Okay seriously how do you work through the 3rd trimester? I’m 34 weeks today. All I do all day is sit at a fitting room counter answering phones and sorting through clothes that either need thrown away or new tags. That’s it. And I was only able to work 2 days last pay period. 2. I can’t afford to keep missing work. Thankfully my job doesn’t penalize for pregnancy related absences but I need to be able to work 40 hours a week for at least another month. How do you pull yourself out of bed when your pelvis feels like it’s about to explode, you’re nauseous as heck, you barely slept 3 hours before you have to get ready for work, and your psych meds that regulate your mood and give you the little bit of motivation to get out of bed aren’t working because your hormones are too high? My boyfriend swears up and down he’s okay with me not working as much because he knows how hard it is. But the reality is we aren’t financially prepared for him to be the only one paying bills yet. And he’s so stressed. I need to be able to get out of bed and go to work but physically moving hurts so bad. Help.
I worked until about 40 weeks with my first and 39 weeks with my second, it was tough but I knew I still had bills to pay as well as a baby on the way so I just pushed through and did it.
See if you qualify for short term disability.
I had the same issue but knew we needed the money I worked up until I felt my first couple contractions then figured they weren’t stopping so that was my sign to go have a baby but my contractions lasted for 3dsys.
I never worked during pregnancy. Times have changed so much since then . Now it seems it takes two incomes to make it ! Praying for you !
I worked up until delivery day with all three of my kids. A bit uncomfortable, yes…but definitely doable in my case.
I think each person is just different. I worked up until literally 6 hours before I had my son cause he came 15 days early and I was at work that day when I had to leave to go to the hospital. But I would definitely try the band to see if that would help with the pain.
You gotta do what you gotta do to make money…1st one (at 21) i worked almost up to detailing cars. 2nd (at 35) i worked at a car auction, running a crew, moving cars, jumping them, in and out of all vehicles, non stop until 5 days before I had my daughter…made delivery really easy being so active
I feel so bad for American moms when I see these posts… I went on medical leave at 31 weeks because I work in healthcare and was getting too sore. I live in Canada where I am able to get financial support without worry.
I pray for you to do what’s best for you and make it to delivery
I worked until 39 weeks with my daughter as a CNA I Would of went longer but ended up having pregnancy complications! The only thing I had a problem with was being out of breath
Look into belly support bands and hip stretches…
I didn’t work my first pregnancy. My second I worked two jobs, one as a medical assistant and one at Babies R Us for the discount while finishing up school. My third I also worked two jobs medical assistant and babies r us. I was always on my feet and going before I got pregnant so nothing changed. My second was born 12/21 at 7:15 am. I worked until 10 pm the night before. The third was a scheduled c section because she was breech. I worked until the Friday before my Tuesday c section. I tried working on Monday but my office refused to let me come in lol my last I was head teacher in the infant room at a daycare. I just rocked babies all day. I had no choice but to work.
Ya I hear u I’m 37 weeks still cleaning houses with help. Thank god tomorrow is my last day
I got myself a belly band, heating pad before work to relax my muscles, and had tums on hand. It sucked!! I had 24/7 bad heartburn, acid reflux, hyperemesis gravidarum, and full body pain. I worked at a shipping hub (very active) and it was honestly hell. I kept a trash can right next to me and had snacks I knew I could handle. I worked up until the day I gave birth at 41 weeks. It was very taxing and stressful🥲
Have you tried a belly band for the pelvic pressure? Honestly, if you’re not financially ready to leave work now you won’t be when you really need to so maybe just leave no and re budget the finances. If you’re still not comfortable with that i would talk to your doctor. I’m not entirely sure but I don’t think being nauseous in the third trimester is normal. You may need extra vitamins. If you’re not already participating you can look into wic and other government assistance programs. They have a lot of programs for expectant mothers and nursing mothers.
How are you pregnant with a man’s baby and he ain’t paying all ur bills? We gonna have to do better mamas.
I’m a dental hygienist. It is very stressful on my hips, back and neck and I get sore, but push through it because it’s life. I worked up until a few days before I had my first 2 kids, and am currently still working pregnant with number 3 at 36 weeks and am scheduled to work until 4 days before my induction date. I do go to the chiropractor monthly and that helps alot, but I still have alot of lower back pain. Some days it is hard to get moving but I take my two daughters to school in the am before work too so I just know i have to get up and get moving. I don’t really understand when people just stop working, I was really sick even with the first trimester and cleaning peoples teeth sometimes made me gag and even throw up, but I just think - suck it up- unless you have the luxury of money and being at home not working and are going to be a sahm, then you need to get up and contribute and prepare for the expense of a baby.
If you work where i think you do(as i do) and are full-time, try to do a medical LOA through sedgwick for the remainder of your pregnancy under short term disability. They will send you a packet for your dr to fill out and send back. Then( if you are fulltime) you get 16 paid weeks of maternity leave. 10 weeks minus 1st week you have to use pto then 6 weeks bonding time.
I felt better while pregnant than any other time. I had 6 never experience morning sickness. My 2nd child I worked all day on my feet went home wash and went to the hospital where he was born 6 hours later. I was so bless in carrying my children. Hope it get better.
With my first I sat at the visitor center of a military installation which was boring but I made it work and just got up and moved every chance I could. Middle I was tending to a 2 year old so had no choice but be up going doing. With my last little I worked in the back room of a major retailer handling freight, pulling pallets of freight to and from storeroom and running the lift. Continuing to push myself doing the work made the pregnancy so much easier than even the first 2. If you truly can physically manage the work about your only choice is a Drs note to go on FMLA and then apply for assistance with everyplace you can.
You and your baby’s health are the most important. Maybe try a few hours a day instead of all day and you may be able to work more days. Keep your head up. Mommas are strong and resilient. You got this.
I worked in a nursing home kitchen up til 37 weeks & was on bedrest a week before they induced me with my first, & only up til 5 months with my twins, with the twins though i had severe sciatic nerve issues & carpal tunnel to the point i could barely do anything. My ob put me on continuous bedrest at 27 weeks because of pre-eclampsia til they did an emergency csection at 34 weeks.
I worked up until 39w and some odd days with my first two.
Lord it’s hard, the first one I was working two jobs and on my feet ALL day. Also threw up the entire time. It’s HARD but you can do it. You gotta do what you gotta do to get a paycheck.
The last weeks literally take the longest but you’ll get your much needed break after it comes.
I’ve seen a lot of people use the belly tape to take a lot of the extra pressure off your pelvic area/lower back.
Those last couple weeks I swear they are going to fall out they are SO low.
I worked until 40 weeks. I would’ve kept working but my supervisor made me go on maternity leave
Try a belly band and paradoxically, more exercise. Walk, preggo yoga, swimming, Tai Chi, any type of breath work—whatever you can manage. Get up frequently from your perch at work and move around in place or walk around the workplace. Stretch. Eat well & also paradoxically cut out caffeine. Keep taking your prenatal vitamins—maybe two a day if you’re feeling whipped. Prenatal massage if you can afford it and have a local practitioner.
See what tasks you can jettison or have someone else do so you can spend more time in bed getting sleep, even if it’s in 1-hour increments.
Good luck! The last month of pregnancy can feel like a year sometimes.
Oh, if you’re overweight, lose some pounds to make it easier on your body.