about it. :woman_shrugging::laughing: Heā€™s 3-years-old and stopped sucking his thumb around 2.5-years-old. On his own. Your baby is still so young. :sweat_smile:

My daughter is 8 and still sucks her thumb. I have tried everything and nothing has worked.

We just pulled it out of kids mouth and made funny faces doing it as we said we donā€™t need that in our mouth.

Mines almost 5 and still does it :confused:

I stopped around 5 from being embarrassed to have sleep overs

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My 6 year old still does it

My step daughter is 22 and still sucks on her fingersā€¦

Iā€™m 42 and if I didnā€™t have long nails, I suck mine :smiley::smiley::smiley::melting_face::melting_face:

You donā€™t,ignore it,the more you fuss about it the more stressed baby will be ,the more theyā€™ll need to do it.Use distraction,Just calmly remove thumb and give a toy or a book or a cracker anything to break the act,but calmly no words just act


my son wanted to and I believe he was in the womb doing it, it found his face from birth. I pulled it away immediately! Iā€™ve seen the negative oral effects first hand with fam members. he was just fine

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My daughter has been sucking her thumb since she was in the womb. She is now 9ā€¦she has an expanderā€¦and bracesā€¦still working on completely kicking the habitā€¦it is really hardā€¦time and lots of patience and consistencyā€¦some outgrow it quickerā€¦than othersā€¦best of luckšŸ’—

Mine is 9.5 and has a wire plate in her mouth from sucking hers. I tried everything. Only thing that stopped it was something she didnā€™t like on her thumbs.

My 13 year old needed a bracket in the roof of his mouth to stopā€¦ I also recommend a trip to the dentist. I tried all the tricks and tips and nothing worked.

My son sucked his fingers until about 11/12. Probably for comfort, idkā€¦He did not have any negative oral effects

That kiddi will grow out of it when ready.

As someone who used to, by many means necessary. Itā€™s horrible on teeth. :pensive:
Tape their fingers, nail biter liquid on their nails, etc.
Itā€™s a soothing reaction. Usually in reaction to anxiety.

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