How do your kids manage in school with ADHD?

I have a question for moms/parents who have young kiddos in elementary school as Identified with ADHD. My Kindergartner has been Identified this year (primarily by the school)! I reached out to the pediatrician myself to have it ruled out because of family history on the father’s side (the father’s mental disorders) and ADHD. So the Dr. viewed the paperwork that the school filled out and said yes, it is ADHD from that. From there, she was placed on the typical ADHD medication and was given the IEP/504 plan. She’s a very smart child; her state test scores are super high-but sitting and focus are a real issue. The meds are still not right at this point, and I find I am spending hours either e-mailing, talking on the phone with Drs or the school or picking her up early from school-or her not going at all because of this problem. If she can’t sit quietly at a desk and complete her work, the teacher sends her to the office. The thing is, although she can, she dislikes writing! She is capable; however, they are pushing KG! Many sentences with proper nouns, adj, verbs, etc., and proper punctuation. Again, she can-it’s just the chore of the task she hates! And gets bored with the completion of writing. She knows what compound words are what’s the diff. Between an airplane and a jet, all the planets, etc., and tons of smart things. What are accommodations for some of your kids with ADHD? I know this is not following the law! I am going nuts here. I have done everything that has been asked. And more! What is working well for your kids? I need advice, please!