How did people wean their babies out of swaddles? My baby is 3.5 months old, and I am trying to get her out of a swaddle. She wore the Ollie swaddle since she was born and was either sleeping through the night or waking up only once to eat. Now she is waking up every 3 hours to eat, and is difficult to get back to sleep. I have tried the one arm out for a couple days, both arms out, legs out, etc. with the same results. She gets her arms and legs going and cannot settle them down herself easily. She was born at 36 weeks, and is not rolling over yet- but getting close. Thanks!
She is probably in a growth spurt. They eat more as they get older talk to her dr and see what they say about putting her on more ounce per feeding.
Little hat and mittens and some kind of socks that are a little loose. Helps just like swaddling. A little pablum to eat right before last feeding of the night will also help alot
One day my little dude woke up and no more swaddle! Around that age
Sleep regressions happen it stinks! But it won’t last! She won’t want to be swaddled forever either. There’s also bigger sleep sacks she might like or maybe even a bigger night time feeding! Babies play by their own rules for sure! Good luck mama!
Most likely she is going through a growth spurt. If she still had the startle reflex and isn’t rolling over yet I would just keep her swaddled and unfortunately you just have to deal with the many feeds.
It’s normal for babies to go through sleep regression at 2,4,6 months. Swaddling is not safe once the baby can roll or make big movements. Some people use the sleep sacks but they scare me personally.
My son was never swaddled and went through the same at about 4 months. His pediatrician said it’s normal at that age for them to go through a bit of sleep regression and wake up more.
Some babies just need to be swaddled. And sleep regressions and growth spurts happen all the time. Mine is 4 months next month and I still use her woobie and love to dream swaddle. There are transitional swaddles in those brands.
She is too old to be swaddled. And you just do it. No weaning. Pull the trigger she will get used to it. Her life depends on it.
My son was so restless without being swaddled. It was like he was being scared and he would jump and his arms and legs would go like u said. When the swaddles got too small I would just wrap him in a bigger blanket. He stayed swaddled until he was like 10 months
I swaddled mine until swaddling gave them discomfort as they wanted to move around more.
My daughter came out sleeping thru the night and around three months she would wake up screaming uncontrollably multiple times through the night and no matter what we did she wouldn’t go back down, when we took her to the doctor they told us she had thrush and after she had medicine for it for a day or two she went right back to her normal sleeping schedule. So I would talk to your pediatrician and see what they think could be going on
My baby is 7 months old and there are still times I have to swaddle her and she falls right to sleep. I use a thin long blanket. I swaddle her and she falls right to sleep it’s very comforting to her. Once I place her in her crib and she’s in a deep sleep I unswaddle her. If u need to do it for the baby to go to sleep and if your scared the baby is going to roll over then unwrap the swaddle when their sleeping. I take the blanket off her and she stays asleep
The magic Mervins baby sleep suite was one of the only things that worked during transition for me. I would pay the $40 a million times over for it
We used a sleep sack that had no holes for the arms, but he could still move them around. Then we used a little carseat newborn head frame/pillow thing to make him feel secure, so he didn’t trigger his falling reflex constantly. Then when he could start rolling over, we got one with the arms out.
She might be cluster feeding
The zipadee-zip worked great for us
Maybe because shes getting bigger she might be more hungry
I didn’t! I just got bigger blankets and swaddled them with that, using a nappy nippa to fasten it in place. They got over wanting to be swaddled between 6 and 9 months.
Honestly mine always self weaned around the time they were starting to learn to slightly roll over. Maybe identify why baby wants swaddled to begin with? Aka babies who are sleeping in a crib instead of say a bassinet are more likely to want/need it bc babies hate all that open space. It makes them feel scared. Replace swaddling with a music mobile that has a projector too, things that can be attached to crib bars that make soothing music. White noise machine, ect
Merlin magic did wonders for us! After that we went to the zipadee zip!
Swaddle as long as she will let you! She likes the swaddle because it makes her feel safe. Why would you want to wean her of that? Eventually she will not want to be swaddled, on her own, and when that happens she will never be still again; enjoy it while you can!
Loved the zipadee zip
Keep swaddling her. She will eventually stop wanting to be swaddled. I think my son was about 6 or 7 months old when he started getting out of his swaddle to sleep. Some babies love the feel of it. It makes them feel secured. I suggest to keep swaddling until the baby starts coming out of it on her own.
She was born a bit early. How much did she weigh? She’s just not ready, give her some more time. She will get there. Just remember, she won’t graduate high school nursing on a bottle or wear diapers the day she marries. She will grow up and before you know it, be out on her own. Cherish these times. I know it’s hard, but you will never get these baby times back. Enjoy them, please. Children grow up so fast that you don’t even realize it. This too will pass.
Babies are supposed to wake up once or twice to take the breast or bottle at that age and more to help with growth and development. I would worry more if she didn’t wake up at night. Swaddling helps babies feel safe. I would not want to take that feeling away from any child until they were ready. There are a multitude of reasons why a baby may need an object and/or swaddling longer than another baby…but taking them away too soon can cause emotional issues for them as they can feel a deep sense of loss or fear that isn’t good for them. 3.5 months is still very, very young.
I remember asking my mom if my daughter would be deformed from being swaddled to long needless to say she weaned herself around 6 7 months
Co-signing all the other ZippaDeeZip comments!
“Saved my life” lol
Seriously worth it
Love them!
Lol my kid is 6 and will randomly ask if ill roll her up!
Don’t worry about it until she can roll over. Then she will slowly need it less and less.
Just swaddle with a blanket instead of a Velcro hospital swaddle. So if your baby does roll over she can at least get her arms free easily without being restricted. But still gets the comfort if swaddling
And don’t swaddle arms down just let them curl thier arms upward toward chest for easy movement
Idk if you ever wean them​:rofl:. My 17 year old still swaddles himself in his blankets.
Why wean her from that? Why not just keep swaddling her until she naturally out grows it. As she gets older she will start moving around more in her sleep kick herself loose and she will gradually get used to not being swaddled.
My granddaughter is 2 1/2 and has sleep sacks both legs and arms out she will not sleep without being put in it … we started with the swaddle and moved up as she outgrew it it also keeps her warm at night
We weaned a bit later. But we did one arm out and then both arms out as he started rolling over. Honestly it wasn’t an easy transition and he did wake more often for several weeks.
I used the blankets that you put their arms through and zip up after swaddles. But I used swaddles for a long time. I used them until all my babies started rolling over on their own.
I would try a sleep sack. There’s weighted ones too that may help give the feeling she’s tucked tight but really isn’t cause her arms are out.
Keep swaddling, she will let you know when she is ready. Early babies have an adjusted age anyway, so she’s still “younger” than she is :). Swaddle, sleep, and count blessing she likes to sleep
Tuck in blanket or the sleep sacks work great too !!
My kids just grew out of it, started hating the restricted feeling once they discover their hands etc.
I don’t think you can wean them from this just switch to a sleep sack or something🤷🏼‍♀️
Oh fuck figure it out i had 4 kids i figured it out fuck go see a therapist